***Official Political Discussion Thread***

aepps20 aepps20 decided that consumers would test the software. Who needs to spend money on a QA team anyway?
After I hack da NT servers, ninjahood ninjahood will be Administrator EMERITUS.

Let's see. He called out Israel as not terrorists, just corrupt. He's made multiple posts containing nothing but calling out Hamas language while staying completely silent on his side calling their enemies dogs, beasts, and animals.

Should I go on?

Ah so a long way of saying you can't actually quote where he said that.
I apologize for not commenting sooner but I have all notifications turned off, I am trying to keep this as one of the few online spaces where things move slowly unlike the VC backed online spaces that insist that you engage with it all of the time.

I was not looking to create a theory of morality of how wars should be conducted. I was mostly just going off of what I was thinking and feeling watching coverage of the events in the Near East.

To clarify, I am not justifying whatever violence that Hamas committed is justified nor do I believe that Israelis who are tortured and raped and kidnaped deserve what happened to them. I would say that culpability does not lie with Hamas, or Israeli people, or the Israeli government, or even the US, it falls on an international system that believes that some people must live at other's expense.

Any society that believes that some people's humanity is worth more than another's, will always be unstable and violent. It is the fount of all violence and threats of violence. Israelis generally live at the expense of Palestinians. What happened at the Israeli-Gazan border was an extreme example of people at one end of the world's value-dispensing spectrum and those at the extreme opposite being placed in close proximity.

Those who's lives matter the most in our international system, have the greatest ability to use social, political, economic, and financial coercion in order to commit atrocities in a way that is fairly unspectacular compared the ancient atrocities of murder, rape, and kidnapping.

War is the act of one entity trying to break the will of another. When one entity can break the opposing entity's will with media friendly, unspectacular ways, it will do so. The other, weaker entity will retaliate in ways that will offend polite, international opinion. This is because polite, international opinion cannot imagine death through media-friendly means but it can imagine being murdered or raped or kidnapped so it condemns what Hamas does but ignores similar horrors that have been unleashed by the West. Making a big distinction between touch and no-touch terror serves the interests of the powerful. And this is currently a more academic discussion for us here in North America but it will become a far more practical discussion in the near future as climate change will cause dozens of Gaza like setups to become established through out the world. When you decide that some people's lives matter a lot, and others do not matter at all and you put them in close proximity and use fences and media-friendly routine terror to control the open air prison, you have turned the civilians who live and are allowed to thrive just outside the prison walls into unwitting prison guards, and they should expect horrible reprisals when the most aggrieved and most radicalized people are able to break out of the open air prison.

In short either we abolish hierarchy or hierarchy will ultimately abolish all of us.

Hmm, I thiiink I understand what you are,

I think we are way way way way more likely to see peace between Israel and Palestine before the abolishment of heirchey.

But I digress.
This is rich coming from a guy that routinely posts outright lies and then refuses to engage further when he's found out and then instead resorts to wild accusations and non related pro Israel propaganda. FOH.

Stop quoting me.

You support an organization that has “Death to all Jews” engraved into them. Same POS terrorist group that chants ”Death to America”

Thats all I need to know about you. Youre a racist.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
Hmm, I thiiink I understand what you are,

I think we are way way way way more likely to see peace between Israel and Palestine before the abolishment of heirchey.

But I digress.

You’re probably right about abolition being very far off but in the meanwhile, there has to be a resolution to the situation where there are tiers of citizenship in Israel. And IMO blame lies with the broader West, especially the US. If the West were willing to treat Israel the way it treated apartheid South Africa, something would give. Either Israel has just one tier of citizenship or it gives real sovereignty to Gaza with certain guarantees for things like water, coastal access, shipping, etc.

I agree that there’s going to be millions of Jewish people in the region, the old idea of throwing them into the sea is not viable. Like all settler colonial societies, the settlers need to make recompense in ways other than complete and total land back since that’s not viable. Monetary reparations, full and equal access to the broader society and it’s resources, some degree of land back, along with official reckoning of the settler state’s crimes would seem to be a good blue print in the Levant and in every other settler-colonial state.
You’re probably right about abolition being very far off but in the meanwhile, there has to be a resolution to the situation where there are tiers of citizenship in Israel. And IMO blame lies with the broader West, especially the US. If the West were willing to treat Israel the way it treated apartheid South Africa, something would give. Either Israel has just one tier of citizenship or it gives real sovereignty to Gaza with certain guarantees for things like water, coastal access, shipping, etc.

I agree that there’s going to be millions of Jewish people in the region, the old idea of throwing them into the sea is not viable. Like all settler colonial societies, the settlers need to make recompense in ways other than complete and total land back since that’s not viable. Monetary reparations, full and equal access to the broader society and it’s resources, some degree of land back, along with official reckoning of the settler state’s crimes would seem to be a good blue print in the Levant and in every other settler-colonial state.

Yah I don't really think the settle-colonial state concept maps on all that well. The whole fact they are Jewish makes it different imo.

But I can agree some multi state solution with some reparations would be nice.

But Hamas and the Israeli right don't seem to want peace.
Ah so a long way of saying you can't actually quote where he said that.

Bro I'm not going to go digging through this sycoohants posts to satisfy your question. You can go look at his post history yourself if you actually care instead of posing a question trying to be a contrarian.
Bro I'm not going to go digging through this sycoohants posts to satisfy your question. You can go look at his post history yourself if you actually care instead of posing a question trying to be a contrarian.

Ahhh and now we've finally arrived.

"Terrorism is bad" is now the "contrarian" position.

The train is never late.

Israel really needs to be restrained and not play in to Hamas hands.

It's just seems so obvious they want an overreaction.
Stop quoting me.

You support an organization that has “Death to all Jews” engraved into them. Same POS terrorist group that chants ”Death to America”

Thats all I need to know about you. Youre a racist.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

I'll quote you whenever I feel like. Stop posting on a public message board if you don't like it.

And more baseless attacks huh? Show me exactly where I've supported Hamas or terrorists. Or made any reference to race.

And you're still stuck on the chants when Israel kills palestinian civilians at a 20-1 ratio but their chants are really what makes them bad right?

What I have done call out is ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide. Which I will do no matter who's doing it. IDGAF if that's what Israel is doing to Palestine, China is going to the Uyghurs, or the Hindus are doing to the muslims in India.

The fact that you take that as an attack on your race is telling.
Speaking of Osh’s GOATs. I was watching cnbc this morning and they had Paul Tudor jones on and he was making some good points about the economy and issues ahead over the next few decades until he said that Joey ******* Machin is who he thinks should be the next president to lead us to the right way. I literally got up from my couch to brush my teeth in disgust.
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