***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I can't think of anything more discrediting of a political institution than Mike Bloomberg buying his way to the top of it.

It been wild seeing some of the black political elite in this country selling out for Mime Bloomberg, it's been a scary sight. They should be permanently disinvited from the cook out.
Dude is the more polished embodiment of everything we've **** on Trump for yet seeing so many voices that 100% know better, fall in line and bend the knee in the face of the Blue version has exposed a whole lot of widespread hypocrisy. All the criticism over 45's blatant banana republic level corruption rings hollow now from the people who are showing that they have a price on their integrity.

Seen a lot of folks who criticized the front runner for being an independent and not officially a registered Dem backing or defending a literal Republican's attempt at buying the Dem race :lol::stoneface:

They try justifying it by claiming he has the best shot at beating Trump but provide zero evidence of that, highly doubt that the Dem base will be energized and mobilize en masse for a politer Trump with a well documented history of implementing racist policies, cronyism and rampant sexism...

The math doesn't add up unless it''s in regards to their own bank accounts

Isaac Chotiner made the DC mayor Murial Bowser look crazy. :lol:
Seriously been a shock seeing 'resistance' folks undermining so many of their legitimate arguments against Trump from the past 3-4 years to defend Michael ******* Bloomberg...seriously

Must be another guy named Bloomberg running that we haven't heard of

Would take senile Joe as the nom 100x out of 100x before the American oligarch
Everyone knows that the Yang campaign gets the endorsement of skinny black entertainers and the Bernie campaign gets the endorsement of the big guys.

The only meaningfully important black entertainer endorsement we're waiting on is Wendell Pierce. He was a powerful enforcer or Hillary Clinton last time around. Now if we can get him and put him with Killer Mike, Donald Glover (never under estimate old man strength) and Gritty, that's a formidable front four who can pressure the quarterback and force even more INT opportunities for Neon Deon "Bernie" Sanders.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford Fair points.

I don’t necessarily agree with the Supreme Court thing tho. I think a Brett Kavanaugh type would be someone he would pick. And I don’t as much faith in Dems holding their ground against him either seeing how easily he’s bought off black politicians with a mere half *** apology for Stop and Frisk.

but yeah anybody considering voting for him needs to be smacked. He shouldn’t be graded on a scale just because Trump is terrible.
If you didn't live in New York you wouldn't be aware of the stop and frisk problems, plus Bloomberg got out in front of any negative publicity by spamming F Trump ads
His ads have been running in Dallas for at least 3 months and they are convincing ads

it was brutal and she should know better but it was a bit of an awkward gotcha interview. better to ask her, "what do you think of the policy to do XXX" or "how would you fix XXX" rather than "do you know XXXs name and what he's been up to".

trump understood that these gotcha questions are often used and instead of being apologetic or trying to dodge he just straight up lies or calls out the interviewer. it's bold, it's refreshing, and it's why I think he will make Amy Klobuchar his running mate in 2020.
it's bold, it's refreshing, and it's why I think he will make Amy Klobuchar his running mate in 2020.

Are you referring to Pete, Bernie or Bloomberg? I honestly can’t imagine who any of these candidates would pick as running mates because of the political and ideological differences/diversity.
Are you referring to Pete, Bernie or Bloomberg? I honestly can’t imagine who any of these candidates would pick as running mates because of the political and ideological differences/diversity.

but it was a joke.

I do seriously think dems could take a page from trump's handbook and call out the bs from the political campaign that is useless pandering. as for running mates, it'll be interesting. typically you'd want a running mate who significantly differs in at least one thing (different sex, race, region of the country, ideology, etc) so that you can appeal to more people.

ultimately it ends up being someone who is fairly vanilla. but i'd rather see someone pick a running mate for just being really good at what they do.

but it was a joke.

I do seriously think dems could take a page from trump's handbook and call out the bs from the political campaign that is useless pandering. as for running mates, it'll be interesting. typically you'd want a running mate who significantly differs in at least one thing (different sex, race, region of the country, ideology, etc) so that you can appeal to more people.

ultimately it ends up being someone who is fairly vanilla. but i'd rather see someone pick a running mate for just being really good at what they do.

100%. Pick up someone who will take away doubt from a group which is not comfortable with you. You need a perfect compliment.
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