***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lol ppl are getting something out of what she said that she definitely didnt say and hasnt even implied.

If impeachment isnt on the table and isnt the end goal then this is all ********.
How much more evidence does one need to do what should have been done?

Shes no different than her Republican counterparts that wont put action into this ********.to prevent it from continuing.
Neither are her colleagues within the democratic party.

Smh at the party caving in and going with her yet again. Smh.

When the gerrymandering and the Russians put trump in office for a second term shes going to feel as stupid as she looks talking about this ******* as it happens in real time with no plan to stop it.
LOL. Bless your heart. Just like Bernie Sanders YOU are wasting your time champ. Bernie Sanders has little to no black support, which means he’s a dead man walking when it comes to the primaries.

Whenever Bernie is asked about something as it pertains to the black community he always states that he marched with MLK. King died in 1968 and Bernie has nothing of substance to point to as a claim for civil rights or progression for black people since then. Bernie has made no connection with the black community since the last presidential election, nor has he tried. With that in mind I can’t wait for Bernie Sanders to fail again and fail miserably during this presidential campaign. His supporters DESERVE to fail right beside him as well. I’m getting excited just thinking about it truth be told.
Which candidate are you supporting and why?
I’m tired of this bull crap of forcing genuine leftists to swear an oath to support your candidate of choice. I know what is implied and they both classic tropes used by the right wing.

One, you’re setting a narrowly defined ethical situation with a conveniently and cynically curated start and end point. Conservatives do this kind of crap all of the time. A rich white person gets mugged in a poor black part of LA and I try to explain the context on income inequality and housing discrimination and conservatives are like “so you’re ok with muggings?”

This whole pledge to support Joe Biden 18 months out of an election is also reminiscent of the endless apology and denunciation demands that conservatives levy on Muslims. The way that conservatives believe that all Muslims are either terrorists or supporters of terrorists, Centrist Dems believe that anyone who wants even the most basic forms of social Democracy obviously voted for Jill Stein out of spite. Just as Muslims will never be able to satisfy conservative demands for denunciations of terrorism, the 83% of us who were Sanders to Clinton voters will never satisfy centrists no matter how many ******* times we tell you we voted for Hillary.

Centrists, find a candidate who does have worry over getting every single vote from every supporter of every candidate they beat in the primary. Hillary got an 83% carry over rate, Obama got a 75% carry over rate and if Bernie does get nominated he’ll get about that or less.

Centrists, try putting forth a candidate who will increase turnout. Give marginally attached voters something to vote for and stop badgering us high turnout leftist voters who voted for your ****** candidate the last time around. At some point you sound like someone blaming the Rams defense for losing the super bowl.
I’m tired of this bull crap of forcing genuine leftists to swear an oath to support your candidate of choice. I know what is implied and they both classic tropes used by the right wing.

One, you’re setting a narrowly defined ethical situation with a conveniently and cynically curated start and end point. Conservatives do this kind of crap all of the time. A rich white person gets mugged in a poor black part of LA and I try to explain the context on income inequality and housing discrimination and conservatives are like “so you’re ok with muggings?”

This whole pledge to support Joe Biden 18 months out of an election is also reminiscent of the endless apology and denunciation demands that conservatives levy on Muslims. The way that conservatives believe that all Muslims are either terrorists or supporters of terrorists, Centrist Dems believe that anyone who wants even the most basic forms of social Democracy obviously voted for Jill Stein out of spite. Just as Muslims will never be able to satisfy conservative demands for denunciations of terrorism, the 83% of us who were Sanders to Clinton voters will never satisfy centrists no matter how many ****ing times we tell you we voted for Hillary.

Centrists, find a candidate who does have worry over getting every single vote from every supporter of every candidate they beat in the primary. Hillary got an 83% carry over rate, Obama got a 75% carry over rate and if Bernie does get nominated he’ll get about that or less.

Centrists, try putting forth a candidate who will increase turnout. Give marginally attached voters something to vote for and stop badgering us high turnout leftist voters who voted for your ****ty candidate the last time around. At some point you sound like someone blaming the Rams defense for losing the super bowl.

I hate Joe Biden, but I feel zero sympathy for the Bernie supporting left.


They are not some marginalized class.

If Bernie had his polling numbers leftist would be making the same unity demands. In a funny and sad twist, some of the same argument made in favor of a Sanders nomination in 2016 is being used to push Biden. :lol: :smh:

For all this talk of building a diverse workers coalition, no one stopped to question the preferred leftist candidate wasn't doing enough on the "diverse" part.

What’s the point you’re making? If you’re trying to say that Bernie and Trump are two sides of the same coin, you’re undermining your point since Bernie did not run as an independent the way Trump would have if he had not been the nominee.

Are you saying that contentious primaries are bad political practice. The GOP has had primary battles through out this decade and they ended up with control over all three branches of government and they’ll control the judiciary for a generation to come even if Democrats win the White House (or at least of any of the centrist Dems become the nominee, ya know those people to whom we are supposed to swear in conditional fealty)

I hate Joe Biden, but I feel zero sympathy for the Bernie supporting left.


They are not some marginalized class.

If Bernie had his polling numbers leftist would be making the same unity demands. In a funny and sad twist, some of the same argument made in favor of a Sanders nomination in 2016 is being used to push Biden. :lol: :smh:

For all this talk of building a diverse workers coalition, no one stopped to question the preferred leftist candidate wasn't doing enough on the "diverse" part.

Liked for the parallel phrasing.

As far as the content goes, three things.

It will be hilarious if Bernie is the nominee and at least a half dozen users on here will say why we need bold Centrist leadership from Howard Schultz.

Ninjaism-Deuce Kingism will be a sight to behold

“Da barons of business are da best suited for high office, champ”
What’s the point you’re making? If you’re trying to say that Bernie and Trump are two sides of the same coin, you’re undermining your point since Bernie did not run as an independent the way Trump would have if he had not been the nominee.

Are you saying that contentious primaries are bad political practice. The GOP has had primary battles through out this decade and they ended up with control over all three branches of government and they’ll control the judiciary for a generation to come even if Democrats win the White House (or at least of any of the centrist Dems become the nominee, ya know those people to whom we are supposed to swear in conditional fealty)

Liked for the parallel phrasing.

As far as the content goes, three things.

It will be hilarious if Bernie is the nominee and at least a half dozen users on here will say why we need bold Centrist leadership from Howard Schultz.

Ninjaism-Deuce Kingism will be a sight to behold

“Da barons of business are da best suited for high office, champ”
-First off, 2008 and 2016 are not a one-to-one comparison. Edwards being stronger than O'Malley, Obama's race, and Trump general vileness all affect the comparison.

It is funny to me that this metric is thrown out so much too. People want this metric to kill the noise about Bernie supporters helping Trump. But even with research shows Obama-Trump voters were not motivated by "economic anxiety", the Bernie crowd still like to let that hand in the air because it is politically convenient for Bernie.

-Not being a Sanders supporter doesn't make someone a centrist. Schultz was universally clowned in here.

-Sanders supporters, you included, peddled the theory that Sanders really didn't need the Southern black because they were expecting it to split so much. Especially given Booker and Harris's presence. Hell Sanders himself tacitly pointed to this strategy too. Saying a crowd field would be easier to win in because you need to get a plurality of the vote to win, not a majority like a head-to-head demands. Given how Clinton beat him and his campaigning, it was were what he is implying. That if he held his coalition together, he would win.

You want to talk about condescending behavior toward loyal voters; southern black women are the most loyal voting bloc the Dems have, and Bernie was angling to be cool without them being a part of his coalition.

So like I said. Not feeling sorry not one bit. The pot is calling the kettle Domincaniano here famb.

Maybe you guys should finally start worrying about his ground game in the South, because even though his *** wasted 4 years, better late than never.

Or you guys can whine about centrist.
-First off, 2008 and 2016 are not a one-to-one comparison. Edwards being stronger than O'Malley, Obama's race, and Trump general vileness all affect the comparison.

It is funny to me that this metric is thrown out so much too. People want this metric to kill the noise about Bernie supporters helping Trump. But even with research shows Obama-Trump voters were not motivated by "economic anxiety", the Bernie crowd still like to let that hand in the air because it is politically convenient for Bernie.

-Not being a Sanders supporter doesn't make someone a centrist. Schultz was universally clowned in here.

-Sanders supporters, you included, peddled the theory that Sanders really didn't need the Southern black because they were expecting it to split so much. Especially given Booker and Harris's presence. Hell Sanders himself tacitly pointed to this strategy too. Saying a crowd field would be easier to win in because you need to get a plurality of the vote to win, not a majority like a head-to-head demands. Given how Clinton beat him and his campaigning, it was were what he is implying. That if he held his coalition together, he would win.

You want to talk about condescending behavior toward loyal voters; southern black women are the most loyal voting bloc the Dems have, and Bernie was angling to be cool without them being a part of his coalition.

So like I said. Not feeling sorry not one bit. The pot is calling the kettle Domincaniano here famb.

Maybe you guys should finally start worrying about his ground game in the South, because even though his *** wasted 4 years, better late than never.

Or you guys can whine about centrist.

First, I’m amazed how liberals can simultaneously dismiss Sanders’ supporters as just a handful of rowdy white college guys and yet we’re also this incredibly powerful bloc that can make or break Barack Obama’s successor. Which is it?

I know you want to downplay 83>75 but let’s not engage in revisionism. The ‘08 election was high stakes same as 2016. We had the potential first black president running against a ticket that featured Sarah Palin.

The figure of 83>75 gets brought up because the narrative that Sanders Primary voters singularity made Trump President gets brought up a lot. We could blame internal forces like Clinton’s decision to engage in aggressive anti politics which converted Obama 08 and 12 voters into non voters or external forces like Comey, voter suppression and the EC. We could blame those factors but liberals are unwilling or unable to change those things so you guys just hound Sanders supporters.

It’s the lost keys under the working street light story. Liberals know they dropped their keys a few blocks back but there are no working street lights back there so might as well just frantically search where the street lights are on. Liberals know they are bound to aggressive complacency and uncompromising anti politics as their politics. They can’t change that so just shame the leftists who voted for Hillary Clinton at a higher rate than her supporters did when placed in a similar position.

And pointing out math is not forming a value judgement. It’s not a theory I peddled it’s just a fact that Sanders is more likely to reconstitute his 2016 coalition than any one else is of reconstituting Clinton 2016 coalition. Sanders can win without black voters in the south but he knows that in order to have legitimacy, you have to have at least a decent showing with every major part of the Democratic coalition. Sanders can only do better with black, southern voters and I believe he will.

I also am anticipating 65-70% carry over rate if Sanders is the nominee. The affluent Democrats who support Biden or Buttigieg will suddenly wonder if party unity is do great. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, in the America, the more money you have the more class consciousness you have. The Democratic Primary of 2020 is a theater of class war. When liberal members of the bourgeoisie and the PMC lose to a coalition of workers (be it in 2020 or a future primary) they will, en made, do what class solidarity will demand and like other protofascists, they’ll latch onto the nearest, major pro genocide political party in exchange for keeping that political party keeping their taxes low.

When we rebuilt the Sanders 2016 coalition and add to it while the the donor approved candidates split their voter base, we will in, summer 2020, the wealthy liberal pundits and business tycoons proclaiming themselves never Sanders Democrats will be a sight to behold, right down to the purple and gold special of the Atlantic where most of the writers and editors denounce Sanders and implore is to vote Trump or Schultz or write in Ben Sasse.
Ghouliani working with a foreign government to try to obtain damaging info about one of Trump's political opponents... sound familiar?

But look at how the piece of **** nyt frames the headline. Vogel is crap btw:

you guys should watch the long shot. has some pretty decent views on the current state of things and is pretty even about it.
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