***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 , what do you think is the reason that Trump doesn't urge his supporters to take COVID seriously by wearing masks and social distancing? Why do you think he instead chooses to hold rallies during a pandemic where people are neither wearing masks nor social distancing?

This seems pretty obvious: because he likely thinks that packed rallies will help his election chances.
what delk fails to realize is that you are voting for a president and HIS ADMINISTRATION. His philosophy. His friends. His family. Etc.

you cant separate trump from the acts of the people he has under him. Its the whole shebang bang.

This is a fair take. For consistency's sake, do you apply this same logic to local administrations? For example, can you separate the Mayor of New York City from the acts of the police chief in New York City? Or is that not possible because the Mayor appointed him? Same for Atlanta, etc.

This is a fair take. For consistency's sake, do you apply this same logic to local administrations? For example, can you separate the Mayor of New York City from the acts of the police chief in New York City? Or is that not possible because the Mayor appointed him? Same for Atlanta, etc.
If you're in a leadership position, you have a duty to take the good with the bad, regardless of whether you're personally directly involved. Coaches and GMs get fired in the NBA all the time without ever dribbling a ball. If you're the leader, it is your job to make sure everyone that reports up to you functions well.
If you're in a leadership position, you have a duty to take the good with the bad, regardless of whether you're personally directly involved. Coaches and GMs get fired in the NBA all the time without ever dribbling a ball. If you're the leader, it is your job to make sure everyone that reports up to you functions well.

I don't disagree.

But, I know that many in here distinguish between Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD.

I would think this would be heightened if Mayor de Blasio was under investigation by the NYPD.
This is a fair take. For consistency's sake, do you apply this same logic to local administrations? For example, can you separate the Mayor of New York City from the acts of the police chief in New York City? Or is that not possible because the Mayor appointed him? Same for Atlanta, etc.

People ******* hate de Blasio because of pretty much everything and roasted Bloomberg because of stop and frisk to the point he had to drop out of the race. This is an awful example
People ****ing hate de Blasio because of pretty much everything and roasted Bloomberg because of stop and frisk to the point he had to drop out of the race. This is an awful example

I know that is the case with Bloomberg (as you see, I didn't mention him), but I see different takes related to de Blasio.

With cases of police turning their backs on him, etc.

Also different as it relates to Mayor Bottoms despite the recent stories in Atlanta.
he passed a screening test for dementia and thinks he's a genius lol

this echoes that twitter thread i posted earlier about how this is textbook white supremacy. lower the bar so much for whites like trump that he ends up looking like a god when he's nothing but a below-average idiot.

Last night I put on this movie on Netflix movie “Enemy” with Jake Gyllenhall. It started with him as a professor, lecturing his students about dictatorships and it rang so true of current day America:

Control, it's all about control. Every dictatorship has one obsession and that's it. In ancient Rome they gave the people bread and circuses. They kept population busy with entertainment but other dictatorships used other strategies to control ideas, the knowledge... how do they do that? Lower education, they limit culture, censor information, they censor any means of individual expression and is important to remember this, that this is a pattern, that repeats itself through out history.

The movie was from 2013 too so they were light years ahead
dwalk31 dwalk31 we still waiting on that special definition of lying

Something can be factually inaccurate and not a lie.

Read it again.

A lie is based on the information known to the speaker at the time of the statement. And it involves a deliberate attempt to deceive. It is not just an untruth, but an intentional untruth.

That isn't a special definition of a lie, it is the definition.
And it involves a deliberate attempt to deceive.

wonder why that lie sounds so familiar

o yea

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dwalk31 dwalk31 do you think Trump saying "Kung Flu" at his rally is racist?
Or is your answer "I can see how one would come to the conclusion he is racist from that verbiage but I cannot imply he is a racist preson"
**** it. If y’all really want dwalks response to everything imma do the same with aepps20 aepps20

So aepps20 aepps20 , why are the libs so bad at math? More testing= more positives. Stop the testing, stop the disease.

Fully expecting all sorts of ****ery in todays primaries man :smh:

Already seen 95% of polling places closed for Bookers primary in Louisville in the last week

Hope Jamaal wins but goddamn his people been harassing me lately :smh:
He actually called me this morning and I declined the call cuz I'm tired of the whole campaign
he passed a screening test for dementia and thinks he's a genius lol

this echoes that twitter thread i posted earlier about how this is textbook white supremacy. lower the bar so much for whites like trump that he ends up looking like a god when he's nothing but a below-average idiot.
Yeah, your basic white supremacist constantly demands that white mediocrity be celebrated more than black excellence.
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