***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I'm a Black man in America.

I am also in a black man in America

I grew up as a black boy in the Caribbean, away from US **** talk about Cuba

Many of the friends and family have travel to Cuba for many reason including healthcare

Cuba sent doctors to my island to help out, for which I am appreciative

But on aggregate, the Cuban government ain't ****.

The Cuban people, including the black Cuban people, deserve better than the ******** they get.

A whataboutism about America doesn't change that. Criticism for one can coexist with criticism for the other.
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I waa talking to a co-worker and he made a interesting point. Was Trump going out his way to say the virus came from China and what not because he was scared that people would call the Virus "The Trump Virus" and use his name as a way to indicate the disease. Like "my Cousin has the Trump...." Also if you replace his name every time someone says COVID19 or Coronavirus...... it logically fits.

I expect Biden to incorporate more of her ideas as time goes by......
This comment sounds so ridiculous that people (especially in the media) will not pick up that he is basically telling blue states to **** off, that he is not required to help them with they are ran by Democrats.

"Ourselves" is red states, and swing states controlled by Republicans.

Dude is ****ing evil.

I am going to tell you right now they'll burn his ******* buildings down in NYC if he does this. Its taken a lot less for riots to break out than people losing family members over this idiots spitefulness.
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