***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So clearly you need to place the word white in front here, as the black people in this category are already voting for democrats.
Not at all.

There are millions upon millions of white folks who fit those categories who also already vote for Democrats.

There are also millions upon millions of white and black folks who fit those categories who don’t vote at all.

The simplistic yet widely parroted notion that working-class whites vote for Republicans and working-class blacks vote for Democrats is flat-out inaccurate and obfuscatory.
Not at all.

There are millions upon millions of white folks who fit those categories who also already vote for Democrats.

There are also millions upon millions of white and black folks who fit those categories who don’t vote at all.

The simplistic yet widely parroted notion that working-class whites vote for Republicans and working-class blacks vote for Democrats is flat-out inaccurate and obfuscatory.
Americans have low voter turnout compared to similarly situated Western nations, period. Black Americans also face voter suppression and have a long and complex history with having faith in institutions period based on what's happened here since 1619. I thought that it was clear that my post was referring to those who are already voting, but I guess not. If the swaths of the white people constituting groups that Rex mentioned who currently voted R vote Dem, then we wouldn't have that issue. That's my point. Those voters who routinely vote against their interests, not those who are currently not voting, which is a much more complex conversation.
Putting all the blame on the Dems not being left enough on economics as a reason for low turnout ignores a ton of ****.

If we want to increase turnout at the margins then the #1 issue should giving poor and working class people easy access to the ballot.

But somehow, someway, nominating Bernie or a candidate like him, is the panacea to the problem. Good grief.
Who in here is making anything close to this claim or would discount the critical importance of easy voting access? Who aside from you in this post is painting these things as mutually exclusive?
Who in here is making anything close to this claim or would discount the critical importance of easy voting access? Who aside from you in this post is painting these things as mutually exclusive?
Who did I quote to accuse or imply of making that argument. Certain was not you.

And btw, Rex has been arguing for months that Bernie being on the ballot will cause historic voter turnout. He is not stupid, he knows the hurdles I place, he acknowledges that, and yet still maintains that about a Sanders nomination.

In all fairness I was wrong about the characterization. He, Bernie and others puts most of the blame on it, not all of it.

If there is ever a Hall of Fame of destructive right wing ghouls. Mitch is a first ballot unanimous pick.

He even got Newt Gingrich beat.

The Dems could win the Presidency by 50 points, win every state, with 100% turnout. But if Mitch still running the Senate he gonna be like "I have a mandate from the people to stop the Democratic agenda".

The media really did the public a disservice when they didn't make Mitch saying his mission was to make Obama a one term president a massive issue. If Mitch ran the Senate in 2009, dude would send us into a depression just to hurt Beezy.

The Koch Brothers couldn't have built a better foot solider.
Martin Woofer
If there is ever a Hall of Fame of destructive right wing ghouls. Mitch is a first ballot unanimous pick.

He even got Newt Gingrich beat.

The Dems could win the Presidency by 50 points, win every state, with 100% turnout. But if Mitch still running the Senate he gonna be like "I have a mandate from the people to stop the Democratic agenda".

The media really did the public a disservice when they didn't make Mitch saying his mission was to make Obama a one term president a massive issue. If Mitch ran the Senate in 2009, dude would send us into a depression just to hurt Beezy.

The Koch Brothers couldn't have built a better foot solider.
This is why I don't really pay attention to all the bickering that's going on among leftist factions regarding the upcoming election. Those on the left who didn't want to vote against Trump four years ago will have to do it this year.

This year, voting your conscience = voting to make Trump lose (whether you like it or not), and abstaining won't save you from the consequences of a 2nd Trump/McConnell term.
heelsandeers heelsandeers just to clarify that we’re on the same page here, you’re arguing that there is a potentially substantial faction of centrist Democratic voters who may not vote for Bernie in the general if he wins the Democratic nomination—who may vote for Trump, abstain, or vote for a potential third candidate? So “Bernie Bros” are not the only ideologues who may potentially defect and tank the Dem nominee’s chances if they don’t like who that nominee is—a faction of moderate Democrats may fall into this category as well?
This is why I don't really pay attention to all the bickering that's going on among leftist factions regarding the upcoming election. Those on the left who didn't want to vote against Trump four years ago will have to do it this year.

This year, voting your conscience = voting to make Trump lose (whether you like it or not), and abstaining won't save you from the consequences of a 2nd Trump/McConnell term.
Yeah, in the end all these debates we have don't mean ****. Getting Trump out and McConnell out as Speaker is the main objective. Whomever wins the nomination, getting my vote.

If it is Bernie, catch me on election day like...

Even if it ******* Bloomberg or Tulsu, imma do what needs to be done. But catch me in the parking lot before I walking into the polls like...
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This is why I don't really pay attention to all the bickering that's going on among leftist factions regarding the upcoming election. Those on the left who didn't want to vote against Trump four years ago will have to do it this year.

This year, voting your conscience = voting to make Trump lose (whether you like it or not), and abstaining won't save you from the consequences of a 2nd Trump/McConnell term.

Americans have low voter turnout compared to similarly situated Western nations, period. Black Americans also face voter suppression and have a long and complex history with having faith in institutions period based on what's happened here since 1619. I thought that it was clear that my post was referring to those who are already voting, but I guess not. If the swaths of the white people constituting groups that Rex mentioned who currently voted R vote Dem, then we wouldn't have that issue. That's my point. Those voters who routinely vote against their interests, not those who are currently not voting, which is a much more complex conversation.
Similarly, if the tens of millions of folks not currently voting turned out we wouldn’t have the issue either. Working-class whites who vote Republican are voting against their own interests, but in not voting, working-class people of all backgrounds are foregoing a voice in the process of expressing those interests and shaping their manifestation in the political arena as well. We should be committed to addressing both of those things on a wide range of fronts.
GOPs antics are exactly why any Dem candidate talking about find a middle ground and "working with them" needs to sit this one out. You can't reason with a party that's completely driven by reducing rights and opportunities for anyone who's not an upper-middle class to wealthy white man. They don't have the numbers based on registered voters, their policies are largely unpopular, and their base is literally dying. They need to be buried (metaphorically), not reasoned with
Who did I quote to accuse or imply of making that argument. Certain was not you.

And btw, Rex has been arguing for months that Bernie being on the ballot will cause historic voter turnout. He is not stupid, he knows the hurdles I place, he acknowledges that, and yet still maintains that about a Sanders nomination.

In all fairness I was wrong about the characterization. He, Bernie and others puts most of the blame on it, not all of it.
I agree with you that the narrative has been problematically skewed to some extent by Sanders and some of his supporters on this. I don’t want to speak for Rex, and he can contradict me if I’m off-base, but I think he’d agree with you as well.
Seems pretty obvious these lengthy monologues aren’t going to sway many voters one way or the other. Even if they are watching.
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