***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I still don't believe he was ever really in it to win tbh :lol:,just maximize his name recognition/brand.

I was always skeptical about him and his and his wife's near simultaneous book tours while his #'s were peaking just reaffirmed it to me :lol:
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Waiting for trump to show up like
I skipped this debate. I couldn't handle these fools nonsense tonight.

Bern's campaign hit a rough patch, but look at my mans locking up one more vote :lol:

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Rand Paul's full, detailed answer on criminal justice reform and how it unfairly impacts blacks was the most shocking thing I've ever heard from a Republican debate :lol:
Rand Paul's full, detailed answer on criminal justice reform and how it unfairly impacts blacks was the most shocking thing I've ever heard from a Republican debate :lol:

His dad did the same thing in the past. He just be hitting all of his old man's greatest hits

They be talking that "hurting black folk", but the more you did into the Paul's, the more racist and white supremacy you find.

I don't trust these fools. They believe in criminal justice reform because for cost savings reasons. They just love to attach a moral appeal to their policy pitches

Famb is a Tea Party candidate, and we know how them folk get down
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I still don't believe he was ever really in it to win tbh
,just maximize his name recognition/brand.

I was always skeptical about him and his and his wife's near simultaneous book tours while his #'s were peaking just reaffirmed it to me
I agree that he def wasn't at first. But best believe that he can sniff it now, he is all in with his ego.
I still don't believe he was ever really in it to win tbh :lol: ,just maximize his name recognition/brand.

I was always skeptical about him and his and his wife's near simultaneous book tours while his #'s were peaking just reaffirmed it to me :lol:

I agree that he def wasn't at first. But best believe that he can sniff it now, he is all in with his ego.

EDIT: post retracted because I need to learn how to read the previous posts before I reply :\
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Worst part is those "conservative whites" are the real "net takers", and they're too dumb to realize it. 
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Not even slightly surprised.

I dont even bother trying to talk to these conservative/Republicans clowns because anything they somehow always circle back around to how black and brown people are "abusing" the system and spending all of America's money.

Had a former coworker try to explain to me how he thinks people should be kicked off section 8 if they can afford a smartphone.
^^ crosses party & class lines. These ppls existence depends on hating us. The same folk that wanna stay in your face at work giving you their life story like y'all been besties your entire life. I refuse to mingle with certain folk & that graph explains exactly why.
middle and working class whites 

Idk, maybe I expected a different outcome from the working class. 
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Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I wouldn't be surprised if those results applied to black folks + minorities altogether.

On another note, I personally don't even know what to think of things like affirmative action.
No where. Because they also said that they not top secret when Hillary sent/got them. Just like she has been saying all along

Some extremly low standards you got there lol

She should have known better.

Standard!? What the hell are you even talking about famb

This has been a story for months, she already went to Congress. Nothing will happen because the Feds confirm what she has said in the past.

I'm not defending her actions, I'm just stating the obvious.

Stay rustled papi :lol:
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Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I wouldn't be surprised if those results applied to black folks + minorities altogether.

On another note, I personally don't even know what to think of things like affirmative action.

We're (dark-skinned Americans) are the spokespeople for all minorities except Asians because they're the good ones

This country wasn't created for us so no matter what, how much time passes, we'll be looked at as a problem. If we don't succeed, we're lazy and moochers but if we do succeed then we're taking good things from honest hard-working Americans.

Only way to change this is to take over the country the same it was taken over when the settlers did it.
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