***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Da hiphop intelligentsia has spoken once more b.
During J Cole's tour in Scandinavia, I think it was Denmark or Norway, the crowd started chanting **** Donald Trump and Cole joined in.
Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms. Prior to Trump’s overturning the rule on February 28, four Democratic senators and an independent who are up for re-election in 2018 had sided with their Republican colleagues by voting to revoke it.

Related: Under Trump, what will happen on guns?

The Social Security Administration finalized the standing rule in December under President Barack Obama. With the regulation, the SSA was required to identify and report to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) individuals who are unable to work because of severe mental impairment and can’t manage their own Social Security financial benefits, and therefore were ineligible to buy guns. The thought was that those certain Social Security recipients could pose a danger to themselves or others.
The regulation we have here regarding mental health and firearms is generally on a case by case basis with one exception. Other than that specific instance mentioned below there is no blanket ban here on firearm permits for individuals with mental health issues in their history.
Mental health issues don't necessarily disqualify you from acquiring a firearm permit. In the process of a hunting firearm license application or maintaining your license after acquiring it, the law states that for each indivual a medical examination must be conducted to determine if you are physically and mentally fit to understand our gun laws and responsibly own and use a firearm.

The exception to this is if the individual has been forcibly committed to a psychiatric facility. This does not necessarily apply to all individuals who have spent time in a psychiatric facility.
The process is a bit different for firearm permit applications for shooting club members. These generally do their own in-house testing and technically don't require a medical review to be submitted to the provincial governor for approval. But from what I know in my area they do it anyway, if only for their own safety.
Showtime just launched a series on Saturday about the various mass shootings in American history. The timing of all of this is quite unsettling

Just think of the things we could be focusing on more if we didn't need to investigate this Russia bull and pretending Repubs care about the working class
well he did pay for the guns himself....

not like he used a universal guncare system to get them...

just playing devils advocate.... terrible false equivalency tweet
Some pretty big news out of my City today

ATLANTA - Atlanta City Council unanimously passed legislation that would reduce the penalties for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana on Monday afternoon.
Councilman Kwanza Hall introduced the legislation last month.

The current law allows for a penalty of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail for anyone caught in possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana. The new legislation would lower that to just a $75 ticket and no jail time.
6 months for less than an ounce. That is disgusting. Glad they changed the law.
This is what I'm talking about when dudes on here talk about 6 months for dui. The system would definitely treat the person who had a couple glasses of wine the same as someone who downed a bottle of Jameson.
well he did pay for the guns himself....

not like he used a universal guncare system to get them...

just playing devils advocate.... terrible false equivalency tweet

sure, the parallelism breaks down, but how about this one: you can legally own an arsenal of deadly weapons and the law can't do anything until you use them to kill fellow humans, but get caught with a trace of marijuana and you get sent to prison for 6 months.
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