***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Below is a brief summary of the existing record corroborating or contradicting the new claim by Assange's lawyers in court.

Corroborated by contemporaneous reporting:
- Rep. Rohrabacher met with Assange in August 2017 at the time Assange's lawyers claim the pardon offer was made
- Rep. Rohrabacher was actively and openly pursuing a pardon deal for Assange at that time

Contradictions by contemporaneous reporting:
- Rep. Rohrabacher's reported contacts with the WH about the pardon deal came after this meeting
- Rep. Rohrabacher publicly complained about his message not reaching president Trump after this meeting
- John Kelly blocked Rohrabacher from a WH meeting in September 2017
- The terms of the pardon deal were described differently in those reports. Assange's lawyers claim his part of the deal was to simply deny Russia's involvement, whereas Rohrabacher at the time claimed Assange had to provide evidence in exchange to refute 'collusion.'

- Something prompted Mueller to ask Trump to provide written testimony on whether or not he had any discussions before the inauguration about pardoning Assange. There are no other references to Assange pardon discussions in the Mueller report.
- Rep. Rohrabacher told The Daily Caller on August 17 2017 "I can’t remember if I have spoken to anybody in the White House about this", referring to the pardon deal he was pursuing. Odd to use 'I don't recall' in that situation.
Not Col Sander's greatest fan, but I'm starting to think, he might be the emerging candidate.

This despite having a conversation with a genuine US born Bernie believer in my local coffee shop. He wanted me to get into his artist fold for only a 33% cut, informed me, that Kim Jong-un was part of the secret cultural revolution, that FBI had already arrested Hillary Clinton and asked me, what I knew about the nukes fired at Hawaii. He asked me for my contact information and I told him, I couldn't commit. When he left, he left me with a drawing, which I promptly discarded, but I have recreated for you all.


There were also lots of words scribbled on the backside, but I didn't dare to read it, because I'm not sure how infectious insanity is.
Nah. I’m just against Trump. If you want to believe Bernie Sanders really marched with Dr. King or really even cares about black people thats on you and others. Obviously this a piss poor Democratic selection group of potential candidates, but it’s what we have for now unfortunately.

Add to that we have an elderly, frail looking white man with a bad heart that can’t even fully explain and implement his healthcare over haul plan, this shaping up to be potentially the worst Democratic candidate in recent memory. All the signs point to a Dead End for Bernie Sanders and his cast of supporters. I’ll be sure to remind folks how wrong they were when it’s all said and done.

but... biden and Bloomberg do, right?


I got the word, btw:

Stockholm syndrome
Mueller wouldn’t have granted immunity to Assange. I recall an answer he gave during his congressional testimony, though I’m not sure what the exact question was.
Regarding the campaign’s involvement with Wikileaks, Mueller testified “problematic is an understatement” in response.

Assange would also have to admit things he continues to deny to this day. He has shown no indication of willingness to do so.
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Florida will seek an en banc review of the ruling.
Florida can't bar felons from vote over fines and fees, court rules
The state constitutional amendment was approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 to allow most felons who served their time to regain the right to vote.

Florida cannot, for now, bar felons who served their time from registering to vote simply because they have failed to pay all fines and fees stemming from their cases, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Tallahassee federal judge's preliminary injunction that a state law implementing Amendment 4 amounted to an unfair poll tax that would disenfranchise many of the released felons.

The state constitutional amendment was approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 to allow most felons who served their time to regain the right to vote. But the Republican-led Legislature soon after passed a law stipulating that they had to first pay any fines and fees before their sentences could be deemed complete under the law.

“We disagree with the ruling," said Helen Ferre, the chief spokeswoman for Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. She said the state would immediately ask the entire 11th Circuit to reconsider the ruling.

Voting rights groups representing 17 plaintiffs sued federal court, seeking to overturn the law.

In its ruling Wednesday, the circuit court said the financial requirement "punishes those who cannot pay more harshly than those who can — and does so by continuing to deny them access to the ballot box."

The court added that previous U.S. Supreme Court rulings required it to “apply heightened scrutiny in asking whether the requirement violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as applied to these plaintiffs.”

The appeals court ruled that it does, and it affirmed the preliminary injunction issued last year by a federal district court judge in Tallahassee.

Yang too, wonder what they all have in common compared to Goonberg...

Better candidates weren't offered a shortcut or special advantages/privileges in the race the same way mini mike has.

Most of the field have been campaigning hard around the country for 18 months now building their support base and making inroads with people the old fashioned way only to see a newcomer literally buy his way into the conversation at the 11th hour after skipping out on all the heavy lifting...

That's a damning indictment of the present state of affairs

Bloomberg DNC Debate entrance music...

For starters a continuation of the Justice Department study of police departments nationwide and a revamp afterwards given the latest findings. The one that was started by the Obama Administration and stopped by the Trump Administration. For practices and unfair stops and sentences of black people....(or People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say).
The stop and frisk guy? The guy who was the mayor that oversaw and celebrates policing policies that covered a lot of the known NYPD racist murders of innocent black men from Amadou Diallo to Eric Garner etc? You can't be this easy.
while I'd of course prefer a candidate who is not racist, I'd rather have a racist president who is accountable to PoC and non-racists rather than a racist president who is accountable to white supremacists.

but we all know the worst case: a black president married to a white person. THANK GOD THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Bruh :rofl: :rofl:

Bubba getting love in Da Heights, Ninja must be sick right now.

Bill looks so washed doe. Hillary still probably abusing that man. Bet when she goes to bed early, he grabs da Double Stuff Oreos out the pantry, pours himself a glass of Scotch, opens up an Incognito tab, and has himself a grand ole time. As soon as the light goes out in the bedroom, it is party time...

WOAAAAAAAAAH! This is MAJOR (Dolph voice) 🗣🗣🗣

2 Big Dawgs linking you. Pio done made it. His papers gotta be right now. Come up is crazy. Anybody can do it :pimp:


Jonathan! Officially Not a baby :pimp:
Birds of a feather...

That Brazilian neo-fascist swept his way to power on a similar strategy of overwhelming the airwaves and social media, buying up support of well known figures in entertainment and politics and touting himself as a 'realistic' alternative to a corrupt government.

No surprise the Bloomberg campaign wants him on the team
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100% and I wouldn't expect anything less tbvh after they supported 45 overall over one of their own the last time in spite of all the documented history of sexism and misogyny :lol::smh:

Good thing they're not exactly the main demographic that typically swings elections...

over one of their own running against him.. over the many of their own that warned them because what he had done to them.. over the couple of their own who were married to him.. over the video recording from the show where they’re the primary audience

Get em Joe :pimp:

He's had enough of all the malarkey :lol:,looking forward to him go after the Manhattan oligarch tonight

Like I said, if Joe got anything left in the tank he gotta tap into that tonight. We need a banger from him.

As soon as the moderators ask him their first question, just say "Ok now, thank you for the question. Before I answer I feel I need to address something regarding Mayor Bloomberg and the politicial ads he has been running regarding Barack....Mayor Bloomberg, first off, **** yo ***** and the clique you claim..."
Like I said, if Joe got anything left in the tank he gotta tap into that tonight. We need a banger from him.

As soon as the moderators ask him their first question, just say "Ok now, thank you for the question. Before I answer I feel I need to address something regarding Mayor Bloomberg and the politicial ads he has been running regarding Barack....Mayor Bloomberg, first off, **** yo ***** and the clique you claim..."

"you claim to be a mayor but I ****** your wife"
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