***Official Political Discussion Thread***

YES. **** all the BS, it’s crunch time now. You’re either with me or against me. Ain’t no hand holding and “let’s all come together!” song singing. One side wants to **** me over and the other side doesn’t.

If you’re against me, I’ll be the first to say to go play in traffic. I don’t want ANY positive light on the other side. NONE. I don’t want any “well at least the right ……” blah blah blah. If you support Trump say it with your chest (speaking generally here), and I will point you out and say **** you.

If it’s down to a racist rapist who failed at everything hes done in life vs an old man who needs a nap once every 4 hours, I’m taking the old man. Easy choice. Trump is a sex offender 34 time felon who bankrupts every business he touches. If the democrats had half a brain they’d start and end all political message with that.

No, this message isn’t personally for you. This goes out to any and all Trump supporters. It’s game time. None of this “all come together” BS. **** yall
At this point its not dems vs republicans..its dems vs dems until they get their stuff together. what was bidens team doing for the last 1-2 years? No back up plan, nothing. Crunchtime? The election is in a few months. Its over. To admit you want an incompetent half awake candidate as president is crazy. Denial at its finest.

Ugh it each pic is tougher than the last. :sick:
This going in textbooks for the rest of time.
Nah foreal though that pic is instantly iconic.

As long as it doesn't come out that he cut himself like a pro wrestling work :lol:
At this point its not dems vs republicans..its dems vs dems until they get their stuff together. what was bidens team doing for the last 1-2 years? No back up plan, nothing. Crunchtime? The election is in a few months. Its over. To admit you want an incompetent half awake candidate as president is crazy. Denial at its finest.
Denial? Read again. If it came down to the two **** trump. Easy choice.
Eventually all the violent rhetoric catches up with you.

Not saying I agree with it, nor do I condone it. But you keep talking that **** and eventually someone may bring it to your doorstep.

And it’s gonna be hilarious watching all his supporters decry this **** when they’ve been the ones stoking the flames of violence for yearsssssssss.
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