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i dont think he's genuine about it. i think he realizes his presidency is non existent without the black vote. and hes playing to that amongst other things while most of the front runners are chasing after that midwest "i voted for obama and then for trump" vote. i think that in juxtaposition to trump though, supporters cant trash bloomberg without trashing trump

All fax, no copy machine.

but give Fox News some time...

they’ll find a way.

are you sure this helps him? a number of the candidates, Klobuchar in particular, advocated for this to force Bloomberg on the stage to face challenges to his positions

he's considered a prickly, weak debater and with his infinite spending capacity is getting unfettered commercial depictions of his accomplishments without having to deal with challenges

the rules were intended to weed out weak fund raisers in the micro fund raising game and did that. but Bloomberg is skirting that metric with a billion of play money. I don’t think this is a favor to Mike. Many, including some of his advisers and opponents thought keeping him off the debate stage was to his advantage

Bloomberg aint here to take Trump out for the DNC.

Bloomberg is here to take Sanders out for the DNC.
Bloomberg aint here to take Trump out for the DNC.

Bloomberg is here to take Sanders out for the DNC.


this guy gets it.
Another glaring difference is that Bloomberg was actually an elected official and it was his signature policy.

A tweet from Trump when he didn’t hold an elected office is like an old NT post from a NTer that runs for elected office later.

Bloomberg held office and his stop and frisk policy increased stops significanlty in a way that disproportionally affected black people.

Plus, how is “he’s just like Trump” a defense when most on the left despise Trump?

The cognitive dissonance being deployed by those on the left to support Bloomberg is hilarious.

*Read the post; sees the rep*
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds

Another glaring difference is that Bloomberg was actually an elected official and it was his signature policy.

A tweet from Trump when he didn’t hold an elected office is like an old NT post from a NTer that runs for elected office later.

Bloomberg held office and his stop and frisk policy increased stops significanlty in a way that disproportionally affected black people.

Plus, how is “he’s just like Trump” a defense when most on the left despise Trump?

The cognitive dissonance being deployed by those on the left to support Bloomberg is hilarious.

Is stop and frisk really all that different than locking kids in cages and killing them? Not to support Bloomberg because he can go **** himself and he is the last person I would like to see become a candidate, but to act like Trump doesn't have inherently racist policies while in office is ******* laughable.
Is stop and frisk really all that different than locking kids in cages and killing them? Not to support Bloomberg because he can go **** himself and he is the last person I would like to see become a candidate, but to act like Trump doesn't have inherently racist policies while in office is ****ing laughable.

As problematic as it is, the “kids in cages” didn’t begin with this administration. And the Obama administration deported far more undocumented immigrants than this administration:

That said, it is clear that we need comprehensive immigration reform.

But you conveniently ignore the First Step Act and the Fair Chance Act which were signed under this administration. Comparing that to the implementation of stop and frisk by Bloomberg, and coming up with Trump as worse, is nonsensical. It’s as if a (D) next to his name makes those on the left ignore reality.

Bloomberg’s policies ripped black families apart, period. That isn’t Trump’s record. And posting tweets by Trump, when he wasn’t an elected official, doesn’t change that.
Hasn’t NH been a supporter for stop and frisk?? Da irony

He said that black people should be thankful for the policy because it helped clean up da NYC streets. He defended the policy at length. Even in the race of evidence that it was discriminatory and ineffective.

Dude ******* loved Bloomberg's racist ***. Trump just Suagr Zaddy#1 in his heart right now.
Is stop and frisk really all that different than locking kids in cages and killing them? Not to support Bloomberg because he can go **** himself and he is the last person I would like to see become a candidate, but to act like Trump doesn't have inherently racist policies while in office is ****ing laughable.

mr due process defending trump on race? Really?


mr due process defending trump on race? Really?



I have not defended his comments on the Central Park 5. He, like many in here, wrongfully chose the innocent until proven guilty standard.

At the time those statements were made he, like many in here, wasn’t an elected official.

I continue to support due process. And I don’t support the death penalty, period.
As problematic as it is, the “kids in cages” didn’t begin with this administration. And the Obama administration deported far more undocumented immigrants than this administration:

That said, it is clear that we need comprehensive immigration reform.

But you conveniently ignore the First Step Act and the Fair Chance Act which were signed under this administration. Comparing that to the implementation of stop and frisk by Bloomberg, and coming up with Trump as worse, is nonsensical. It’s as if a (D) next to his name makes those on the left ignore reality.

Bloomberg’s policies ripped black families apart, period. That isn’t Trump’s record. And posting tweets by Trump, when he wasn’t an elected official, doesn’t change that.

so you are fine with ripping Mexican families apart then because it didn’t start under Trump and is still happening under trump? Is that the argument you are going with?

this is absolutely a practice trump has defended as well
Trump is Heads, Bllomberg is tails...

Same coin.

if it comes down to Bloomberg and Trump, I'm certain that having Trump remain as president would do infinitely more to exacerbate racism and inequality and eradicate fair policies than having Bloomberg as president

it would come from laws enacted, from deregulation, from inaction by the DOJ, and most significantly, the result of judges appointed to the federal bench (from the Supreme Court down)

I get how people could categorically refuse to vote for Bloomberg based on his past actions because they had real, material and meaningful impacts on people of color in NYC

but I also think if the goal is the endorsement of fair policies intended to rectify historical and current social injustices against people of color in this country, there is a material difference between 2020 Bloomberg and 2020 Trump

I agree that it would be a terrible binary choice if it comes down to those two. I don't think it will.
so you are fine with ripping Mexican families apart then?

because that is happening now


That is why I said it was “problematic” and that we need comprehensive immigration reform.

Did you read my post?

And, as a black man, I am unabashedly—deeply—concerned with the black plight in America.
But you conveniently ignore the First Step Act and the Fair Chance Act which were signed under this administration. Comparing that to the implementation of stop and frisk by Bloomberg, and coming up with Trump as worse, is nonsensical. It’s as if a (D) next to his name makes those on the left ignore reality.

it's convenient of you to ignore the rise of white supremacy in this nation since trump took office and his touting of white supremacists not only his cabinet, but in general. But I guess overt racism is fine since he signed two bills

That is why I said it was “problematic” and that we need comprehensive immigration reform.

Did you read my post?

And, as a black man, I am unabashedly—deeply—concerned with the black plight in America.

So voting for a man who has called white supremacists good people seems logical then. Got it
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