***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing: http://reut.rs/2q11uwc


This Der Spiegel cover from last week looks prescient :lol:

According to Politico, some senators and aides are thinking that this briefing may only be a ploy to get a photo op, for Drumpf's 100 day mark.
According to Politico, some senators and aides are thinking that this briefing may only be a ploy to get a photo op, for Drumpf's 100 day mark.

Sounds like the best case scenario :lol:

I read that the Air Force is testing an ICBM as well tomorrow though... :nerd:
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Also, speaking of Germany

BERLIN — Ivanka Trump arrived in Berlin on Tuesday morning armed with facts and figures to recite at what was expected to be a highbrow international summit to discuss women's entrepreneurship, alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

But on her first international trip as an official representative of the United States, the first daughter was put on the spot about her father's attitudes toward women, booed and hissed at by the crowd, and grilled by the moderator about what, exactly, her role is in President Donald Trump’s administration.

“You’re the first daughter of the United States, and you’re also an assistant to the president,” said the moderator, WirtschaftsWoche editor-in-chief Miriam Meckel. “The German audience is not that familiar with the concept of a first daughter. I’d like to ask you, what is your role, and who are you representing, your father as president of the United States, the American people, or your business?”

It was an aggressive opening line of questioning for the first daughter, who was seated next to Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and one seat down from Merkel. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands was also a participant on the W20 Summit panel, which Ivanka Trump attended at Merkel's invitation. And it appeared to put her on the spot.

“Certainly not the latter,” Trump said. “I’m rather unfamiliar with this role as well. ... It has been a little under 100 days, and it has just been a remarkable and incredible journey.”

She did not define what her new role as a senior White House official entailed but said she cares "very much about empowering women in the workplace" and defined her goal as enacting “incremental positive change. That is my goal. This is very early for me; I’m listening, learning.”

The questions asked of Trump seemed more direct than those about women in the workforce posed to other panelists. But there was also a lot of curiosity ahead of her visit here about Trump's new role in her father's administration.

Trump, who was deeply involved with her father’s campaign and has been instrumental in his administration in the first three months in office, positioned herself as someone who is still in humbling listening-tour mode. “I’m striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy,” she said, at one point calling herself a feminist. “I have no doubt that coming out of this trip I’ll be more informed.”

But she was booed and hissed at by the majority-women audience at the conference when she lauded her father for supporting paid-leave policies. “I’m very proud of my father’s advocacy,” she said, calling him “a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive.”

Meckel, the moderator, pushed her to address the vocal disapproval from the audience.

“You hear the reaction from the audience,” she said. “I need to address one more point — some attitudes toward women your father has displayed might leave one questioning whether he’s such an empowerer for women.”

During the campaign, more than a dozen women went public to accuse Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, unwanted advances and assault. Ivanka Trump did not comment on those accusations during the campaign, and on Tuesday she dismissed the criticism via her father’s favorite enemy — the press.

“I’ve certainly heard the criticism from the media, that’s been perpetuated,” she said, drawing laughs from the audience.

And despite being invited to attend the panel by Merkel in her role as a senior White House official, she defended her father from her vantage point of loyal daughter — a crouch familiar from when she was confronted by uncomfortable questions about her father on the campaign.

“As a daughter, I can speak on a very personal level,” Ivanka Trump said. “I grew up in a house where there was no barrier to what I could accomplish beyond my own perseverance and tenacity. That’s not an easy thing to do; he provided that for us.” She said that her father treated her exactly the same way he treated her two brothers, who now run the family business. “There was no difference,” she said.

Trump also credited her father’s administration for hiring women in important roles.

“The team basically going through the vetting and hiring process — six out of eight of those people are women,” she said.
Her answers are very Miss America-ish. Like I'm sure she was very pretty when she said them and the answer had similar words the question had but there's no actual depth or meaning
Her answers are very Miss America-ish. Like I'm sure she was very pretty when she said them and the answer had similar words the question had but there's no actual depth or meaning
The apple doesn't fall far from the orange. Using a whole lot of words to say a whole lot of nothing. The difference is unlike her father she doesn't come off as illiterate and uses full sentences and better sentence structure to talk around the questions.
wait. whut?! aren't Americans = Yankees?
Yankees are those that live above the Mason Dixon. But the irony in that statement is that the southerner tells the black person that they shouldn't look at the Confederate flag as a symbol for racism.
this one got me:

Larry Beyince‏  @DragonflyJonez Apr 24

You can't be anti-participation trophies and pro Confederate statues. They are the world's biggest participation trophies.
The segment by John Oliver this past Sunday on Ivanka and Kush was very illuminating. They are just as shallow and empty as don trump himself.

Sure, they come across as more intelligent or reasonable, but that's not because of what they say. It's only because they refrain from the outlandish stuff that papa trump says.

What's very revealing (as John Oliver pointed out) is how little they actually say. Every answer Ivanka gives is 100% generic. And it makes you wonder what her relationship with papa is really like. Or what actually goes on in her head, if anything. Same goes for Kush. Papas whole existence is based on the appearance of value, but not value itself. That must've carried over to how he raised his kids and what they perceive is the proper way to act around others.
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Dudes love America soooooooo much but wanna keep reminiscing about the time they tried to leave

That's Da essence of true love B. You don't know what u got until u leave B but the memories u have about leaving change your life B. I left Da Hemi for Da fuel savings B but da personal growth I made shaped me into da person I am today B. Now that Da Coal will be popping again I can actually EARN a black lung. Libbies don't know about EARNING things B.
Isn't Breitbart a ally of #45?

Breitbart denied congressional press passes

Breitbart News was stymied once again on Tuesday in its efforts to secure press credentials on Capitol Hill.

The standing committee of correspondents of the U.S. Senate Daily Press Gallery, a panel of journalists that determines which news organizations should receive congressional press passes, voted to table Breitbart's bid for permanent passes and to discontinue the right-wing outlet's temporary credentials without an extension.

Breitbart's temporary credentials expire on May 31.

In a statement, Breitbart spokesman Chad Wilkinson said the outlet is "unequivocally entitled to permanent Senate Press Gallery credentials and is determined to secure them."

The committee's primary concern, rather than its generally pro-Trump stance, appears to be Breitbart's ties to Rebekah Mercer, whose family partly owns the outlet, as well as the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative nonprofit that was co-founded by former Breitbart chairman and current White House strategist Steve Bannon.

Mercer, whose father Robert is a wealthy hedge fund manager and prominent Republican donor, is the chairwoman of GAI's board of directors.

The group's other founder, Peter Schweizer, is a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News.
In a letter submitted last week to the committee, Breitbart president and CEO Larry Solov asserted that Mercer "has no editorial control at Breitbart News Network" and that Breitbart and the Government Accountability Institute "are separate and independent companies, with separate and different boards and management."

"We have fully and faily cooperated with your inquiries in good faith, and believe that we have met and responded to the concerns you have raised," Solov said in the letter, which was reported by the Daily Beast. "[Breitbart] is an editorially independent news organization and is entitled to and deserves issuance of its permanent Senate Press Gallery credentials."

Solov also used the letter to "correct one thing," informing the committee that Wynton Hall stepped down as managing editor of Breitbart in February. Hall has been on GAI's payroll as a "communications strategist," according to filings with the IRS.

The committee's decision on Tuesday marks another setback in Breitbart's quest for permanent credentials. It was denied in its bid last month as well.

CNNMoney (New York)
First published April 25, 2017: 12:08 PM ET

When people complained about Hillary Clinton being the worst kind of feminism during the primaries, I never bought it.

Yes she is a rich white woman, yes she is sort behind the curve on things, but I thought generally speaking she knew the issues facing women, especially single mothers, especially single mothers of color. I don't agree with the notion that she normalized the life of struggling single mothers with her policies proposals.

The fact is, they need a bailout now, not tomorrow, now. America as a country will go crazy if some men in rust belt or coal country loses their jobs, but if it not a crisis when that happens to a single mother. Even worst, the country likes to point figures and shame women, especially single. I straight up lose my **** on black dudes now that listen to a lil Tariq and want pedal the welfare queen ******** because they have an issue with black women.

Ivanka is what shallow, self serving feminism looks like. The only issues important to her are the ones that will most benefit upper middle class and rich women, mainly rich white women. She is oblivious to how she comes off, she is oblivious to the real struggles of women, she is oblivious to what real policy solutions look like. Her and Melania are two of the perfect examples of the type of women that rich ******** like Trump and Bill O'reily like. A pretty one that doesn't talk and knows her place, and a smart pretty one that parrots shallow talking points to pedal a false narrative, and knows her place.

Ivanka can miss me with her ********.
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Isn't Breitbart a ally of #45?

Breitbart denied congressional press passes

Breitbart News was stymied once again on Tuesday in its efforts to secure press credentials on Capitol Hill.

The standing committee of correspondents of the U.S. Senate Daily Press Gallery, a panel of journalists that determines which news organizations should receive congressional press passes, voted to table Breitbart's bid for permanent passes and to discontinue the right-wing outlet's temporary credentials without an extension.

Breitbart's temporary credentials expire on May 31.

In a statement, Breitbart spokesman Chad Wilkinson said the outlet is "unequivocally entitled to permanent Senate Press Gallery credentials and is determined to secure them."

The committee's primary concern, rather than its generally pro-Trump stance, appears to be Breitbart's ties to Rebekah Mercer, whose family partly owns the outlet, as well as the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative nonprofit that was co-founded by former Breitbart chairman and current White House strategist Steve Bannon.

Mercer, whose father Robert is a wealthy hedge fund manager and prominent Republican donor, is the chairwoman of GAI's board of directors.

The group's other founder, Peter Schweizer, is a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News.
In a letter submitted last week to the committee, Breitbart president and CEO Larry Solov asserted that Mercer "has no editorial control at Breitbart News Network" and that Breitbart and the Government Accountability Institute "are separate and independent companies, with separate and different boards and management."

"We have fully and faily cooperated with your inquiries in good faith, and believe that we have met and responded to the concerns you have raised," Solov said in the letter, which was reported by the Daily Beast. "[Breitbart] is an editorially independent news organization and is entitled to and deserves issuance of its permanent Senate Press Gallery credentials."

Solov also used the letter to "correct one thing," informing the committee that Wynton Hall stepped down as managing editor of Breitbart in February. Hall has been on GAI's payroll as a "communications strategist," according to filings with the IRS.

The committee's decision on Tuesday marks another setback in Breitbart's quest for permanent credentials. It was denied in its bid last month as well.

CNNMoney (New York)
First published April 25, 2017: 12:08 PM ET


It is not the White House that denied them, it was other news sources that already have access denied them.

The Bigot doesn't have that much pull with the "Lying Press' these days
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