***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Retired Joe is a hoot
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This is serious stuff guys. It could flip the election :emoji_triumph:
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I hope that folks take this seriously, and I hope that you warn your families about this too.

Trump supporters will go there if they don't win. And cops will be watching, cheering, and participating.

The United States needs to address the issue of domestic terrorism and law enforcement being enablers for the extreme right.
I lean more towards him genuinely being this unhinged and delusional, particularly because many of his actions are roughly equally stupid and delusional than his words.

I think he has taken the idea that belief defines reality to its most absurd extreme. It’s axiomatic to him that if you can convince enough people that a thing is true, it is true. It’s been the basis of his entire career across all industries.

And, to be honest, it’s worked. He’s convinced enough professional bankers that his development projects have great cash flow that he’s always been able to secure financing. He convinced enough of middle America that he was a brilliant businessmen that they gave him a second life tuning into his show to hear his platitudes. And he’s convinced the GOP that he’s the answer so thoroughly that he’s captured the party. His projects got credit, he was a great business man, and he became the future of the Republican Party all through belief first.

For most of us, belief follows reality. We see a thing and we believe in it. For him it’s reverse. He spreads belief and it becomes real.

And somewhere along the line, it became easier to convince people if he believed it himself. Or maybe it begins cynically and turns sincere? Whatever the sequence, I agree that he mostly believes his own bs.

And he’s got this incredible web of reinforcing beliefs: he’s smart, he’s attractive; he’s savvy, he has great judgement… he’s a winner. Every time he’s forced to confront the possibility that any one of those is not true, his entire ego comes close to collapse. And the only way out of that hole is to double down on his entire fundamental framework for the world.

What’s insane to me is how successful he’s been with such an insanely crazy approach to life. It says something nasty about humanity, I think.

Bakari was a Biden dead ender but this is a great idea.

Also Kamala should find some liberal/non political gun youtuber and do some shooting.
Yea, I don’t agree with this. Maybe their numbers show something else but it seems like the disaffected Black and Latino men are the ones she should be after. Neither are in the Simmons/Finebaum demo
Yea, I don’t agree with this. Maybe their numbers show something else but it seems like the disaffected Black and Latino men are the ones she should be after. Neither are in the Simmons/Finebaum demo

she really needs to hit non college educated white men also, especially in places like Pennsylvania.
and id bet by virtue of being sports shows, Simmons and Finebaum have more diverse audiences than the average tv/podcast

either way i think we both agree whatever shows they choose they gotta start hitting the streets.
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