***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He trippin, trippin

This clown seriously wants a recession.
Hark, I doth spyeth not enough monies in thine government coffers, to cushion blow of trade war for targeted industries, due to tax cuts.
I further spyeth an exploding debt as a result and I smelleth a new debt ceiling crisis cooking. I'm sure everything will be fine though.
every day trump stays in office is another day America goes backwards.

this was funny at first, proving his supporters wrong, especially the lightly educated "moderates" who tried to argue that he would make a decent president. but at this point it is ridiculous and we need to move on soon.

I don't care how he gets out (impeachment, resignation, assassination, heart attack, Melania stabbing him to death, suicide). he needs to be out ASAP.
There's Pruitt again. The updated WaPo article also alleges that he mischaracterized his role in the substantial pay raise of some top aides against the advice of the WH. While he did not personally carry out the order, he had endorsed the pay raises.
Even as President Trump repeatedly expressed his support for Pruitt in public, top White House aides began to escalate their disapproval, suggesting the administrator has mischaracterized his role in boosting the salaries of two employees. On Thursday evening, two EPA officials confirmed that Pruitt endorsed the idea last month of giving substantial raises to senior counsel Sarah Greenwalt and scheduling and advance director Millan Hupp — although he did not carry out the pay raise himself.
Scott Pruitt’s job in jeopardy amid expanding ethics issues

Edit: And here's what a GOP Senator has to say about Trump's latest order to look into 100 billion dollars in additional tariffs. Hope the president is just escalating a potential trade war to blow off some steam.
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every day trump stays in office is another day America goes backwards.

this was funny at first, proving his supporters wrong, especially the lightly educated "moderates" who tried to argue that he would make a decent president. but at this point it is ridiculous and we need to move on soon.

I don't care how he gets out (impeachment, resignation, assassination, heart attack, Melania stabbing him to death, suicide). he needs to be out ASAP.


But then wed have this dude to deal with...


But then wed have this dude to deal with...

true. but I'll live with that.

I was trying to think of a proper analogy earlier today. best I could come up with is that Pence is like picking hair out of your soup whereas trump is like the chef crapped in the soup.
These **********ers cant find the time to decry the rise of white nationalism in this country but have time for this nonsense


Y'all done played yourself now.

What's hunger and homelessness and lack of opportunities when you're free though?
He trippin, trippin

This clown seriously wants a recession.

At this point I do too. If your money and job is secure recession just means everything is on sale. Im salty I wasnt put on early enough to catch the 2009-2012 sales on stocks and housing. But I got time today cuhh. I finally see how these 1% circles stay in the money while everyone else is losing. All about the knowledge and some insider info for this rigged system.
At this point I do too. If your money and job is secure recession just means everything is on sale. Im salty I wasnt put on early enough to catch the 2009-2012 sales on stocks and housing. But I got time today cuhh. I finally see how these 1% circles stay in the money while everyone else is losing. All about the knowledge and some insider info for this rigged system.
Ummmm, ok, that's cool I guess.
Unless you are in the top 1%, in terms of wealth, you do not want a recession. Some wage earners will keep their jobs and prerecession income levels and can then buy into housing markets that they previously could not afford; however, even the most secure of wage earners can have their lives turned upside down and they may never recover due to employer discrimination against those with gaps in their resumes.

I'm rich and white and leftist and while I should be the epitome of an accelerationist, I hope that we do not have a recession. Putting aside concerns about human well being, a recession might fail to even advance my own political goals. Mass misery can cause an even further rightward shift in our politics just as much as a strong leftward shift is possible.

Aside from repo companies, no one should hope for a recession. No matter where you sit on the political compass, you should have enough confidence in your side's arguments to hope that the business cycle stays robust and you can win over more and more people through multiple election cycles. When recessions come crashing down, almost everything is decided by chance.

The same is true for the personal finances of most. Again, you may be able to take advantage of a recession and failing assets prices. However, no amount of Suze Orman or David Ramsey consumption can inoculate yourself against a potential life long drop in earnings, which would completely take away your ability to thrive in or even to survive a major downturn.

I hope that the market stays stable and that my side can craft a society where most do not live at the mercy of the whim and capriciousness of a few hundred fund managers and bond traders and private equity barons. Until then, best of luck.
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At this point I do too. If your money and job is secure recession just means everything is on sale. Im salty I wasnt put on early enough to catch the 2009-2012 sales on stocks and housing. But I got time today cuhh. I finally see how these 1% circles stay in the money while everyone else is losing. All about the knowledge and some insider info for this rigged system.
You said it right there in your post; "I finally see how these 1% circles stay in the money while everyone else is losing". Unless you're in the 1%, you and all of us here will be stuck in the everybody else loses bracket. Perhaps with the way things are going you could look into shorting the markets through ETFs though. It's above my capacity to explain properly but at its most basic level it's essentially just betting on the markets to sink.
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