***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The balance fallacy is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when two sides of an argument are assumed to have equal or comparable value regardless of their respective merits, which (in turn) can lead to the conclusion that the answer to a problem is always to be found between two extremes. The latter is effectively an inverse false dilemma, discarding the two extremes rather than the middle.

While the rational position on a topic is often between two extremes, this cannot be assumed without actually considering the evidence. Sometimes the extreme position is actually the correct one, and sometimes the entire spectrum of belief is wrong, and truth exists in an orthogonal direction that hasn't yet been considered.

Balance is often a problem in the media, where confrontational or adversarial journalism might present more of a controversy about some topic than actually exists, giving equal time to fringe minority viewpoints to draw in viewers. It is effectively the opposite of bias — whereas bias over-emphasises one view to the detriment of another legitimate, well-supported view to give the impression of one being favoured, false balance over-emphasises a minority or unsupported view to the detriment of a well-supported view to give the impression that neither is favoured.

Little wonder why PBS is the lone outlier.

"giving equal time to fringe minority viewpoints to draw in viewers" = corporate owned media.

The business of business is business,.

Corporate owned media exists to generate profits via viewership ratings which equate to ad revenue.

The faces you see speaking to you are millionaires who are owned by billionaires.

They act accordingly and so should we.
Part of the problem is that where the lines have been drawn in these dynamics is so far to the right that you get reactionary proto-fascists as one "side" and then folks in the center or just slightly left of it as the other "side."

So the Donald Trump's and Stephen Miller's of the world are normalized and the Bernie Sanders's and AOC's are cast as extremist radicals.
Bern looking like he will have a strong plurality. So before it even gets to the convention, Beezy probably gonna endorse him, and every salty Dem gonna have to just swallow it. Come convention time, Bams gonna walking around the arena, smacking the fire out of anyone even thinking about staging a coup. And making sure they are only worried about one thing ...

The media just wants to fan the flames until then. I'm not worried.
Please Lordtt.
Bern looking like he will have a strong plurality. So before it even gets to the convention, Beezy probably gonna endorse him, and every salty Dem gonna have to just swallow it. Come convention time, Bams gonna walking around the arena, smacking the fire out of anyone even thinking about staging a coup. And making sure they are only worried about one thing ...

The media just wants to fan the flames until then. I'm not worried.

I think the convention forces him to take a moderate VP. Like Prime our here talking about Tulsi is a fine person, and has tapes shouting out Castro. I legit don’t want him picking the person who gets the presidency if worst comes to worst without some outside counsel.
Part of the problem is that where the lines have been drawn in these dynamics is so far to the right that you get reactionary proto-fascists as one "side" and then folks in the center or just slightly left of it as the other "side."

So the Donald Trump's and Stephen Miller's of the world are normalized and the Bernie Sanders's and AOC's are cast as extremist radicals.
And, as Bernie has pointed out numerous times, it is insane to be labeled extreme for believing that Americans should have basic needs.
I think the convention forces him to take a moderate VP. Like Prime our here talking Tulsi is a fine person, and has tapes shouting out Castro.
He will probably pick a running mate before the convention. He is in a weird spot because he has to pick on whether he wants to balance the ticket ideologically or demographically. I don't know which way he is gonna go given his unique appeal.

He really just needs to not make a stupid choice.
The Shea Butter Queen has made it clear she is done ****ing wit Dem clowns on Capitol Hill.
Okay Abrams then. If Stacy ain't making a senate run then she better be plotting something higher in the capital. (I fully support Fair Fight and think Abrams' focus on securing election security is just as important as anything else in the upcoming election)
The best choices from an electoral standpoint are probably Sherrod Brown (Ohio) and Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin). If he locks up either of those two states, Trump is probably ******. But he can't pick them, because if he does those Senate seats are probably gone.
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Okay Abrams then. If Stacy ain't making a senate run then she better be plotting something higher in the capital. (I fully support Fair Fight and think Abrams' focus on securing election security is just as important as anything else in the upcoming election)
I think she might want to run back that Governor race.
Me watching the 538 primary model show that Joe is pulling away from Bloomberg, but Prime still having a comfortable lead...

Bloomberg is the unifying candidate. I, many other Sanders supporters, have new found respect for Bernie's current and past opponents: Biden, Warren, Klobuchar and Hillary Clinton. Those people won state wide races and did real electoral politics. Bloomberg makes Pete's tenure as mayor look less bad an he makes Tom Steyer look better as well.

Lincoln Chaffe still a lame though.

Time for America to stop worrying about balancing the budget, and start worrying about balancing our chakras.

Our PRESIDENT ELECT Senpai has more than enough Chakra to destroy Libs. Not to mention when he needs a boost he goes to a rally and uses the natural Coal Chakra flowing from the crowd to go into sage mode. Ninja Art, "SCUMBAG JUTSU"


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