***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Given those Syria tweets and the alleged chemical attack though, you can bet on John Bolton going straight to work on pushing for a military strike on Syria when he reports for work tomorrow. Especially with his obsession with Iran. Bolton has never seen an opportunity for war he didn't like
In episode 443 of the White House Apprentice, the top National Security Council spokesman says he is leaving the WH for a different career.
Trump's top national security spokesman to leave White House
National Security Council spokesman Michael Anton said Sunday that he plans to leave the White House — a move that will leave President Donald Trump without one of the earliest and sharpest defenders of his “America First" foreign policy.

Though Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, brought Anton into the administration, he spent the majority of his tenure serving as spokesman for Flynn’s replacement, H.R. McMaster.

Anton said he plans join Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center, the conservative school’s Washington, D.C. outpost, as a writer and lecturer. "I will be forever grateful to President Trump for the opportunity to serve my country and implement his agenda,” he said.

Before joining the Trump administration, Anton had become a controversial figure during the 2016 campaign for his attempt to make the case for Trump’s candidacy. In a pseudonymous essay, “The Flight 93 Election,” he made a highbrow version of Trump’s attack on the GOP establishment, calling conservative intellectuals wilted and outmoded, and praised Trump for connecting the issues of trade, immigration and foreign policy.

Writers affiliated with the Claremont Institute, the California think tank that published Anton’s essay, are among the small coterie of right-leaning intellectuals who have continued to defend the president.

The announcement of Anton’s departure coincides with that of McMaster, whose last day was Friday, and with the arrival of John Bolton, whose first day as national security adviser is Monday. Though Anton has not yet determined when his last day will be, he is expected to leave the White House in the coming weeks.

Inside the White House, Anton, the author of a book about about men’s style, was the rare egghead who managed not to drive the president crazy — and he played a key role weathering McMaster’s testy relationship with the president.

Trump has “nothing but good things to say” about him, said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

“Michael is one of the smartest and most talented individuals I’ve ever worked with — not to mention an amazing chef,” said Sanders, who called him a “true friend.”

“The education I received and the friends I made are — apart from my family and my country — the most cherished things in my life. I am delighted to be returning to my first love and second family,” Anton said, referring to Hillsdale College and the Claremont Institute.

"I have known Michael for just about his entire adult life. His devotion to learning, his love of his country, and his talents of thinking, talking, and writing will make him a valuable colleague. We are proud to welcome him to the Kirby Center,” Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn said.
(from BBC 30 minutes ago but BBC links always get messed up)
Trump promises 'major decision' on Syria chemical attack
The US President condemned a chemical attack in Syria, saying a major decision would follow in the next 24 hours.
Not surprised the WH denied the attack. I mean, it isn't like it's the first time they did something and completely deny it despite witnesses coming out :lol: #Fire&Fury

Trump Playbook 101: Chapter 1; DENY EVERYTHING :pimp:

Quick summary in regards to the buffoonery that has been mebtiomen in here.

-Even with better GDP projections because of new inflation estimates, the damn tax cuts will not pay for themselves

-We will not have sustained 4 percent growth, not even 3, hell not even 2.

-We will see close or over 3 percent GDP growth this year because of an increase in government spending. You know, because of the budget bill Trump hated and swore he would not sign. That push us over

-Our deficits are booming. They will nearly double under Trump. Running high deficits for so long will result in higher interest rates. Which will pull down growth in the long run.

In all, all the Trump Stan's spewing voodoo economics were dead wrong.

But I am sure one of them will see 3 percent growth for one year, and celebrate. He will not be educated enough to know it proves the opposite of the trash he was saying, but he will celebrate anyway.
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RIP for good if they start losing the elder white vote...
Trump will celebrate (prolly dedicate a holiday for it) and brag about it. He'd likely compare his one year success "putting America first" to Obama's tenure.

Trumpists are like those people that know there's a problem going on but they don't know the extent and consequences of it because their too busy addressing other irrelevant things.

These farmers bout to be hit with a massive financial famine and they'll say, "oh, da economy's adjusting, give it some time and we'll be rich!" and likely blame Obama (again)
Trump will celebrate (prolly dedicate a holiday for it) and brag about it. He'd likely compare his one year success "putting America first" to Obama's tenure.

Trumpists are like those people that know there's a problem going on but they don't know the extent and consequences of it because their too busy addressing other irrelevant things.

These farmers bout to be hit with a massive financial famine and they'll say, "oh, da economy's adjusting, give it some time and we'll be rich!" and likely blame Obama (again)

Obummer will def get blamed.
F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”
I mean make fun of the older white educated voter all you want but they vote with their wallets a lot of time. Meaning tax cuts ring in their ears because they are usually on fixed income. High fixed income but still fixed nonetheless. Are there other circumstances like closet racism that plays with it too sure. But don’t discount how big taxes are on decision making.

And the Democratic Party didn’t help that they put hiliary as their candidate, a polarizing figure. I blame the Democratic Party for trump because they shoved hiliary down our throats when they knew so many people didn’t just dislike her but hated her. You can’t do that when a state might be decided by 10k swing voters who voted on that topic alone.
And the Democratic Party didn’t help that they put hiliary as their candidate, a polarizing figure. I blame the Democratic Party for trump because they shoved hiliary down our throats when they knew so many people didn’t just dislike her but hated her. You can’t do that when a state might be decided by 10k swing voters who voted on that topic alone.

Again, Hillary Clinton wasn't shoved down anyone's throats. She was the frontrunner after the 2012 elections. She was not the only choice.

She won the Democratic primary fair and square.
By not grooming anyone she was. 0 legit alternatives because Bernie wasn’t going to win **** the way he was carrying nonwhites.

They literally stopped grooming anyone because they called the “she got next” after loosing to Obama.
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