***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sue her. She deserves to get sued.
Yeah how could a wonderful totally not malicious post like this ever be used as a racist dogwhistle blowhorn. On Facebook of all places, the ultimate gathering of old people complaining about (insert non-white race here).

I doubt anyone could actually sue her and win though. The only people I can see with any legal standing would be these supposed "Haitian neighbors" if they weren't fabricated entirely.
As far as I know this supposed family was never explicitly named or identified so I don't really see how a lawsuit would even get past an immediate dismissal. If you are not specifically identified as the target of a defamatory claim, how do you claim standing?

If you can get it to trial somehow, I think this would be a fairly easy win on paper. It would be easy to demonstrate that the claim was both false and made with reckless disregard for truth.
As for arguing damages, emotional distress etc, you could easily point out that the mere allegation itself is so vile and defamatory that the amplification of that post caused a massive increase in racism, harrassment, threats etc against Haitians and other affected groups across the whole country.
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Nah she deserves to get her *** kicked. A lot of lessons could be learned if more people got punched in the face.
Her name's out there now. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get a healthy dose of harrassment herself now she has identified herself. Certainly not to the extent of the racist harrassment campaign she helped unleash but given the scale of this story, there are undoubtedly going to be some nutjobs threatening her etc.

Her own reckless actions will now result in her relatives and kids being harrassed as well, that's how it tends to go.
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Her name's out there now. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get a healthy dose of harrassment herself now she has identified herself. Certainly not to the extent of the racist harrassment campaign she helped unleash but there are undoubtedly going to be some nutjobs threatening her etc.

Her own reckless actions will now result in her relatives and kids being harrassed as well, that's how it tends to go.
Nah man, Libs are soft. She’s just gonna get a bunch of “you should be ashamed of yourself” messages :lol:
Nah man, Libs are soft. She’s just gonna get a bunch of “you should be ashamed of yourself” messages :lol:
If this was a more local story I'd agree but given the scale this has reached, all it really takes is one vindictive nutjob who could be anywhere in the US or even outside of it.
Some people get off just on the power fantasy of spamming someone with all kinds of harrassment and making the news for it. You don't even need to be in the same country to terrorize someone with threats from spoofed phonenumbers, ...

Doesn't even have to be a lib. Whoever is calling in those bomb threats probably wouldn't shy away from doing the same to this woman just to get on the news again and paint liberals as the aggressor. Cybercrime is generally strongly right-leaning in my personal experience* but for the select few nutjobs willing to call in bomb threats, swatting, ... it's largely about the power fantasy.

*(Not experience as a criminal, just for the record)
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Man aint nothin happenin to that lady, lets be real. :lol:

Anything gonna happen to Amber Guyger when she gets out in a few weeks?

Yall know she's eligible for parole September 29th?

(also ignore the video title framing, cause she didn't go into prison until October 2019, so she's been in jail 4 years, approaching 5)
I don’t know how people like this sleep at night. The same people that rally to his conspiracy theories also want his kids and wife deported as well

Dewine too. He's still supporting Trump. He goes on these shows and dispels these lies about Haitians but then still supports Trump vocally. Coward. My god I can't wait until their party dies. I know Politicians have always done some questionable things in the name of supporting their fellow party members but whatever the line is, these people have crossed it. And if you can still support someone after all that he's done, you have no morals.
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