***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Drumpf really thinks the military operates like in the movies, huh.


I could see him like one of those bosses that go to meetings only to tell you that your ideas (which btw took you months to prepare) suck because he's the type of boss that's easily bored and ignorant about your work and welfare of others.
Some latino dude just posted this video on facebook and he sayed "If my father can do it" Why cant you?
Some latino dude just posted this video on facebook and he sayed "If my father can do it" Why cant you?

This MLK quote feels relevant:

It's alright to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.

Can that guy look me in the eye and say that he is leaving the world a better place for the next generation? That’s my new litmus test. I don’t care that he did it - the world is different and we need to help people not give them more barriers (and higher barriers than he had to overcome?)

Earning plenty of money (more than you need to meet your basic needs) will shift you to the right of the spectrum.

There is also the fact that more black Americans come from more diverse backgrounds today than 40 years ago: more immigration and less familiarity with the impact of earlier state and federal policies on older African-American communities can explain why you will find Black conservatives. Religion also plays a role as Africa is and Latin America are places where the Catholic Church has expanded, and immigrants from there are more sympathetic to political positions friendly to religion.
Earning plenty of money (more than you need to meet your basic needs) will shift you to the right of the spectrum.

There is also the fact that more black Americans come from more diverse backgrounds today than 40 years ago: more immigration and less familiarity with the impact of earlier state and federal policies on older African-American communities can explain why you will find Black conservatives. Religion also plays a role as Africa is and Latin America are places where the Catholic Church has expanded, and immigrants from there are more sympathetic to political positions friendly to religion.
So theyre in the sunken place because theyre worshiping their White sky daddy Jesus?
So theyre in the sunken place because theyre worshiping their White sky daddy Jesus?
Yes, until they get pulled over every day after moving in their new house in the "nice" neighborhood.

Or after they get told at church that "colonization wasn't so bad, was it? The English brought the roads!"
BuzzFeed has an article about Bernire's problem gaining enough support in the African American community.

It includes this gem....

By the time his campaign aides scrambled to release a detailed criminal justice platform on Aug. 9, Sanders was still struggling. In a September meeting with Campaign Zero, a movement formed out of the Ferguson protests, activists asked Sanders why, in his opinion, there were a disproportionate amount of people of color in jail for nonviolent drug offenses. Sanders, seated across the table, a yellow legal pad at hand, responded with a question of his own, according to two people present: “Aren’t most of the people who sell the drugs African American?” The candidate, whose aides froze in the moment, was quickly rebuffed: The answer, the activists told him, was no. Even confronted with figures and data to the contrary, Sanders appeared to have still struggled to grasp that he had made an error, the two people present said.

And by the looks of it, Bernie is still blaming Obama for the wave of white nationalism that cost the Dems so many seats. While his peeps still trying to deny he is blaming Obama. Well he denies it whenever he sees black people in the crowd.

Dis guy :smh: :lol:

I'll vote for him in the general happily. But this and his other comments have pretty much guaranteed I will be supporting someone else in the primary.
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There's Pruitt...again
The lobbyist couple (the husband being a big energy lobbyist) who own the condo Pruitt was "renting" for $50 per night have now been cited for not having the right permits. Also note that yesterday it was reported that Pruitt missed payments for the condo at times.
Lobbyist couple cited for not having proper permits to rent room to Pruitt
The lobbyist couple who leased a room in their townhome to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt has been cited by the Washington, D.C., government for not having the proper licenses.

The property owners did not hold the business license enquired to rent out the property, the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs said in a statement obtained by CNN on Thursday.
Health-care lobbyist Vicki Hart co-owns the condo and was fined $2,034, according to the statement

Hart is married to Steven Hart, who has lobbied the EPA.

Reports broke last week that Pruitt rented a room in the condo for $50 a night, launching an ethics scandal that has lawmakers calling for his resignation.

Pruitt’s adult daughter also lived with him for a period of time and Pruitt was reportedly late on some of the payments, prompting complaints from Hart.

The EPA’s top ethics official said the lease aligned with ethics rules and did not constitute as a “gift” under federal regulations.

Pruitt said he was “dumbfounded” that him renting a condo linked to a top lobbyist was controversial.

In recent weeks, the EPA chief has faced a series of accusations of ethical violations and damaging news stories.

The New York Times reported Thursday that at least five EPA officials were demoted or reassigned after raising questions about Pruitt's spending habits or management.

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And finally the Trump administration is giving some meaningful pushback against Russia. Took them long enough.
Trump Administration Imposes New Sanctions on Putin Cronies
The Trump administration imposed new sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest men and 17 top government officials on Friday in the latest effort to punish President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle for interference in the 2016 election and other Russian aggressions.

Dawg, ole coal miner done goofed up. I woulda choked son out with the tie I had on smh

Reminds me of the infamous quote by Lee Atwater:
"You start out in 1954 by saying, 'N-word, n-word, n-word.' By 1968 you can't say 'n**' -- that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now that you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is that blacks get hurt worse than whites."
"And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me -- because obviously sitting around saying, 'We want to cut this,' is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than 'N**, n**."
We have a strange system

Literally allows sociopaths to control society

People who with a straight face pretend they’re serving people while robbing them and making the world a worse place

Some more perverted dirt is probably gonna drop

"The former conservative radio host and four-term lawmaker said in December that he had "no idea how to run a congressional office" when he got elected and as a result, "I allowed a workplace culture to take root in my office that was too permissive and decidedly unprofessional. It accommodated destructive gossip, offhand comments, off-color jokes and behavior that in general was less than professional."

The crazies are literally running the asylum.

And this is for anyone who thinks governing/public service is easy and anyone could do it.

Gotta give credit to Limbaugh and the right wing talking heads who haven't run for office; at least they know they spew ******** in exchange for $$$, and they know not to venture beyond intellectual poop making.
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