***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That lady was probably saying "Tim Was Right, this guy is weird" in her head and wanted to end the interaction asap.
Even like foles, dude legit legit a good dude like he would have retired and became a preacher.. he was the one who did the Bible study on the team so I could only imagine if he tried to have a convo with THAT dude

The only guys from that team who I could see supporting dude is maybe like fletch since he might be diet Trent cole since dudes from Mississippi and huge in hunting and shh.. or like lane who got that frat boy shh going

But Chris long kept it simple when he addressed the possibility

On top of lurie being 1 of the few team owners who would give the team zero pressure to go.. you had outspoken guys who would call home boy out on his BS.. like Chris long for that simple shh

100% on point buddy. And I honestly don't see Lane on that side. With his history of mental illness, that's just another thing those choads from TFG's administration loved to mock. It was very refreshing they didn't go and I'm glad. What did they really miss other than a scumbag misogynistic , racist, homophobic & xenophobic president....the feast of McDonald's he would have had out for them 🤦🏻‍♂️
Kornacki moments ago, apparently Hillary led by 5 percentage points after Labor Day 2016, Biden by 9 after Labor Day 2020


And here, battleground states in black/grey

need more of this, need these people to do a coupdetat of their government
unfortunately the acts of that government are causing there to be negative bias towards jewish people which isn't cool, those cowards are using religion to push their agenda smh
inshallah change comes
Neither Bibi nor Sinwar have an incentive to stop the war. Bibi will keep this going for as long as he can to stay out of jail; Sinwar became the actual leader of Hamas after Israel eliminated all possible candidates inside Gaza as well as the head of the political branch, and peace will start the timer on Sinwar's own life/freedom.

None of these leaders care for the well-being of their people.
Kornacki moments ago, apparently Hillary led by 5 percentage points after Labor Day 2016, Biden by 9 after Labor Day 2020


And here, battleground states in black/grey


Kam is doing great. She’s only been a candidate for about 6 weeks and is doing this well in polling is amazing. Here’s where the race is at IMO. The race will always be close and we need to double down on our GOTV efforts and volunteering. Our voters are very enthusiastic about voting which is really great because when their side is enthusiastic and so are we, we have more of us which is why we have to stay alert on making sure our voter registration is up to date and be on alert for the certification nonsense that the bad guys will try in GA, AZ and PA. What Kornacki isn’t mentioning is how the pollsters have significantly updated their methodology and electorate analysis to build in Trump over performing the polls in two elections (whether they’ve swung too far towards Trump remains to be seen). I truly believe that if today’s methodology were used back then, Biden and Clinton would have smaller margins and in Clinton’s case, that could’ve encouraged her to park in the blue wall states and focus on an in person ground game rather than mailers (way cheaper than hiring folks to canvass door to door but less effective).
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