***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Summary of the Trayvon comments?
Did not see that.

Best clip of him I've ever seen was him getting wasted live on air during NYE coverage.
I actually hope he does pardon him. It'll just energize the left even more

And all the judges are going to hate him for overturning the contempt ruling.
I actually don't think Trump will pardon the sheriff. Even he can't be that stupid.

This dude talking about "taking away OUR history" as if he's not the descendant of German exiles that had nothing to do with the Civil War :stoneface:
You can't tell me the "Blacks for Trump" guy doesn't look like Jermaine Jackson's evil twin.

Both look like they take baths in mineral oil, and use asphalt for pomade.


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It's funny how every " (insert any minority here) for Trump" looks like an outcast of his/her ethnicity. I mean yeah, all Trump supporters look like outcasts and/or inbreds, but the minority ones are over the top :lol:
What a cringy rally.

You can tell when he was going off script when he wasn't using high school level vocabulary. Sad!
What a cringy rally.

You can tell when he was going off script when he wasn't using high school level vocabulary. Sad!

First of all, great name. You are healed!

Putting aside all of the ideological and political and sociological context, the quality of public discourse has declined. I do not even mean the rancor in our political speech but the fact that 9th grade vocabulary is considered fancy and that 5th grade level vocabulary is seen as authentic.

If a person is going to be white supremacists and claim to love our American "heritage," then they should at least put in the work and obtain a vocabulary that was at the level of a Washington, Jefferson or a Jackson.

Even up through the mid 20th Century, all politicians used terms and allusions that would fly over the heads of most MAGA folks.

Kalegang stands no chance against real America Bear. IT took out our socialist satellite like that!

I, for one, welcome our new orange faced and haired, methed out overlords.
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