***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Serious question
U believe just because he served in the military
That makes him better???
I dislike when people use that serving of the country
As an argument for anything
This same country
That treated people of color
Who served just as much if not more
Than the majority in this country
Came home
And got treated like scum
Not to mention
The facade folks be putting on about veterans
And those who served
When if yall REALLY gave 2 *****
They wouldn’t be struggling for benefits
Or Their damn health when they came home
I think I’ve gotten away from my point
Not even sure what it is anymore
Just tired of the hypocrisy
And fake caring America does

There are many things to criticise John McCain for - but his service and what he went through are definitely not one of them.

What he went through is not something to be ridiculed, and I respect him for that. There are other things I respect him for too, like helping save the ACA from Trump and the GOP.

But there are definitely things in his service record to criticize

Trump is right but for the wrong reasons.

On aggregate, John McCain was a piece of ****.
There are many things to criticise John McCain for - but his service and what he went through are definitely not one of them.
May I ask why?
Enlighten me
What special things did he accomplish
What was his combat tour like that he can’t be criticized???
Serious question
U believe just because he served in the military
That makes him better???
I dislike when people use that serving of the country
As an argument for anything
This same country
That treated people of color
Who served just as much if not more
Than the majority in this country
Came home
And got treated like scum
Not to mention
The facade folks be putting on about veterans
And those who served
When if yall REALLY gave 2 *****
They wouldn’t be struggling for benefits
Or Their damn health when they came home
I think I’ve gotten away from my point
Not even sure what it is anymore
Just tired of the hypocrisy
And fake caring America does

Why are you typing out replies like this? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Looks like word salad.

Do I feel that McCain is better than Trump? Absolutely! Is be better because he served? Yes, because he understood the constitution, something TFG doesn't give a damn about. Plus like him or hate McCain, he did have empathy on things. Standing up to that constituent who said Obama was not a good person, for saving the ACA (because we all know there was NO replacement even thought of despite the BS Trump & his airhead press secretary kept portraying).

Just seeing TFG mock Biden and his stuttering again. What a classless POS! As someone who took speech class in 1st grade (for multiple reasons when I was a little kid), Trump can **** off!
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Why are you typing out replies like this? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Looks like word salad.

Do I feel that McCain is better than Trump? Absolutely! Is be better because he served? Yes, because he understood the constitution, something TFG doesn't give a damn about. Plus like him or hate McCain, he did have empathy on things. Standing up to that constituent who said Obama was not a good person, for saving the ACA (because we all know there was NO replacement even thought of despite the BS Trump & his airhead press secretary kept portraying).

Just seeing TFG mock Biden and his stuttering again. What a classless POS! As someone who took speech class in 1st grade (for multiple reasons when I was a little kid), Trump can **** off!
Just because someone served
Doesn’t mean they understand the constitution better.
I wasn’t just talking about
Do u think he better than trump
Cause he served
I just meant generally
Do u think he better than say Obama cause he served
Or anyone else of a stable rational brain
Showing empathy
is more than just caring about things
That ur familiar Or comfortable with
U have to show empathy for people
Who u may not like and or not agree with
Please don’t shame how I type
ur displaying very little empathy on ur part
Why do you type like you’re trying to drop some bars in a rap song. Maybe people will take you seriously if you typed your comments and questions like an adult.
1. U don’t have to insult me

2. Just because someone types a perfectly grammatically correct
And fully formed paragraph
Doesn’t make them smarter
or better than the next person

3. Don’t remember asking YOU
To respond to anything
I believe I was talking to ford

4. Have a great rest of ur day
And god bless
Just because someone served
Doesn’t mean they understand the constitution better.
I wasn’t just talking about
Do u think he better than trump
Cause he served
I just meant generally
Do u think he better than say Obama cause he served
Or anyone else of a stable rational brain
Showing empathy
is more than just caring about things
That ur familiar Or comfortable with
U have to show empathy for people
Who u may not like and or not agree with
Please don’t shame how I type
ur displaying very little empathy on ur part

First off, addressing the elephant in the room, the way your reply is. I didn't "shame" you. I said it looks like word salad. Shaming you would require me adding something that was aimed directly to you as an individual. And you don't know me, so PLEASE DON'T insinuate I don't have empathy. You would be up way past your bedtime if you want to discuss my life (47 years) and what I've been through (over 3 decades of serious medical issues) & why I have LOADS of it. Now that is out of the way, onto your reply.

Do I feel that because he served he knows the constitution better? Yes. And I am sure I'm not alone. Let me ask you this? Do you think Trump knows the constitution better than McCain? This isn't a hard question for you. Remember, TFG wanted to basically turn off the constitution after he lost the election. So he has ZERO regard to it now and will not care about it if he gets back in. Hell, his lawyer tried to use the oath he took and say he wasn't told to "support" it, which means follow it.

Then you go on about empathy. Do you honestly believe Trump as an ounce of it? Because I hate to break it to you, HE HAS ZERO!! He doesn't care about anyone, or anybody NOT named Donald Trump! I feel like you're a Trump supporter trying to prove he's a good person. Hate to break it to you, he's not! He's not!
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1. U don’t have to insult me

2. Just because someone types a perfectly grammatically correct
And fully formed paragraph
Doesn’t make them smarter
or better than the next person

3. Don’t remember asking YOU
To respond to anything
I believe I was talking to ford

4. Have a great rest of ur day
And god bless

First off, this is a discussion forum. Anyone can chime in when they damn well feel like it, no matter if you were replying to any specific person. You don't have to ask for it, it's implied.

And he also didn't insult you. He was asking a question, and making a suggestion that maybe if you type out replies like, well, basically EVERYONE, you make get more replies and people may take you more serious. Insulting you would require some specific harsh wording. And that's not what he did. Just saying.
First off, addressing the elephant in the room, the way your reply is. I didn't "shame" you. I said it looks like word salad. Shaming you would require me adding something that was aimed directly to you as an individual. And you don't know me, so PLEASE DON'T insinuate I don't have empathy. You would be up way past your bedtime if you want to discuss my life (47 years) and what I've been through (over 3 decades of serious medical issues) & why I have LOADS of it. Now that is out of the way, onto your reply.

Do I feel that because he served he knows the constitution better? Yes. And I am sure I'm not alone. Let me ask you this? Do you think Trump knows the constitution better than McCain? This isn't a hard question for you. Remember, TFG wanted to basically turn off the constitution after he lost the election. So he has ZERO regard to it now and will not care about it if he gets back in. Hell, his lawyer tried to use the oath he took and say he wasn't told to "support" it, which means follow it.

Then you go on about empathy. Do you honestly believe Trump as an ounce of it? Because I hate to break it to you, HE HAS ZERO!! He doesn't care about anyone, or anybody NOT named Donald Trump! I feel like you're a Trump supporter trying to prove he's a good person. Hate to break it to you, he's not! He's not!
I was joking about the typing shaming thing
I don’t agree with Trump at all
Also I’ve been around here long enough to “know” u
You’ve explained ur medical stuff plenty of times
We’ve spoken on it previously
Again just joking but u taking it tooooo seriously about the typing shaming thing
I don’t appreciate how ur texting to me
Ur tone is very condescending
Especially since im being very respectful
To ur option and what u have to say
Even with us not agreeing
Why can’t u show me that same respect
Idgaf about Trump
Don’t like him never have
So stop bringing him into THIS convo

My main point was just asking
Why do u feel that just cause a person served
That makes em better
When plenty of people have served
And shown blatant disregard for our constitution
Human rights
As well just plain common sense
First off, this is a discussion forum. Anyone can chime in when they damn well feel like it, no matter if you were replying to any specific person. You don't have to ask for it, it's implied.

And he also didn't insult you. He was asking a question, and making a suggestion that maybe if you type out replies like, well, basically EVERYONE, you make get more replies and people may take you more serious. Insulting you would require some specific harsh wording. And that's not what he did. Just saying.
Why the hostility???
Also u can’t tell someone else how they feel
If I felt insulted
U should respect that’s how I felt
And leave it at that
Just cause u don’t intend to insult someone
Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen
I was joking about the typing shaming thing
I don’t agree with Trump at all
Also I’ve been around here long enough to “know” u
You’ve explained ur medical stuff plenty of times
We’ve spoken on it previously
Again just joking but u taking it tooooo seriously about the typing shaming thing
I don’t appreciate how ur texting to me
Ur tone is very condescending
Especially since im being very respectful
To ur option and what u have to say
Even with us not agreeing
Why can’t u show me that same respect
Idgaf about Trump
Don’t like him never have
So stop bringing him into THIS convo

My main point was just asking
Why do u feel that just cause a person served
That makes em better
When plenty of people have served
And shown blatant disregard for our constitution
Human rights
As well just plain common sense

You come on here and say you were "joking" about the typing shame thing, yet you said this to me and the other poster! And we're supposed to know you're joking? Then the next post you say you were insulted? But we're you? If you felt it, it's brought on by you since you were joking about being shamed how you typed? If you typed like everyone else, no one would have said a word? Yeah, I'm done with that.

And you say I have no empathy, yet you know who I am, and we've spoken about my issues. So you know I have it, but want to push a narrative that I don't. Your so both way buddy. Like your trying to create a confrontation. Don't know what to tell you other than have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
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You come on here and say you were "joking" about the typing shame thing, yet you said this to me and the other poster! And we're supposed to know your joking? Yeah, I'm done with that.

And you say I have no empathy, yet you know who I am, and we've spoken about my issues. So you know I have it, but want to push a narrative that I don't. Your so both way buddy. Like your trying to create a confrontation. Don't know what to tell you other than have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
Sent u a pm
Kindly respond there
We can continue discussing there after clearing stuff up
You come on here and say you were "joking" about the typing shame thing, yet you said this to me and the other poster! And we're supposed to know you’re joking? Yeah, I'm done with that.
Can be hard to tell sometimes through text
Also hard to tell when opinions don’t agree
You come on here and say you were "joking" about the typing shame thing, yet you said this to me and the other poster! And we're supposed to know you're joking? Then the next post you say you were insulted? But we're you? If you felt it, it's brought on by you since you were joking about being shamed how you typed? If you typed like everyone else, no one would have said a word? Yeah, I'm done with that.

And you say I have no empathy, yet you know who I am, and we've spoken about my issues. So you know I have it, but want to push a narrative that I don't. Your so both way buddy. Like your trying to create a confrontation. Don't know what to tell you other than have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
I also think u misunderstood
When I wrote all those sentences about empathy
I wasn’t referring to u
I was speaking on McCain
Maybe that’s where our signals got crossed
What are u talking about
Who is that?
Can we stay focused on politics please
Dude this is the thread on NT I am most active in, and enjoy posting in the most.

I'm not gonna coddle your schtick in here

So spare me. We all know it is you
May I ask why?
Enlighten me
What special things did he accomplish
What was his combat tour like that he can’t be criticized???

This is all from Wikipedia but I don’t think there is anything controversial in there:

McCain was taken prisoner of war on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi.[40][41] McCain fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected from the aircraft,[42] and nearly drowned after he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake. Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[40] McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".[41]

Although McCain was seriously wounded and injured, his captors refused to treat him. They beat and interrogated him to get information, and he was given medical care only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was an admiral.[43] His status as a prisoner of war (POW) made the front pages of major American newspapers.[44][45]

McCain spent six weeks in the hospital, where he received marginal care. He had lost 50 pounds (23 kg), he was in a chest cast, and his gray hair had turned white.[40] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi.[46] In December 1967, McCain was placed in a cell with two other Americans, who did not expect him to live more than a week.[47] In March 1968, McCain was placed into solitary confinement, where he remained for two years.[48]

In mid-1968, his father John S. McCain Jr. was named commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater, and the North Vietnamese offered McCain early release[49] because they wanted to appear merciful for propaganda purposes,[50] and also to show other POWs that elite prisoners were willing to be treated preferentially.[49] McCain refused repatriation unless every man taken in before him was also released. Such early release was prohibited by the POWs' interpretation of the military Code of Conduct, which states in Article III: "I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy."[51] To prevent the enemy from using prisoners for propaganda, officers were to agree to be released in the order in which they were captured.[40]

Beginning in August 1968, McCain was subjected to a program of severe torture.[52] He was bound and beaten every two hours; this punishment occurred at the same time that he was suffering from heat exhaustion and dysentery.[40][52] Further injuries brought McCain to "the point of suicide," but his preparations were interrupted by guards. Eventually, McCain made an anti-U.S. propaganda "confession."[40] He had always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[53][54]Many U.S. POWs were tortured and maltreated to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements;[55] virtually all of them eventually yielded something to their captors.[56] McCain received two to three beatings weekly because of his continued refusal to sign additional statements.[57]

McCain refused to meet various anti-war groups seeking peace in Hanoi, wanting to give neither them nor the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory.[58]From late 1969, treatment of McCain and many of the other POWs became more tolerable,[59] while McCain continued to resist the camp authorities.[60] McCain and other prisoners cheered the U.S. "Christmas Bombing" campaign of December 1972, viewing it as a forceful measure to push North Vietnam to terms.[54][61]

McCain was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years, until his release on March 14, 1973, along with 108 other prisoners of war.[62] His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head.[63]

Note that what I am not saying is that you can’t criticise anyone who served - but one of Trump’s main things about McCain is about preferring those who weren’t captured and making fun of his arms - when from the above I think anyone can clearly see that his treatment that led to those injuries was terrible and because of his honorable actions.
This is all from Wikipedia but I don’t think there is anything controversial in there:

Note that what I am not saying is that you can’t criticise anyone who served - but one of Trump’s main things about McCain is about preferring those who weren’t captured and making fun of his arms - when from the above I think anyone can clearly see that his treatment that led to those injuries was terrible and because of his honorable actions.
I knew some
But not anything to that extent
Thanks for that
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