***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Basically stop giving employers tax credits to provide insurance, and give it directly to people, insurance "compete" on a national marketplace.

Yeah but I can't think any health care policy person left or right doesn't realize that doesn't make any cot danm sense.

Can't have a national market place when each state got different health care regs, conservatives must understand this.?? No?

I wonder what a conservative health care policy wonk thinks they should do with health care.

-Brah, it is not a economics issue with most Republicans, it is a political play, it is a finesse move to help the Heath Insurance Industry.

They want to undercut state regulation, and are willing to roll the dice with the Supreme Court.

It is just like them being open to national gun permit like they are driver's licenses.

-When Ted Kennedy and Nixon where debating national healthcare, it was single payer v. an ACA style plan. Since the GOP abandoned that fight, they have never rallied around a cogent more right wing alternative.

They just criticize whatever the Dems try to push. From Carter, to Clinton, to Obama. I mean they didn't even try to compromise with Obamacare, all they did was
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Dis dude really may have pulled off the best con job in human history. The Louisiana Purchase will have nothing on this.

Fam if the Donald really turns the tables on the Republican Party, I am going to die laughing at all these conservative, bigoted clowns that voted him in thinking he was their savior :rofl:
You liberals are mad salty. The silent majority has spoken. Trump is your prezzzz. So most of you moving out of the country like these crappy celebrities, right??

So wait.. Lebron endorse Trillary in the O, and still lost?? ahhahahahahah :rofl: *dead*

You buffoon the majority of America voted for Hillary :rofl:

You need to crawl back into that cave you crept out of
Someone brought up a good point today. Trump was quick to condemn the protests against his being elected, but he has yet to condemn the KKK marches in his honor.

Still don't think he has done it yet :nerd:
He won't.
Not keen into doing SJW stuff even though I think Trump is pretty terrible for the economy and racial relations
Just think there are better avenues to pursue instead of crying over an L
I don't mind the protests. They do have the right to assemble but I am curious to see what would've happened if Trump had to concede and what his followers would have done
Whether it be anti Trump or anti Clinton, protesting out there won't do a goddamn thing to the ballot that was already casted. We should just learn our mistakes from this loss and work on being more progressive so we do better by 2020. That's just my opinion.

But in general, I'm against the violence being inflicted.
Actual blood in the streets is the only way to real revolution.

One side ain't been pushed that far yet.
Fam if the Donald really turns the tables on the Republican Party, I am going to die laughing at all these conservative, bigoted clowns that voted him in thinking he was their savior :rofl:

As much a savior to them as Obama was for the blacks when he first got elected

will conservatives give him a pass like liberals did for obama or will they be upset? we shall see
Fam if the Donald really turns the tables on the Republican Party, I am going to die laughing at all these conservative, bigoted clowns that voted him in thinking he was their savior :rofl:

As much a savior to them as Obama was for the blacks when he first got elected

will conservatives give him a pass like liberals did for obama or will they be upset? we shall see

Obama's ideology was in line with most mainstream liberal policies. Especially economically

Trump's is not on some major ones.
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da GOP house already has bills than incorporate da "popular" things of Obamacare like pre existing conditions... Paul Ryan already briefed Trump on it.


Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said progressives have repeatedly warned that Republicans could “outflank” Democrats on trade, jobs, Wall Street reform and “corporate greed.”
“This race should not have been so close, and Democrats will lose in the future — over and over — if they don't go through a serious ideological shift and follow Elizabeth Warren’s lead, fighting against the rigged economy in a truly authentic and real way,” she wrote in a statement.
But Matt Bennett, co-founder of the centrist think tank Third Way, disagreed that economic populism would have saved the election for Democrats. The message from voters was that they care about creating more and better jobs — not fairer jobs, he said.
"They don't care what rich people make
," he said. "If they cared, they would not have elected the guy with the gold-plated plane

Everybody better hope Trump mavericks his presidency. Whether you thought Trump "spoke to you" or talked about stuff you cared about, his cabinet is certified insane.

This is nuts, these are heavy dudes from way back

Like really this is nuts. PEOPLE gotta start voting for house reps and senate, not just presidency and wonder why things don't go their way in this country.

Don't listen to these anarchists and simpleton social media stars, they offer nothing but destitution. Your voice DOES count
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I understand that many thought that my President, Barack Obama was seen as some sort of saviour for Black people, but I for one, and many others that I associate with, never felt that way. What we were and are proud of was that a Black man, got into that seat to do the job of running the country. That in itself should have INSPIRED many to believe that they to can do any job they wanted to, regardless of position, as long as they were qualified, discrimination notwithstanding. The thought of someone saving you, the saviour, is better left for yourself and the depth of your spiritual beliefs. No President can save anyone in regard to fulfilling ambition. and white america, plus those who wish to BE white by trying to buy into white privilege, are about to get a serious wake up call with what Donald Trump is about to do.
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da GOP house already has bills than incorporate da "popular" things of Obamacare like pre existing conditions... Paul Ryan already briefed Trump on it.


Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said progressives have repeatedly warned that Republicans could “outflank” Democrats on trade, jobs, Wall Street reform and “corporate greed.”
“This race should not have been so close, and Democrats will lose in the future — over and over — if they don't go through a serious ideological shift and follow Elizabeth Warren’s lead, fighting against the rigged economy in a truly authentic and real way,” she wrote in a statement.
But Matt Bennett, co-founder of the centrist think tank Third Way, disagreed that economic populism would have saved the election for Democrats. The message from voters was that they care about creating more and better jobs — not fairer jobs, he said.
"They don't care what rich people make
," he said. "If they cared, they would not have elected the guy with the gold-plated plane


Plenty of jobs are staying unfilled because of a skill gap. Hillary's policies would've allowed more people to get the appropriate education to fill them without gambling their life savings on a degree, but Republicans just want to lift and screw ****, even though robots already do it better.
[thread="509493"]<a data-huddler-embed="href" href="https://niketalk.com/members/37343" style="display:inline-block;">@ninjahood</a>
 Why do you say, "da" all the time?[/thread]

Everybody better hope Trump mavericks his presidency. Whether you thought Trump "spoke to you" or talked about stuff you cared about, his cabinet is certified insane.

This is nuts, these are heavy dudes from way back

Like really this is nuts. PEOPLE gotta start voting for house reps and senate, not just presidency and wonder why things don't go their way in this country.

Don't listen to these anarchists and simpleton social media stars, they offer nothing but destitution. Your voice DOES count

Ninja is all about retros, b.

Retro politics, retro jobs, retro OG muscle car era...
da GOP house already has bills than incorporate da "popular" things of Obamacare like pre existing conditions... Paul Ryan already briefed Trump on it.


Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said progressives have repeatedly warned that Republicans could “outflank” Democrats on trade, jobs, Wall Street reform and “corporate greed.”
“This race should not have been so close, and Democrats will lose in the future — over and over — if they don't go through a serious ideological shift and follow Elizabeth Warren’s lead, fighting against the rigged economy in a truly authentic and real way,” she wrote in a statement.
But Matt Bennett, co-founder of the centrist think tank Third Way, disagreed that economic populism would have saved the election for Democrats. The message from voters was that they care about creating more and better jobs — not fairer jobs, he said.
"They don't care what rich people make
," he said. "If they cared, they would not have elected the guy with the gold-plated plane

Come on man don't spin it
GOP wanted an outright repeal and instead come up with HSAs for their insurance plan
What Trump just said is totally opposite, and you know what, Trump might not be as bad as I think he was. He might have just trolled the entire GOP voter base.
Some of em terrorizing people and they won, I think a protest would be the least of the problems.

It's getting crazy out there, watch out. Just because people chose to vote smh. The racism, violence and calls to violence are truly deplorable. These people are sick. And anyone who supports this type of behavior is just as much trash as they are.

Question, what will happen if the electoral college takes the presidency away from Trump. I don't see it happening but anything is possible.
Some of em terrorizing people and they won, I think a protest would be the least of the problems.

It's getting crazy out there, watch out. Just because people chose to vote smh. The racism, violence and calls to violence are truly deplorable. These people are sick. And anyone who supports this type of behavior is just as much trash as they are.

Yea, this aint right but how long do you expect people to continue to be punching bags because being violent is not ok? People are upset, angry, scared, etc. because they know this country will hang em out to dry.
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I don't see the issue anybody who voted for Donald Trump deserves to get they *** whopped it's just facts of life.
As well as nearly all of these nationalists deserve death by firing squad, again facts of life.
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It's getting crazy out there, watch out. Just because people chose to vote smh. The racism, violence and calls to violence are truly deplorable. These people are sick. And anyone who supports this type of behavior is just as much trash as they are.

How does it feel when you watch that? Afraid? How do you feel? Did you feel the same way if and when you saw the documentaries on the south during segregation, when bull connor and the crew were siccing dogs and turning water hoses on black people, those who were marching for equal rights? Don't ask me to feel sorry for anyone white in this country, because if the right thing was done when it was supposed to be done, none of this would be going down. But white privilege gotta stay, doesn't it? You reap what you sow. This sort of violence is what Black people have been dealing with since 1619, and just like with terrorism, welcome to the real world.
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Question, what will happen if the electoral college takes the presidency away from Trump. I don't see it happening but anything is possible.
You mean popular vote? Cuz the electoral college actually gave him the win.
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