***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Completely ignoring the fact that he's one of the people who created the hysteria.
Deport his ***. Arrest him for inciting violence. Throw him in a concentration camp for a few months. Then deport his ***.
Isn't that how we treat immigrants in this country? Kick his immigrant *** out and make america great again then.
I'd take this with a healthy dose of salt given the source (Middle East Eye) but if they have the leaked emails we should find out soon enough if they are accurate.
The Middle East Eye is a news organization formed by a former chief foreign lead writer at The Guardian. The organization is also reportedly funded in some form by Qatar.

MEE reveals how Trump confidant shared information with UAE
Leaked emails show a close working relationship between the Emiratis and Trump's circle while he was still a candidate.
US President Donald Trump's closest confidants were willing to exchange inside information about US government appointments with Yousef al-Otaiba, the Emirati ambassador to Washington, the Middle East Eye has revealed in a new set of leaked emails.
The president-elect's advisers also pledged to al-Otaiba that they would keep his government's interests at the heart of the new administration's Middle East policy.

The emails reveal that the relationship between the Emiratis and the president's inner circle was cemented earlier than previously thought.

The correspondence is between al-Otaiba and Tom Barrack, a long-standing friend of Trump and a billionaire fundraiser.

It reveals how the Republican platform for 2016 was altered to remove a call for the publication of 28 pages of allegedly incriminating documents from the 9/11 inquiry and how al-Otaiba sought information about top appointments from Barrack while Trump was president-elect.
The key emails were written when Trump was still a presidential candidate and at least six months before the key meeting at Trump Tower in December 2016 between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ) and Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser; Jared Kushner, his Middle East adviser and Steve Bannon, his chief strategist, which was reported by the Washington Post.

The emails will be of special interest to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who has widened his inquiry into potential Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election to investigate whether the Emiratis and Saudis funnelled payments to Trump's election campaign.

How the relationship developed
Contact between Barrack and al-Otaiba started in 2009 over a property deal in California, but the relationship blossomed when Trump was a presidential candidate in 2016.

Throughout their correspondence, Barrack, the son of a Lebanese immigrant and an Arabic speaker, referred to "our agenda", and "our region" and offered to introduce al-Otaiba to Jared Kushner, the future president's Middle East adviser, adding: "You will love him and he agrees with our agenda."

Al-Otaiba for his part was eager to introduce the Trump circle to his bosses, starting with Tahnoon bin Zayed, the crown prince's brother and his national security adviser.

On 26 May, Barrack replied: "Youssef this would be the best thing we could do. I promise you we could accomplish so much if you and HH [His Highness] will give me an hour or so with 'the man'."

A week after Trump's surprise defeat of Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, al-Otaiba asked for "any insights" about the people who the incoming president was going to choose for the key positions at the State Department, the Department of Defense and the CIA.

On 16 November, Otaiba wrote: "If you have any insights about postings to places like state, DOD, CIA and national security adviser, I would be grateful. I would only brief my bosses. Any indicators would be highly appreciated."

Barrack replied: "I do, and we're working through them in real time and I have our regional interest in high profile. When you get a chance let's talk by phone."

Five days later, al-Otaiba attempted to get Fran Townsend, George W Bush's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, who he described as a "dear friend" of his, appointed as Trump's director of national intelligence.

He wrote to Barrack: "I saw her last night and immediately thought she would be huge asset to you. She would make a perfect Director of National Intelligence or DHS secretary. She would hit the ground running on every issue."

In May 2017 Townsend confirmed that she had been shortlisted for the post of FBI director after James Comey had been sacked.

Anti-Saudi comments removed
Barrack was interviewed by Mueller's investigators last December when he was asked chiefly about Paul Manafort, whom he recommended as Trump's campaign manager. Manafort has since been indicted by Mueller.

In July 2016, one month after he became Trump's campaign manager, Manafort sent Barrack an email he had received from a Republican Party source about the removal of the reference to the alleged Saudi funding of the 9/11 bombers.

The email was then forwarded on to Otaiba, along with Barrack's comment that it was "really confidential but important. Please don't distribute."

"Paul. Something you can pass along to your friend Tom Barrack. I made certain that language that was anti the Saudi Royal Family was removed from the platform. It was inserted by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) lobbyists and would have been a part of the 2016 Platform. When I saw the amendment that was passed in the subcommittee, I gave instructions to our political team to remove the language in the full committee."

The sender of the original email is unknown.

As the November election neared, part of the Republican Party platform, which was potentially embarrassing to the Saudi government, was removed.

The deleted section called for the publication of 28 pages of documents gathered during the 9/11 investigations which implicated members of the Saudi royal family in funding the attackers.
Sean Hannity has already taken the opportunity to blame Maxine Waters for the Annapolis newspaper shooting

By the way, we're getting some breaking news that there was a shooting at the, it's called Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, The Baltimore Sun is now reporting. We have multiple deaths also being reported, and the sheriff is saying that multiple fatalities in a newsroom shooting. Oh, good grief. So scary. The suspect though has been apprehended according to the sheriff. And we'll continue to follow that story. It's so sad that there are so many sick, demented, and evil people in this world. It really is sad. You know imagine you go to work and this is what you're dealing with today, some crazy person comes in -- and I'm not turning this into a gun debate, I know that's where the media will be in 30 seconds from now. That's not it. You know, as I've always said, I mean honestly -- I've been saying now for days that something horrible was going to happen because of the rhetoric. Really [Rep.] Maxine [Waters]? You want people to create -- "call your friends, get in their faces," and Obama said that too. "Get in their faces, call them out, call your friends, get protesters, follow them into restaurants and shopping malls," and wherever else she said.
Completely ignoring the fact that he's one of the people who created the hysteria.
Deport his ***. Arrest him for inciting violence. Throw him in a concentration camp for a few months. Then deport his ***.
Isn't that how we treat immigrants in this country? Kick his immigrant *** out and make america great again then.
Yes ms13 member most likely. I’m going to run with that
In the wake of this massive L y'all just took.

Whats clear now is that the legislative filibuster must go down and go down hard.
The game theory of it just makes sense...

1. It's a lot harder to take away government benefits than it is to institute them.
2. Republicans are just incompetent in general when it comes to actually governing and crafting laws
3. Republicans voters in general benefit more from public services than democrats and so republicans face a ton of cross pressure when they try to get rid of government benefits like medicare and medicaid.

get rid of the filibuster as SOON as their is a democratic president. It should be a question asked in every democratic presidential primary debate.
"Multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation told NBC News the suspect is not cooperating with investigators, and they don't know his name. Two senior law enforcement officials say the man obscured his fingerprints, making it difficult to identify him. Officials say they're using facial recognition technology to try to identify the man."

Weird. This shooter tried to erase his fingerprints.
"Multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation told NBC News the suspect is not cooperating with investigators, and they don't know his name. Two senior law enforcement officials say the man obscured his fingerprints, making it difficult to identify him. Officials say they're using facial recognition technology to try to identify the man."

Weird. This shooter tried to erase his fingerprints.
I think i read they identified him and are preparing a search warrant. If they find on his devices hes a consumer of milo yiannopoulos content, that scumbag should be held accountable because this is exactly what it sounds like. Terrorism.
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