***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Just so we’re clear, saying Bloomberg is less dangerous than Trump doesn’t mean he’s NOT dangerous, especially with the possibility of serving 2 terms.

Crack is less dangerous than heroin, but that doesn’t mean you should go fire up a rock...

Also, I hate to play the “fake news” angle but I was watching CNN this morning and it’s wild to me they spent 90% of the time talking about Bloomberg going up in the polls and just barely a note that Sanders was up to 32% and leading everyone else by a significant margin.
Man named in court by federal prosecutors as the person who directed a conspiracy to commit felony campaign finance violations claims to be concerned about campaign finance law.
Also, I hate to play the “fake news” angle but I was watching CNN this morning and it’s wild to me they spent 90% of the time talking about Bloomberg going up in the polls and just barely a note that Sanders was up to 32% and leading everyone else by a significant margin.

Establishment doesn’t want Bernie. If he wins a state, he should’ve won by more. If he loses by a small margin, it marks the beginning of the end of his campaign.

They can spin Biden coming in 4th, or Bloomberg qualifying for a debate, as a better showing than Bernie.

Every progressive knows that the DNC sees Bernie as a last resort (if that). I would be highly surprised if he wins the nomination.
Just so we’re clear, saying Bloomberg is less dangerous than Trump doesn’t mean he’s NOT dangerous, especially with the possibility of serving 2 terms.

Crack is less dangerous than heroin, but that doesn’t mean you should go fire up a rock...

That's exactly my point. Neither should be president, both are dangerous. It is just that people are acknowledging how next level dangerous Trump is. First term Trump is heroin, second Trump gonna be fentanyl.

But still, no one should be caping for a Bloomberg Presidency. His supporters outchea looking like...
This whole situation has given Joe Biden a chance to be a progressive hero, and complete one of the greatest redemption arcs in modern politics. He needs to fight to get more delegates that Bloomberg. Bloomberg finishing 3rd gives him little leverage during a contested convention. Then since Joe and Bernie are homies, and Mike ****** Joe, Jump-off Joey should endorse Bernie at the convention.

If Joe helps hand the nomination to Prime, he gonna be welcomed at every DSA Chapter in America like....
The president is the one that appoints Justices for Supreme Court vacancies, the Senate approves the appointment. Same with other Federal judges.

Mitch McConnell can't unilaterally fill them.

The Dems have a better shot at winning the Presidency than taking the Senate. There needs to be at least one firewall for the courts.

So no matter how much I hate Bloomberg, I believe he is a racist too, but it is clear as day to me that Trump is more dangerous to this country.

Biden is better than both by a mile though.

watch out, Dwalk will interpret your attempts to talk progressives away from the nuclear option (not voting, voting for Trump) as a full endorsement of Bloomberg and his racism and authoritarianism and th

...Mitch is the one doing the judicial stuff Fam.

At least people can see whats going on with those federelist types and protest in the street - as theyve been doing.

Bllomberg is going to look out for rich folks - and do it in a way that youll never see it coming.

Sure we might have solved the transexual bathroom usage issue but the real stuff like inequality, justice, etc....

Not so much.

I get it, it’s infuriating when prominent defenders of neoliberalism capitalism use the language of social justice to obsfucate their real agenda of predatory and to impugn opposition to that predatory capitalism.

Please, though, remember that virtually all trans people are workers. When you view working class politics as being in opposition to racial and gender justice, you play right into the hands of the “woke” neoliberals.

The struggle for trans people basic human rights and dignity is part of the broader struggle for worker emancipation from capitalism.
This whole situation has given Joe Biden a chance to be a progressive hero, and complete one of the greatest redemption arcs in modern politics. He needs to fight to get more delegates that Bloomberg. Bloomberg finishing 3rd gives him little leverage during a contested convention. Then since Joe and Bernie are homies, and Mike ****ed Joe, Jump-off Joey should endorse Bernie at the convention.

If Joe helps hand the nomination to Prime, he gonna be welcomed at every DSA Chapter in America like....
Joe would become my favorite lib behind Howard Dean if he did this
Please, though, remember that virtually all trans people are workers. When you view working class politics as being in opposition to racial and gender justice, you play right into the hands of the “woke” neoliberals.

I see bathroom bills as a distaction.

The voting rights bill - not so much.
watch out, Dwalk will interpret your attempts to talk progressives away from the nuclear option (not voting, voting for Trump) as a full endorsement of Bloomberg and his racism and authoritarianism and th

I get it, it’s infuriating when prominent defenders of neoliberalism capitalism use the language of social justice to obsfucate their real agenda of predatory and to impugn opposition to that predatory capitalism.

Please, though, remember that virtually all trans people are workers. When you view working class politics as being in opposition to racial and gender justice, you play right into the hands of the “woke” neoliberals.

The struggle for trans people basic human rights and dignity is part of the broader struggle for worker emancipation from capitalism.
I am not gonna talk anyone out of not voting in the presidential race if Bloomberg is on the ballot. He is too vile for me to ever make the case for him. So if people want to leave it blank, and vote down ballot, I can respect that.

But voting for Trump, or preferring he win, is a different beast. Not only will he be destructive, I see no upside in him being a loud buffoon. Actually I find that a kinda ridiculous position to take. There is no secret way Bloomberg will be racist anyway.
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This whole situation has given Joe Biden a chance to be a progressive hero, and complete one of the greatest redemption arcs in modern politics. He needs to fight to get more delegates that Bloomberg. Bloomberg finishing 3rd gives him little leverage during a contested convention. Then since Joe and Bernie are homies, and Mike ****ed Joe, Jump-off Joey should endorse Bernie at the convention.

If Joe helps hand the nomination to Prime, he gonna be welcomed at every DSA Chapter in America like....

canonically, the white hand shaking hands with the black under the red rose, will be known as Joe and corn pop’s hands.

My point = If the choice is between Trump and Bloomberg then America gets exactly what it deserves - either way.

I prefer mine up front vs from behind.

Get the Bern app and knock on doors, text bank, phone bank. I know it’s stressful and lots of things are up in the air but the Bernie campaign has a solid base, we knock on doors like no one else this cycle and we’ve been lucky as far as the other happenings in this race have gone.

Bloomberg’s polling booklet and massive elite support is a boon if you’re a bernie supporter. Clinton, Warren, Biden even Buttigieg are perceived as being with ideological shouting distance and they could engage in and win by making it about methodology and Intersectionality. Bloomberg creates a giant contrast and if it comes down to Bernie versus Bloomberg, Bernie will get a majority of pledged delegates.

Bloomberg as the nominee will forever be a hypothetical as long as us on the Bernie side keep working.
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Yeah Bloomberg might be the last straw for the progressive and the party would split. On the flip there is a smaller chance the same happens in Bernie is the nominee..... This the dems version of 2016 when the tea party got into it with the establishment. A really interesting line of thought is would Bernie be better "passing" legislation than Trump is?

I also wonder has anyone on Bloomberg's staff ever told him "You know if you didn't talk so much racist/sexist/classis5 **** you could have probably got away with supporting stop and frisk and said you were open to learning like Pete." Talking reality to power is what they get paid all the big bucks for right?
If Bloomberg becomes the nominee, especially via a contested convention where superdelegates throw the nomination to him, the ramifications will be catastrophic.

I agree with rexanglorum rexanglorum though that I think the chances of this happening with a Bernie nomination are rather slim. Some party elites may defect into a "never Bernie" contingent, but I think most Democratic voters will support Bernie. But if a relatively modest democratic socialist candidacy creates that rift, then the party was probably irredeemable in the first place.

As for his staffers talking some sense into him, I'm so glad they didn't. Let the people see Bloomberg for what he is—his own actions and words are gonna hang him. The more exposure he gets (beyond his commercial spamming) the worse it will be for him. I actually welcome him to the debate stage at this point.
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