***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bizarro 'Murica


Dude really sounds envious of them when he talks about them :lol:
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I mean it's not anything new for the states to be propping up strongmen regimes around the world but it was usually done covertly through intel agencies in the past. Still not a good look for the US's standing around the world and it further weakens American credibility when lecturing others about "freedom" and democracy now that it's out in the open with presidential co-signs for all to see. Dude is giving away all the little moral authority/standing the country has left

Could you imagine the venom if Obama ever said the same things? "See,he is a Marxist/Commie/Socialist dictator in the making who hates freedom and wants to destroy 'Murica!!"

Dude already got dragged through the mud for resetting relations with Cuba :lol:
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EXCELLENT interview from Da Don. Libbie SNOWFLAKES haven't EARNED Da right to understand Da Don.
So this just came on the news here :rofl:

Translates to "Trump wants to meet Kim Jong Un"
Good luck with that :lol:
Dude taking petty shots at democrats re: health care while speaking at a military academy. Great uniter my *** :smh:
that adam jones **** is disgusting..
Just read it on The Guardian 

Happens pretty often here too at soccer games. I've never heard the n-word at a game but I've seen bananas thrown on the pitch at black players or "monkey" chants.

Most of those occasions were from the home team's own "fans" too when they were losing.

Stadium security is pretty strict now and as much as uttering a word that could be inflammatory will get you swiftly removed from the stadium and possibly permanently blacklisted depending on what they did. Doesn't really seem to help though. There's always people getting kicked out of the stadium and/or blacklisted but the problem keeps happening. Sometimes the Royal Belgian Football Association steps in and forces clubs to play one or more matches behind closed doors if the crowd causes a big ruckus. Sucks for the clubs and the actual fans but that seems to be most effective.
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Assuming this does pass the House, they'd need just 50 votes in the Senate? But there were at least 4 Republican Senators opposed to the original AHCA bill, so it would undergo further modification (if it gets that far).

And then the modified version would have to go back to the House?

Hopefully trump can give us a civics lesson on twitter tonight to help clear some of this up.
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Kushner schooling da libbies again with da parallel universe 400D checkers

Taking Soros' money so he can't spend it on paid protesters! 

Jared Kushner didn't disclose his business ties with George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans, The Wall Street Journal reported  on Tuesday.

The top White House adviser and son-in-law of Trump failed to identify his part ownership of Cadre, a real-estate startup he founded, which links him to the Goldman Sachs Group and the mega-investors George Soros and Peter Thiel, sources told The Journal.

Business Insider first reported on Kushner's involvement with Cadre last June. Here's more about what Cadre is.

Jamie Gorelick, an attorney for Kushner, told The Journal in a statement that Cadre was part of BFPS Ventures LLC, a company Kushner owns and identified in his government financial-disclosure forms.

Gorelick also said a revised version of Kushner's form that includes Cadre would be made available once ethics officials have looked at it.

Kushner also failed to identify debt of more than $1 billion from 20 lenders and personal guarantees to pay more than $300 million of that, according to The Journal.

While Gorelick called revisions to the disclosure "very normal," ethics experts told The Journal that the loans and guarantees should be disclosed so officials could decide whether Kushner needs to recuse himself from issues that involve his lenders. Investment in startups like Cadre should definitely be disclosed, experts said.

"Anything that presents a potential for the conflict of interest should be disclosed so that the public and the press can monitor this," Trevor Potter, a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, told The Journal.

A source told The Journal that Kushner planned to recuse himself from anything that concerned Deutsche Bank or RBS, two lenders that have given him money for his properties or companies and to which he has provided personal guarantees on loans.

He still owes money to Bank of America, Blackstone Group, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and RBS, all of which were not disclosed, according to The Journal.
Assuming this does pass the House, they'd need just 50 votes in the Senate? But there were at least 4 Republican Senators opposed to the original AHCA bill, so it would undergo further modification (if it gets that far).

And then the modified version would have to go back to the House?

Hopefully trump can give us a civics lesson on twitter tonight to help clear some of this up.

I believe if they modify it then the House as to vote on it again.
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At the last conference call ((((((((((((((((((((Soros)))))))))))))))))))))))))) did mention he had a sleeper cell in the White House

Didn't know it was ((((((((((((((Kush))))))))))))))))) :smokin
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