***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernie has been in the senate for a long time, and he's operated as a regular *** politician, making deals, getting amendments in on bills, and compromising in order to get **** done.

its impossible for me to believe that he doesn't understand the implications of the filibuster for his agenda.
I suspect Bernie understands this, in fact i GOTTA believe Bernie knows this, but his political branding and style prevents him from saying it.
I agree that if Bernie came out and admitted that the reason the Democratic Party has not been able to provide more positive change for people is because of how undemocratic the electoral system is, it won't fire people up.

A ton of his base runs on anger toward "establishment Democrats" and neoliberals, and whatever. People really don't give a **** about nuance when they are being worked up.

Now my concern with dude is that on some level he doesn't grasp it. Like saying you will nuke the filibuster fits with his brand of politics. Second, I would believe he is playing coy if he had not laid about this stupid *** plan to pass M4A through the budget reconciliation process.

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Congratulations on the new album aepps20 aepps20 !!! I look forward to features from whywesteppin whywesteppin , Belgium Belgium , @dwalk31, @ninjahood and the rest of the Coal Gang. You all have finally arrived comrade :nthat: :nthat:


Lots of hard work and dedication went into this project. First and Foremost I want to thank our PRESIDENT ELECT Donald Jenius Trump for keeping da Biscuits piping hot in the studio during those long recording sessions. I want to thank Dwalk. His moral depravity and willingness to lay down those tracks no matter how disgusting Roy Moore and Gym Jordan are was a huge inspiration. Lastly, I want to thank my brothers whywesteppin whywesteppin and noskey noskey for helping me put da paws on RustyShackleford RustyShackleford when he ran up in the studio that one time when some bean pies and liberal leaflets. #DAHIPHOPINTELEGENCIA
Bernie's supporters read way too deeply into his political branding.

Bernie's haters read way too deeply into his political branding.

Bernie is a normal politician with a unique political brand and style.
Dude that is my whole point about Bernie, that at the end of the day, when you strip back the layers he is not that special or unlike other politicians.

All this supposed "hating" :lol: I have been doing over the years is to push back against this notion that dude is some pure political revolutionary. Hell he only got "woke" in like 2015.

Bernie gonna sign Biden's healthcare plan into law happily, and declare it a progressive victory

I mean I respect the finesse, dude is pulling off the heist masterfully.
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Bernie's rhetorical style is based using every issue as a framing device to identify how the corporate elite are screwing working people

and putting it in terms non political heads can understand and viscerally feel.

talking about parliamentary procedure, and senate rules aint fit within that...

yeah but Warren did it in a tweet. The Republican who work for big business use the filibuster to keep the status quo for big business aka the elite.

It would fit seamlessly but I will concede it is a bit of a wonkish topic but with that said it’s not that far of a leap.

Man really think's he's a king :lol: :smh:

He's also self-snitching on abusing the classification authority to benefit his re-election campaign. "After I leave office, he can do this" confirms he intends to use the classification power to prevent politically damaging information from publication.

Imagine dooce king in the middle of a bunch of white people...

speaking on all things black and not knowing wtf he talking about

Lots of hard work and dedication went into this project. First and Foremost I want to thank our PRESIDENT ELECT Donald Jenius Trump for keeping da Biscuits piping hot in the studio during those long recording sessions. I want to thank Dwalk. His moral depravity and willingness to lay down those tracks no matter how disgusting Roy Moore and Gym Jordan are was a huge inspiration. Lastly, I want to thank my brothers whywesteppin whywesteppin and noskey noskey for helping me put da paws on RustyShackleford RustyShackleford when he ran up in the studio that one time when some bean pies and liberal leaflets. #DAHIPHOPINTELEGENCIA
And STAY TUNED for the newest Coal Gang recruit, the one and only Quaden Bayles, on a remix!
Thats the thing though. Every time Bernie is asked how he is going to pay for M4A he completely dodges the question and says that he will make the rich pay their fair share which is completely disingenuous because the taxes he is proposing will only pay for about $2T of the estimated $25T plan. His plans to pay for it is to raise the highest marginal rates to 52%, raise the payroll tax by 7.5% for employers, establish a wealth tax, AND have people pay a 4% premium on income over 29k. Despite all this his plan would still add well over $1.5T in deficit over a 10 year window and likely double the national deficit so it’s going to need 60 votes in the senate to pass which will never, ever happen.

Not to mention Sanders he lied multiple times during these debates saying there will be no premiums for M4A when his couple page summary to pay for it clearly shows premiums of 4% which is what Pete started attacking last debate.

Then You factor in the fact that people are likely going to have to give up their insurance plans for M4A and you are left with a pie in the sky proposal that is certainly never going to pass and even if it does, it will likely be ruled unconstitutional in the courts if it forces people to be on it like Obamacare.

couple that with the fact that Bernie is maybe the least efficient congressman in the senate in terms of getting bills passed and you are left with a plan that is virtually certain to be unworkable and will not pass.

Realistically we will probably end up with some optional M4A proposal that Pete is proposing with premium payments and dumbed down coverages, but y’all Bernie fans don’t want to hear that.

Here is his full proposal if you want to read it. Some of the stuff in here is outdated though because they just taxed off shore profits in 2017 to help pay for the tax cuts

Even with this he is still going to be about $10T shy of having a workable budget that they could potentially pass with 50 votes in the senate
So, yes, I was right on him admitting that taxes would go up but you added a bunch of extra words. Good job.
:lol: :lol:

I would jab back, but I will let you have this one my dude. :lol:

Still, I don't see the contradiction. He is talking about Benrie being a career politician, part of the establishment, that is what makes him similar to others. Then dude said his policy positions on some issue might be different, but that doesn't change the fact he is establishment, a career politician, an insider. So I think my reading comprehension is just fine, but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. @superblytrife was my summary of your argument on the mark, or is dude right that my reading comprehension needs improvement?

Centrist in the same time period Bernie has been in office, in the Democratic Party, have had some wild policy position that are out of step with the majority of the party, and you Bernie dudes still would consider them establishment.

Also some issues Bernie has been out of step on with the majority of the party, he has been to the right of the party.
Rust, I think we can agree that Bernie is a democrat. But it's disingenuous to paint him as someone who pretends to be an outsider while actually being firmly woven into the fabric that is the democratic party. That's an observation that doesn't line up with reality, he's clearly different enough no matter how you feel about him to insight fear or trepidation in the more "moderate" portion of the party which makes up the majority of democrats. That's not something Hillary or Biden could hope to do based on policy.
Rust, I think we can agree that Bernie is a democrat. But it's disingenuous to paint him as someone who pretends to be an outsider while actually being firmly woven into the fabric that is the democratic party. That's an observation that doesn't line up with reality, he's clearly different enough no matter how you feel about him to insight fear or trepidation in the more "moderate" portion of the party which makes up the majority of democrats. That's not something Hillary or Biden could hope to do based on policy.

What is this, I thought me reading comprehension was off. :lol:

Dude people are conceding his brand of politics is different, that he had different views on positions, they are just saying his whole me vs. them schtick is disingenuous when his *** been part of that same establishment for decades. The same year the Dems were trying to get Bernie into the Senate, they were trying to strong amr Joe Lieberman out of the Senate for being too conservative. Bernie rocks with the Democratic Establishment hard, when it serves him.

I understand it is just politics to get on, that's all we are calling out.

I don't see what issue you have.
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Most of your points have been "yes, but". Why would I continue arguing the same point with a little more concession on your part each time?

Like you edited my post to leave out that the same so called right now she made, Bernie has something similar in his plan. I believe I am acting in good faith by giving detail explanations of my views, and you pull some Dwalk type handwave ****.

To be honest, you defend M4A a lot, but really don't seem to know much about how it will work.

It really just seems like a purity test at this point for you dudes.

What is this, I thought me reading comprehension was off. :lol:

Dude people are conceding his brand of politics is different, that he had different views on positions, they are just saying his whole me vs. them schtick is disingenuous when his *** been part of that same establishment for decades. The same year the Dems were trying to get Bernie into the Senate, they were trying to strong amr Joe Libermann out of the Senate for being too conservative. Bernie rocks with the Democratic Establishment hard, when it serves him.

I understand it is just politics to get on, that's all we are calling out.

I don't see what issue you have.
My point is, you don't get to be the longest serving independent in congress by firmly being apart of the establishment. Sure, you could say that he likes the dems when it works for him but really your proving my point there :lol:
It really just seems like a purity test at this point for you dudes.
That's because it is one, at least for me. You quote a lot of the articles that go into how the sausage is made but has never really mattered in policy for the rich, the logistics never seem to come up or matter much at all when more funding can be obtained for the never-ending warmachine. We've landed foreign bodies on other planets plenty of times but universal healthcare is somehow a gargantuan task :lol: The thought of even discussing the logistics is insulting to the people that actually need it and is really highlights the divide between actually leftists and liberals.

I don't mean any of the above as an insult to you or anybody here btw, it's just how I feel on the subject matter and why I argue or debate the way I do.
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