Thats the thing though. Every time Bernie is asked how he is going to pay for M4A he completely dodges the question and says that he will make the rich pay their fair share which is completely disingenuous because the taxes he is proposing will only pay for about $2T of the estimated $25T plan. His plans to pay for it is to raise the highest marginal rates to 52%, raise the payroll tax by 7.5% for employers, establish a wealth tax, AND have people pay a 4% premium on income over 29k. Despite all this his plan would still add well over $1.5T in deficit over a 10 year window and likely double the national deficit so it’s going to need 60 votes in the senate to pass which will never, ever happen.
Not to mention Sanders he lied multiple times during these debates saying there will be no premiums for M4A when his couple page summary to pay for it clearly shows premiums of 4% which is what Pete started attacking last debate.
Then You factor in the fact that people are likely going to have to give up their insurance plans for M4A and you are left with a pie in the sky proposal that is certainly never going to pass and even if it does, it will likely be ruled unconstitutional in the courts if it forces people to be on it like Obamacare.
couple that with the fact that Bernie is maybe the least efficient congressman in the senate in terms of getting bills passed and you are left with a plan that is virtually certain to be unworkable and will not pass.
Realistically we will probably end up with some optional M4A proposal that Pete is proposing with premium payments and dumbed down coverages, but y’all Bernie fans don’t want to hear that.
Here is his full proposal if you want to read it. Some of the stuff in here is outdated though because they just taxed off shore profits in 2017 to help pay for the tax cuts
Even with this he is still going to be about $10T shy of having a workable budget that they could potentially pass with 50 votes in the senate