***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Look at how he completely dodged answering that question about if he'd accept Graham's request for tougher sanctions 
all day
17 industries, 17 intelligence agencies...

He is mixing and matching his numbers here.
This dude being so against "fake news" while he benefited so much from it during the campaign that he named the head of one of the leading "fake news" organizations to his cabinet...the gall :rofl: :x
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PC was straight SNL status...

Such little regard and respect for the rule of law and the constitution from the very man who billed himself up as the "law and order" candidate...it's gonna be a rough ride these next few years :x
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Putin won't be hacking the cyber again. He'll talk to him.[emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji]
Going from hearing Obama speak to this ******* idiot is a jarring change.

This is some truly sad **** to witness.
This dude being so against "fake news" while he benefited so much from it during the campaign that he named the head of one of the leading "fake news" organizations to his cabinet...the gall :rofl: :x

Dawg the **** is uncanny! He's ******** on Buzzfeed but has Breitbart in his ear every damn day. Unreal.

All I can say is that we're ******. We're sooooo ******. Wow.
Breitbart was instrumental in the birther conspiracy. Complains about buzzfeed but hires the head of a "news" organization that relentlessly published lies about Obama's birth record in order to undermine the first black president. We can safely assume that was the goal considering they had a "black crime" section
scared to even watch later.. everything I've heard.. this shht gotta be a joke

Trump said Mexico will reimburse the US for a border wall - but he will proceed because he doesn’t want to wait to strike a deal.  “We're going to build a wall. I could wait about a year and a half until we finish our negotiations with Mexico, which we'll start immediately after we get to office, but I don't want to wait,” he said. “I don't feel like waiting a year or year and a half. We're gonna start building. Mexico in some form … will reimburse us, and they will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. That will happen.”
Vicente Fox Quesada@VicenteFoxQue 32m32 minutes ago

Do not be afraid of Trump, he’s a bully and a bluff, bullies end when they’re called out. America, stand out before it’s too late!!

Vicente Fox Quesada@VicenteFoxQue 34m34 minutes ago

After #TrumpPressConference, it's clear that we're facing a new era of dictatorship with @realDonaldTrump. He's not a democratic leader.

Vicente Fox Quesada@VicenteFoxQue 38m38 minutes ago

Trump, not a country no leader will respect you because you don't even take yourself seriously.

Vicente Fox Quesada ‏@VicenteFoxQue 51m51 minutes ago

Neither today, nor tomorrow nor never Mexico will pay for that stupid wall. If Trump wants a monument to his ego, let him pay for it!!
This dude Trump literally packed a pressed with people who will clap for him....refused to take questions from press he didn't like, and had Sean Spicer threaten to not grant Jim Acosta access if he kept pushing for questions.

Dictatorship 101. Watch and learn....
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