***Official Political Discussion Thread***

AOC is 100% right about the Green Party.

I don't remember where I head this, but it was about the 2000 election and Al Gore losing by 500 votes in Florida, which gave the election to Bush. That same year Ralph Nader got nearly 100,000 votes in Florida. Imagine a timeline with 8 years of Gore and GWB never happened.
I don't remember where I head this, but it was about the 2000 election and Al Gore losing by 500 votes in Florida, which gave the election to Bush. That same year Ralph Nader got nearly 100,000 votes in Florida. Imagine a timeline with 8 years of Gore and GWB never happened.

It's true.

Even without Nader though, Gore had more votes in Florida. The legal challenge just was not in his favor.

Lurie and his wife, the eagles owner, both always donates to democratic candidates up and down the Line

But he ain’t going be THIS outspoken.. dude ain’t like jerruh them

But it’s not exactly shocking the eagles skipped out on going to the White House for Big Macs after winning the Super Bowl
Made the mistake of looking at the replies on this one. 😬
I try and not even look anymore...but when I do :lol: :smh:


Reminiscent of McCain with Michigan in 08.

They could focus their intentions on PA. But if WI and MI get too far out of control for Trump you’ll see something in the next 4-5 weeks about them as well. If so, Trump team will be in PA. Harris/Walz/Shapiro/Fetterman/Casey just run loops around SE Penn and Pittsburgh.
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Lurie and his wife, the eagles owner, both always donates to democratic candidates up and down the Line

But he ain’t going be THIS outspoken.. dude ain’t like jerruh them

But it’s not exactly shocking the eagles skipped out on going to the White House for Big Macs after winning the Super Bowl

Not shocking at all. Could you even imagine someone like Malcolm Jenkins in the same room as TFG?!!! Jenk would want to put the same hit on him he laid on Cooks on SB52!
Not shocking at all. Could you even imagine someone like Malcolm Jenkins in the same room as TFG?!!! Jenk would want to put the same hit on him he laid on Cooks on SB52!

Even like foles, dude legit legit a good dude like he would have retired and became a preacher.. he was the one who did the Bible study on the team so I could only imagine if he tried to have a convo with THAT dude

The only guys from that team who I could see supporting dude is maybe like fletch since he might be diet Trent cole since dudes from Mississippi and huge in hunting and shh.. or like lane who got that frat boy shh going

But Chris long kept it simple when he addressed the possibility

On top of lurie being 1 of the few team owners who would give the team zero pressure to go.. you had outspoken guys who would call home boy out on his BS.. like Chris long for that simple shh

The Inflation Reduction Act is subsidizing 33% of the cost of producing EV batteries (it costs $145/kwh to produce batteries, and the IRA provides $40/kwh in tax credits)

In addition, for every clean energy investment dollar going to Democratic congressional districts, the IRA brings in $4 in Republican districts.

But watch ungrateful Reps claim victory for federal monies without telling their people who's funding their communities.
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