***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump being president is exactly what the terrorists want. His rhetoric and policies would just breed even more anti-US hatred. "We need to take out their families as well"
Bringing back torture techniques, not seeming to give a damn about collateral damage, ...
He'd be breeding more future terrorists than he eliminates.

But "terrorists" are created here and will commit acts regardless of who is in charge because it's not based on who is in charge but about pushing agendas [emoji]128527[/emoji]

Y'all gotta know the script by now fam :smh:

Like the great Bill O'Reilly would say,"They hate us cause they hate us"

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If the black supremacist group NOI just supported trump and his statement, how is the right racist?
If the black supremacist group NOI just supported trump and his statement, how is the right racist?

Because he is a puppet, a tool...he couldn't do things his way so he sold out in lieu of being offed.

Y'all gotta know the scripts by now fam. :smh:

Because he is a puppet, a tool...he couldn't do things his way so he sold out in lieu of being offed.

Y'all gotta know the scripts by now fam. :smh:


[emoji]128514[/emoji] Man you lefty's have an excuse for everything
If the black supremacist group NOI just supported trump and his statement, how is the right racist?
Black supremacist 

Edited, excuse my ignorance.

The right isn't inherently racist. I don't think anyone here is saying that.
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NOI is a bunch of radical lunatics? Oh really? :rolleyes

Colombia don't speak on what you don't know. Have you ever even met anyone in NOI? Or even an African American in general :rolleyes
Black supremacist :rofl:
First of all, NOI is a bunch of radical lunatics.
Second, the right isn't inherently racist. I don't think anyone here is saying that.

First, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Second I wholeheartedly believe the vast majority of the "right" is in fact racist the other 10-15% I believe are just really ignorant and easily manipulated.
I mean she's attached herself at the hip with Obama's legacy so far this campaign season so you're damn right it's gonna be business as usual under Clinton 2.0 :lol:

What could Bernie get done that Clinton wouldn't.

Please give specifics

What CAN he get done or what would he try to get done that Hillary can't/won't? What he can get done depends mostly on how congress shapes up in November but I have a good feeling that he'd actually give an honest effort towards achieving what he's advocated for on his platform like Wall Street regulation,cracking down on reckless big business behaviour,much less Hawkish foreign policy,universal healthcare and free post secondary public education etc since he's actually been advocating for all those for years and not just come election time.

I have a hard time believing that Hillary would go at some of her top donors in the same way...

Seriously doubt we'd see much of a change if any from Obama with Hillary,that's not who she is or who she wants to be.

Guess its cool if you're fine with the status quo.

How can you outta one side of your mouth claim that Hillary is just going to be more same like Obama

And then outta the other side list all those "things" Bernie Sanders is going to attempt to do.

-Obama regulated Wall Street

-Obama Obama is not hawkish

-Obama fought for universal healthcare

-Obama fought for free community college

-And lets look at things Obama has been advocating for years, like criminal justice and immigration reform. Two things Bernard got caught slipping on.

-Obama is the gave Warren his shine, and wanted to unleash her on big businesses

And Obama took Wall Street's money. Wall Street historically has given more money to democrats, because the economy does better under Dems.


On the issue of Wall Street, the VOX and Krugman have made interesting points

-Hillary Clinton has had Wall Street regulations on platform for a minute. LINK

-Glass Seagull would not have stopped the crash like Sanders likes to imply. LINK

-Sanders' hands are dirty two on creating an environment that resulted in the financial crisis. He voted for the CFMA which some argue did contribute to the crisis. LINK

I want Bernie to be president but maybe if this campaign is still about the issues. We shouldn't resort to distorting reality and conjecture just to make Bernie look better. Especially compared to Obama
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NOI is a bunch of radical lunatics? Oh really?

Colombia don't speak on what you don't know. Have you ever even met anyone in NOI? Or even an African American in general
I let my disdain for organized religion and hateful rhetoric go overboard there, I apologize. I think when you strip away some of the more radical/hateful ideologies you have a great organization but I can't rock with some of the hateful rhetoric that comes from its leadership. When someone (Farrakhan) refers to homosexuality as the evil of Soddom and Gomorra brought to the world I will consider him a lunatic, or anyone else who shares those beliefs.

I'm not discrediting everything the NOI stands for or what they have done, though I did make it sound that way so I apologize for that ignorant statement.

The NOI has played a large role in a number of important events, I'm aware of that. And for that they should be applauded.

They have helped the black people of America in many ways and brought more attention to the injustice that has been and continues to be inflicted on black people and other minorities. I support those efforts 100% as I am a firm supporter of equality and strongly against racism and other forms of social injustice/hateful rhetoric.

I hope I've clarified my point of view on the NOI. I didn't mean to discredit the NOI as a whole but the way I posted was very ignorant and I apologize for that.
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^^ LOL your trolling is so predictable & tired. He made an incorrect statement & owned up to it like a man does.

Respect for that Colombia
Lol at the GOP trying to denounce Trump before the clock strikes 12...should have done it from the beginning clowns. This could be good for the Dems to take back the Senate if he is the nominee.
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