***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I would love for one of the family members he killed to go on record saying that the legal system isn’t the only means of pursuing justice and that they’ll catch Kyle slipping and take justice into their own hands at some point but for the time being wrecking havoc on that area is not only encouraged but supported.
I agree with you. My wife is a teacher and I've learned from her how stupid parents are and how much they don't really know their child's learning style.

my understanding of the research is the "learning styles" are basically a myth.

but i guess if a teacher says it, it must be true.
they are the "experts" after all.
He killed two white people
And wont spend a single day in jail because of it.

On the other hand, there was enough doubt in the Julius Jones case that it was recommended to change his sentence from the Death Penatly to life in jail with the chance of parole.

Guess the judge agreed that doubt was present and overturned the death penalty sentence...to life in jail with no chance of parole.

Again, its gotta be some awesome **** to be white in America.
And still got away with it regardless…What’s your point ?

That it’s probably not a great day for the white family members of the two white men who were killed. Or for the other white man that was injured.

What’s your point?
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