***Official Political Discussion Thread***

article arguing that there is a high likelihood Russian hackers changed votes in the 2016 election:


given that every other speculation is being proven true about Russian meddling and collusion, this is probably true as well.

edit: although I will admit the evidence is thin.
Interesting bit right here.
A 16-year-old hacker broke into as ExpressPoll voting machine used by Georgia in 45 minutes. Another cyberhacker showed how he could change votes in the WINvote machine used in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Mississippi, with only a computer, a mouse and a Microsoft Word document, as long as he had the password. But the hacker soon discovered that WINvote machines all had the same password.

The password, which could not be changed, was (you might want to take a deep breath) “abcde.”

A recent report by the New York Times detailed how a Pennsylvania auditor checking his state’s voting system found remote access software on the system that tallies votes. Electronic Systems & Software, the company that makes those machines, is the biggest voting machine manufacturer in America.

Best to take it with a healthy grain of salt as this didn't come directly from Cohen or his team to CNN, or at least not on the record. Cohen attorney Lannny Davis said this wasn't leaked by Cohen

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.
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Best to take it with a grain of salt as this didn't come directly from Cohen to CNN, or at least not on the record.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

Some media folks are suggesting its another leak from Trump's team...same as the tape, which baffles me because if the mission is to further ruin Cohen's credibility or lessen any information Cohen could use as leverage for a deal Im not sure this will play out in their favor if he has corroborating evidence anyways
Some media folks are suggesting its another leak from Trump's team...same as the tape, which baffles me because if the mission is to further ruin Cohen's credibility or lessen any information Cohen could use as leverage for a deal Im not sure this will play out in their favor if he has corroborating evidence anyways
Isn't that an attempt to get ahead of the story? They did it before with Don Jr.
Word on the street is that 2 quarter GDP growth figures are gonna be very good. So good that barring anything dramatic that we will likely see 3% annual growth this year.

While conservatives celebrate these top-line numbers. I wonder how many will acknowledge that this was achieved through massive deficit spending. An act that the GOP declared evil when Obama was in Office. And funnier, that thing that has given the economy the extra jolt is not the tax cuts but the increase in spending from the budget deal. Again, something the GOP vehemently refused to do under Obama.

3% growth will now become a rallying cry for the GOP. But when you really look at the state of the economy is says little about what is really happening, and how many people are left behind. However, the report tomorrow will prove that this 3% figure could have easily been achieved under the Obama years if the GOP were not petty hypocrites. It will also prove the GOP was successful with their bait and switch regarding government spending.

On the bright side, conservatives are gonna play themselves by celebrating these numbers. Popping bottles at your supposed success that mainly helps the richest of your base, while you implement trade policies that screw over others. That might lead to some self-inflicted voter suppression.

Then again, the GOP base is delusional so they probably won't care and celebrate along.
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Most people, who voted for Trump in 2016, will vote for Republicans in the midterms and they will vote for him on 2020 because most of his electoral support is built in because he is a white supremacist who heads up a white supremacist party. Most of his support is totally unmoored to the ups and downs of the economy.

With that said, this nominally good news about the economy could actually cost Trump and the GOP at the margin and at the margin is where electoral politics is decided.
There is a sliver of Trump’s coalition that included whites (and some POC who are cool with white supremacy) who are just sophisticated enough to understand that their miserable, impoverished and precarious lives bare no resembalance to top line numbers touted by the business press and the Democratic Party in 2016. Those sane voters also assume that this economic death spiral is caused by which ever party controls the White House at that moment.

Now those voters’ lives are no better than they were two years ago. Now those same voters will be seeing Republican declaring a booming economy. Hopefully, a that sliver of the GOP’s winning coalition will feel disillusioned enough to not turnout to vote.

So to AM radio hosts, Stuart Varney, Neil Cavuto, Sarah Sanders et al. Please please tell every Trump voter living in poverty how awesome the whole economy is and maybe, just maybe you can put five percent of your base (and ten percent of your base in the Midwest) into such a deep, catatonic episode of depression that they simply are unable to vote for whatever maniac the GOP puts on their local ballot.
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