***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Not saying it makes sense, I assume, they are the same percentile, who are Burn or Bust.

The left critique of Liz is not based on policy. The problem is that of methodology, praxis. Her praxis is to get elected and then to cajole Republicans and moderate Democrats. They will say no to her good policies. Now what.

As far as I can see, she has nothing.

A Bernie Sanders administration would face the same conservative and moderate and obstinate wall. Sanders will call for a general strike or at the very least a sectoral strike. For instance, Airports will be shut down until there are 60 Senate votes for whatever we demand is made into law. The courts block M4A, time for another general strike or another airport strike. Capital will suffer and demand that its vassals (moderate and conservative Senators) capitulate again and packs the court. Bernie would be, first and foremost, president of workers. Workers would call the shots under a Sanders administration.

Liz has good policies but she is not a worker the way that Sanders is a worker.
That sounds like Venezuela to me :lol:

Or worse... like France

I don't know what qualifies Sanders as more of a worker than Warren. Both represents a better direction, than were we're curently heading with Trump.

I sincerely hope one will develop into something more Presidential and less like Jeremy Corbyn.
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fargin fargin care to share a link/citation of Bernie Bros calling Warren Hilary 2.0?

I haven't seen this comparison made.

What I've seen instead are attempts by the Jacobin crowd to beat back Warren's late summer momentum. IMO, the critiques have been mostly moronic, if understandable. One of the more compelling arguments was that whereas Bernie Sanders seeks to empower a multi-racial working-class coalition, Warren offers technocratic solutions https://jacobinmag.com/2019/10/future-liberals-want-matt-karp-populism-class-voting-democrats.
I am not gonna spend time on my vaca responding in detail. But I must say this article made me like Warren over Sanders even more.

Didn't think that was possible.
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