***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I can understand the impulse, but I agree with the sentiment that her handling him like this is correct. Just imply he's old, boring, has nothing new or interesting to say, and make him as small as possible. It's been driving him absolutely insane and he's going to continue to spiral because of it

I agree with you.

But somebody’s got to do it if he loses.

They're going to keep leaning on whatever that license is that allows you to publicly broadcast music within the confines of certain events. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. I know Isaac Hayes' kid is suing Trump over repeated use of Hold On, I'm Coming and this is what they keep coming back to.
So I turn on CNN to try to hear about the interview and all they are talking about for the past 20 minutes is about Tim Walz response to the question about carrying weapons in war. Who cares!

They should continue ignoring the media after this.

They're going to keep leaning on whatever that license is that allows you to publicly broadcast music within the confines of certain events. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. I know Isaac Hayes' kid is suing Trump over repeated use of Hold On, I'm Coming and this is what they keep coming back to.

Yup.. think they’re suing for 3 mill


Laughing because I had to read Rusty's post to make sense of yours.
I’m gonna lie to myself and say it was because of my choice of notation.

My wife’s PhD is more or less in machine learning. About halfway through her program she stopped asking me for help with probability… “why can’t you answer a simple question without bringing up filtrations?!”
Sounds like a typical response.

My friend who is a partner at a large private equity fund is mad at this. I’m like bro you’re going to make so much money it doesn’t even matter to you in actuality. I mean he nodded. He just has issue with governmental waste of money like the accounting errors for a few billion by pentagon.

He leans right but he very progressive on social issues. Just has issues with taxes. But I think it’s more so because he hears so much about it from his peers at work who are not as progressive on social issues.

I know *many* people like this.

One thing I’ve noticed about mane rich people -especially self-made rich people- us that they need to be constantly reassured that they deserve their wealth. And they are constantly reassuring themselves of the same. And I think if you spend hours out of the day convincing yourself that you really do deserve what you’ve got, taxation probably does feel a bit like theft.

If you put a few glasses of wine in them, they’ll usually admit that they’ve been very lucky.
Folks will bypass all the things they've benefitted from because it didn't have "... for black people" added to the end of it.
To be fair, that’s still better than folks arguing to get rid of things that they currently benefit from because it has “also for black people” added to it.

Someone PLEASE ask this ******* POS ****-stain which 6 states they are? The answer is NONE!! Because he's full of ****! He'll him and haw & talk word salad to distract from answering the actual question.

But if someone actually had the ******* balls to askt his question, that would end this insanely idiotic statement he always puts out there once & for all!!!!
He's so bad at this it's beyond comprehension.
Idk if JD Vance rolled a horrible stat spread on spawn or if he just never bothered putting any skillpoints in charisma. Whatever the case, it makes for an interesting character for sure :lol:

This diet DeSantis robot has been in the kitchen seasoning everything he does with a pungent stench of cringe.

Either way, the more he’s in the media, the better it is for the Dems.
Idk if JD Vance rolled a horrible stat spread on spawn or if he just never bothered putting any skillpoints in charisma. Whatever the case, it makes for an interesting character for sure :lol:

This diet DeSantis robot has been in the kitchen seasoning everything he does with a pungent stench of cringe.

Either way, the more he’s in the media, the better it is for the Dems.

Off the cuff, he's the worst comedian of all time. Walz is tossing zingers left and right that land, and JD is out here basically saying "amirite, ya'll?" like a bad 80s standup, begging for a response.

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