***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is that Royce White the former NBA player?

I think this is an important point and one I raise before.

During the midterms police forces routinely endorsed Republican candidates that support them being violent with impunity over Dems what wanted to give them tons of money in exchange for minimal reforms.

People that went on and on and on deriding the "defund the police" stuff didn't put forward and workable alternative what would solve the issue.

Until we can break the power of the police and their unions, and their ability to veto reforms, nothing will fundamentally change.

What people like Noah Smith and Yglesias are offering is a best campaign strategies. Not structural reforms. And they routinely play coy and don't address the massive hole in their proposals. At worst it was just a way to **** on people and act superior
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The GOP has not learned its lesson, again

The Republicans often resort to using misinformation and manipulation to achieve their political victories. They cannot win based on actual governance because their policies are becoming less effective in winning over voters. So now, once in power, they change the legislative system to benefit their agenda. For example, McCarthy removed members from committees for political gain, not their behavior. When the GOP loses power, they undo whatever crooked move they relied upon when in power. Some changes they make are unethical, but they use their misinformation to bury the truth in the public discourse and the Supreme Court to intimidate the Democrats from challenging them in the courts.

They justify all of this to their voters by saying they are prioritizing the interest of White Americans. That subverting democracy in the process of keeping white Americans in power. However, all of this is mostly (because the racism in the party is real) just a cover for wealthy Americans to avoid discussing America’s wealth disparity and Global Warming. Both of which would require them to lessen their consumption.

So No, they aren’t learning; they don’t need to learn. They continue to use the same tactic because it's proving effective. Desantis, whose policies justification can’t hold up under even the smallest of scrutiny is ahead in his party’s primary polls. The things he is doing in Florida is a one man microcosm of what the party is trying to do in DC.
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I mean, true :lol: But that was the game they missed like 27 straight or something ridiculous. Mike D’Antoni is probably a consultant for the GOP

0-27 to finish the game. It was Game 7 of the 2018 Western Conference Finals, too. The Warriors were down 15 in the first half, and if Houston hit even 20% (5-6 threes) of those last 27 threes, they would have gone to the Finals. However, if you watch the video, the Warriors knew what the Rockets were. They literally just launched threes. The Rockets didn't drive inside the entire second half. The Warriors defended the perimeter and contested almost all of those threes. It was kind of a combination of good defense and bad luck.
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