You're taking a lovely note from the Romney team.
When pressed for specifics, deny, avoid, evade. repeat.
You need a political reality check-
Future, if you know anything about politics then you should know whenever the mid-term election comes around the party whose running against the President is always the party "denying, avoiding, evading, and repeating " like you say. Same thing Kerry did in 2004, and it's the same thing Obama and McCain both did in 2008 since they were going after an open seat. What's different with Mid-term elections is that it's easier for the opposing party to attack the President because you can critique his past 4 years (short-comings, false promises, etc) and declare more optimistic methods (that may never work either).
You're making it out to seem like Obama and his campaign are the divine truth givers, when in reality 4 years ago they lied and promised a bunch of nonsense.
Every party, every politician, - lies, makes false promises, and manipulates so they can WIN THE ELECTION. Each party is running different campaigns, one is trying to maintain office the other is trying to take office. Common sense should tell you whose going to twist the truth more.
That's why I've been telling you, substance doesn't matter as much as style in elections/debates. How the hell do you think a 46 year old inexperienced Obama won in 2008?