***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In 2016, 83% of Bernie’s primary voters voted for Clinton in the general. The number will be similar in 2020. Now you probably think that number should be 100% but that’s not realistic. For context, only 75% of 2008 Clinton primary voters voted for Barack Obama in the general election.

this gets posted every time the "95.9999% of Bernie supporters voter for HRC" gets thrown out there and y'all still making up numbers :lol:

the Cooperative Congressional Election Study surveyed 50,000+ people
So, according to you, a candidate's decades-long record of political action should be disregarded in favor of whatever they are pressured into putting into their current campaign platform?

And, within an internal Democratic Party context, who the president is doesn't really matter since what really matters is the level of relative progressivism of the party's most conservative congressperson?

Its ironic because you are already selectively ignoring one candidates decades-long record of political action in favor of selectively choosing which votes you disliked from 25 years ago. Maybe let me put one candidates decades long record of political action into perspective in the form a real life example:

-At age 21 I tore up my knee playing basketball in college. Ironically I tore cartilage showing off trying to do a windmill on a 9.5 foot hoop (I obviously failed). I went to the doctor, got an MRI, and had to have arthroscopic surgery on it to fix the tear. Literally the only reason I was able to have said surgery was because of a provision in Obamacare that allowed me to stay on my parent's insurance until I was 26.

-At age 25 I ****** up my knee again training for a marathon. Same issue, but except for a sudden tear, I had gradual worn and frayed cartilage in my knee and needed to get it shaved via another arthroscopic surgery. Again, I was able to have this surgery because my parents had a better plan than I could currently afford out of college so I could stay on their plan, but not only that, our insurance company couldn't classify it as a pre-existing condition and deny our claim. You can say what you want about Obamacare and whether it was a failed policy, but Obama and Biden help do that for me.

-At age 22 I finally got my MBA and graduated in May. I had my first professional job already lined up, but it didn't start until October of that year. In that time I worked two jobs to pay rent and my loans, but it still wasn't enough. By the time I started work at my first professional job, I had a grand total of $4 in my bank account and my monthly student loan payment was $750. I had graduated with a little over $60K in student loan debt and had to get loans from a bunch of different sources. My first professional job paid me $43k a year. You wont have to do a bunch of math to figure out that even with a $43K job, I still wasn't going to be able to afford rent, a car, and to make 100% of my student loan payments. Thanks to Obama and Biden, I was able to sign up for an income based repayment plan and continue paying on my federal loans without defaulting and wrecking my credit score. Thankfully I have most of my loans paid off with the exception of about $5k in loans that I took out when I was 17 that I had no idea were 20 year loans instead of 10. Say what you want about incremental improvement, but based on the law at the time, without that plan I would have defaulted on my loans and could not have them discharged in bankruptcy and my life would have been drastically different than it is now because I wouldn't have been able to get loans for anything.

-Since we have been consistently talking about climate change, when I graduated from college there was a glut of large SUVs out there that got absolutely god awful gas mileage and were terrible for the climate. I don't know if you remember those ford excursions and hummers that got like 6 mpg, but Obama and Biden helped put into place policies that forced auto makers to increase the MPG requirements to the extent that my SUV now gets 30-35 MPG and is much more efficient than what vehicles were 10 years ago. Obama and Biden also got us into the Paris Agreement which got a bunch of countries to agree to pollution reduction.

Now take a look at the last 30 years of Bernie Sanders policies and tell me what he has taken the lead and gotten passed to help with Healthcare, Student Loans, and Climate Change. Which of these bills has made any changes of the significant issues he is campaigning on?


I'll give Bernie a great deal of credit because he has done an incredible job of moving the conversation toward issues that a lot of young people such as myself face/faced, but at some point those issues have to go from ideas to paper and get passed with enough votes in the senate to become law and you keep ignoring that fact. I would have had absolutely zero issues voting for Bernie and have said such many times, but I can look back at the last 10 years of my life and visibly be able to communicate that one candidate has made my life better. I can't look back at what Bernie has done and say the same. Despite talking about this stuff for decades, he has not passed a sweeping health care bill, student loan bill, or climate change bill. Only one candidate in the race has helped spearhead that, but you can continue to selectively ignore that.

You are free to vote whichever way you choose and if you think moving the country 3 steps forward then 10 steps backwards is the best course of action then that is your prerogative and I implore you to exercise it. If you actually look at Biden's plans and what he has actually done in the last 10 years and think that Trump is still the better candidates then that's fine, you've at least done research and voted based on what you think is best for you (and maybe your family??????).

I lived poor my entire life up until a couple years ago when I turned 28 and got a promotion and could visibly see changes in my life for the better. Being poor ******* sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Choosing between what type of Ramen you are going to eat when you are 24 years old because it was a choice between healthy food or paying rent and student loans is choice I hope that future generations don't have to make. Choosing to work a **** load of overtime throughout the year to get a couple decent meals a week because your employer pays for overtime meals when you have worked more than 10 hours shifts is a choice I hope no one has to make.

But at the end of the day, none of these plans or issues really affect me right now other than climate change and that may not have a significant impact in my lifetime but will affect my daughter. I'm voting for Biden because I would like to see my daughter have a better and easier life than I had and when I look at the policies of Trump versus Biden, its clear which candidate is the better choice for that. If Biden loses and we get Trump again, cool, my taxes stay low and I just keep contributing to a 529 plan for her college. No sweat here other than reading constant head shaking headlines from the dip**** in command. But for the millions who are still facing these issues then what? They can just go **** themselves because you would rather political ideology win out over real world action? They don't deserve change because no change at all is better than incremental change? I just don't under stand it.
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I’ve been told that Bernie supporters, younger people especially, are unreliable voters and therefore, Biden should ignore that group and focus on older and more affluent voters and appeal to them with centrist policy proposals.

What if I told you he already adopted some on Senator Warren's plans to help attract younger voters instead of just ignoring them altogether?
1) it’s not just Biden supporters

2) because we saw what happened just a few years ago

3) we are reminded on a daily basis the ramifications of what happened a few years ago

AT the end of the day Biden got to convince people to vote for him. He knows that. All these “Do it cause Trump is evil and scary and the SC” arguments don’t work. Hillary literally said those things in 2016 and the republicans cheated for the Win. Biden cannot hope to squeak by, that is a Republican privilege only. Biden has to get massive support. The rule of thumb is treat anyone who isn’t voting for your candidate a independent voter and go and earn their vote. Don’t harangue them about how they aren’t being good voters or sore losers. Persuade them Biden is good for them. I say that as far from a Biden supporter.
If anyone wants to look at how razor thin the margins were in the 2016 election, you can look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania:

Trump 2,279,543
Clinton 2,268,839
Jill Stein 51,463

Trump 1,405,284
Clinton 1,382,536
Jill Stein 31,072

Trump 2,970,733
Clinton 2,926,441
Stein 49,941

Those three states change by the amount of votes that Jill Stein got, then Hillary Clinton is the president right now.

and for ****s and giggles here is Florida

Trump 4,617,886
Clinton 4,504,975
Stein 64,399

If you look at that, then it is pretty easy to see that this is why this discussion matters.
Biden has nothing to gain by focusing on the center. He has them. Most of them view him as nothing more than a vessel for which to win in November anyway. Any Bernie supporters who are actual progressives and really want to see the change he championed should be working to push Biden as far left as possible. Because that is actually within the realm of possibility. And in the same vain, Biden should be courting these supporters and reaching out to "far left" groups.

agree. Biden has to make extra effort to attract progressives but progressives also need to be attractable. the rules of the game are the wings of the parties find ways to gain support on issues without distorting the overall tenor of the campaign

Republicans do this with ease (judges, guns, etc). Bernie or bust progressives could play a similar game but it hasn't been their style. they don't have any specific demands that I'm aware of

it would be like kids negotiating with their parents and instead of going for a higher allowance or less of a curfew, they decide they want the household to be run as a pure collective with the Parental Establishment being knocked down from its privileged position. then act as if it's a historical injustice when the Parental Establishment declines to go along with that plan

these progressives aren't Bernie specific and will support other progressive candidates in the future as they have in the past. which is fine - until it comes time to vote and what they want isn't on the menu (like it isn't for most of us)
I commend Bernie for what he was able to pull off, and the coalition he was able to build (even with this failures).

But when it comes to the primary, Bernie Sanders basically pulled off that Jesse Jackson did in the 1980s.

But somehow I should stand back in amazement at his accomplishment. Something a brotha did damn near 35 years before him.

Ohhhh to be white in a America, ain't it grand.
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You didn’t ask other candidates or their supporters to engage in deep introspection.

If anything, liberal candidates, who lose, should engage in introspection because our system is set up for them to win elections. By contrast, the system is designed to prevent a socialist from winning. Bernie did far better than the political and material realities of America suggested he could do.
:lol: Man miss me with this..

You dudes are trying to expose some hypocrisy that isn't there because you all are in your feelings about Sanders. I criticized nearly every candidate and most types of voters in this primary, some more harshly than others. Now because I didn't make a particular type of post when other candidates dropped out, it some damn issue.

As I said, the level of buffoonery from some Sander camp is unique. In real spaces, in online spaces, in this thread, Sanders supporters showed their *** more. In fact, you were one of the worst offenders at times.

-Sure liberal candidates and their supporters should show introspection, of course.

-The same broken electoral system, cost liberals like it cost socialist. The issue, especially when it comes to the Dem primary, is that socialist has not found a way to overcome it yet. Bernie had a fair chance of winning the primary, he couldn't, and all things considered, that is on him. Congrats to him for what he could pull off but ole boy, but in the end, his mistake cost him.

And the punchline to this was for the next guy to do better. It wasn't trying to kick Sanders supporters when they are down, which I could. Of all the **** I could of post, of all the punches I could have thrown, of all the mocking I could have done, I chose to say that generally, people should try to correct Bernie's mistakes for next time.

A few days after Hillary lost, Bernie was talking that "Dems don't know how to talk about white working-class people." When the wound was fresh last time, Sanders peddled some untrue nonsense about economic anxiety to tell the Party to practice self-reflection. You were in here backing that play; you were on the same steez. So if you are trying to expose some hypocrisy, start with yourself.

-A week before things came crashing down, your *** was in here talking unity because it seemed Bernie pulled it off. The same liberals in here that you have an issue with now said they were committed to voting for Sanders.

Natural political forces made his risky plan come crashing down, and right away your *** come in here to spew some stupid rant about black people preventing progress. And when you back away from that nonsense, you came back with some other **** to take some ****ty Biden voters and try to paint everyone on the left that doesn't agree with you like that. When you couldn't stand behind that at the time, with was some rants about the PMC this, and PMC that. Then you swore that you would be more careful with how you paint people in here with a wide brush, but now your are upset that commitment is out the window. You are in no position to talk about consistency in posting.

-I voted for Sanders in 2016, and because Warren was not viable in my caucus, my 2020 vote went to Bernie too. I have given dude money and defended him in plenty of threads. I don't want to have to vote for Joe Biden; I hoped Bernie would pull it off. I will hope the next guy like him pulls it off. So I hope the next guy will learn from Prime's mistakes. And I hope that his supporters do the same. Think more deeply about a winning strategy.

You dudes don't want consistency; you dudes just feel entitled to a thread where your favorite candidate and his supporters never face criticism.
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my candidate?!

The Democrats could nominate Elizabeth warren’s dog bailey AND he would be my candidate

I don’t think Biden is the best choice, I just think he’s a better choice than the slob that is currently there
Rex is in his feelings about Bernie

So it is time for him to act like everyone is the worst form of liberal he can think of. (even after he said he would stop doing this)

Be thankful he didn't call you a racist doe.

If Biden loses, I am sure he will be happy to come in here on some I told you so steez. And make comments about the Democratic Party and Joe, that if someone made about Bernie, he would be pissed about.
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Rex is in his feelings about Bernie

So it is time for him to act like everyone is the worst form of liberal he can think of.

Be thankful he didn't call you a racist doe.

If Biden loses, I am sure he will be happy to come in here on some I told you so steez. And make comments about the Democratic Party and Joe, that if someone made about Bernie, he would be pissed about.

The ironic thing is you can tell his posts come from a position of privilege. He cares about poor people and students but he has never really had to deal with the issues that most poor people or students face and it affords him the position and privilege to sit back and tell others how to deal with being poor. "Only my candidate will fix all these issues and no one else can so you either vote for him or these issues never get solved and we vote for Trump or dont vote at all."

There are pages of him talking about hypothetical scenarios of being poor, but when it comes down to it you can tell he has never had to make the choice between food and rent and it shows. He would much rather his ideology win than see someone else address real world issues and sit back and tell people its not enough.
Help me understand why some Bernie Bros are opting to vote Green Party rather than voting for Biden in November?

What is the benefit? Saw a lot of people of twitter defending this.
Help me understand why some Bernie Bros are opting to vote Green Party rather than voting for Biden in November?

What is the benefit? Saw a lot of people of twitter defending this.

I'd imagine that it forces the Democratic Party further left for the next cycle.
Help me understand why some Bernie Bros are opting to vote Green Party rather than voting for Biden in November?

What is the benefit? Saw a lot of people of twitter defending this.
Because they were never really liberals to begin with. A vote for anyone other than the Democratic candidate is a vote for Trump, and that includes people who sit out the election. All of them are MAGAs in my book.

And with open arms we welcome them all aboard the Trump Train! Choooo choooo to all the loser libs. It's not too late to change your minds, Dumbocrats. A vote for Trump is a vote for Bernie!
Help me understand why some Bernie Bros are opting to vote Green Party rather than voting for Biden in November?

What is the benefit? Saw a lot of people of twitter defending this.

I believe the rationale is things will get so ****** in the next 4 years that America will be forced to make a change. Its a bunch of people who come from a position of privilege who are willing and able to sit back and watch things get worse because it doesn't necessarily affect them.

I am almost positive they’re seizing supplies to redistribute and make the administration look good
I'd imagine that it forces the Democratic Party further left for the next cycle.
But what's confusing is that these people are on the same page in wanting to get Trump out of office. But would prefer to squander their vote to give Trump a higher percentage of being re-elected.

I just find their views sort of contradictory.
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