***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Retired Joe is a hoot
Screenshot 2024-09-12 123708.png

Trump's brain has practically been lobotomized from birth but he seems more unhinged than ever this year.
I'd bet that he's still angrily obsessing over Makala mocking his crowd sizes during the debate.

I've always wondered to what extent he actually believes the nonsense coming out of his mouth/phone. On the one hand he's like a cult leader able to easily manipulate an army of flat earthers, but on the other hand he also has a bottomless track record of both saying and doing **** so far beyond moronic and delusional that he makes flat earthers sound like physics professors.

There's also the crippling uncontrollable insecurity factor that has a huge impact on many of his dumbest moments but not everything can be traced back to that part of his core personality.

I lean more towards him genuinely being this unhinged and delusional, particularly because many of his actions are roughly equally stupid and delusional than his words.
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