***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Do we have any conservatives on Niketalk? Be good to hear their opinions. I feel as if we are in our echo chambers a lot.

Everything from inequality to certain issues. etc. I'm moderate myself. Which is maddening because I can see both sides not being honest with themselves.
I’m all about balance. And this thread is hitting three wheel motion lol
I’m all about balance. And this thread is hitting three wheel motion lol

Be careful what you wish for.

We can be all about "balance" or all about facts. Not both.

The balance fallacy is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when two sides of an argument are assumed to have equal or comparable value regardless of their respective merits, which (in turn) can lead to the conclusion that the answer to a problem is always to be found between two extremes. The latter is effectively an inverse false dilemma, discarding the two extremes rather than the middle.

While the rational position on a topic is often between two extremes, this cannot be assumed without actually considering the evidence. Sometimes the extreme position is actually the correct one, and sometimes the entire spectrum of belief is wrong, and truth exists in an orthogonal direction that hasn't yet been considered.

Balance is often a problem in the media, where confrontational or adversarial journalism might present more of a controversy about some topic than actually exists, giving equal time to fringe minority viewpoints to draw in viewers. It is effectively the opposite of bias — whereas bias over-emphasises one view to the detriment of another legitimate, well-supported view to give the impression of one being favoured, false balance over-emphasises a minority or unsupported view to the detriment of a well-supported view to give the impression that neither is favoured.
Ahhhh, a new year, new claims of echo chambering

Instead of blaming all the conservatives that got banned for racist comments, race trolling, personal attacks, and to be fair one got banned for scamming another NTer, it is liberal posters that have created an echo chamber.

If centrist wants to share their opinions, go ahead, but be ready to have them challenged.

But spare us the accusation of this being an echo chamber or this thread lacking balance because conservatives are not around to peddle problematic views for you.

No one in here is responsible for some people getting themselves banned for being a rancid racist.
Do we have any conservatives on Niketalk? Be good to hear their opinions. I feel as if we are in our echo chambers a lot.

Everything from inequality to certain issues. etc. I'm moderate myself. Which is maddening because I can see both sides not being honest with themselves.

You could always become a communist like me. From my perspective, almost everyone in this thread is right wing. Echo chamber problem solved.
Be careful what you wish for.

We can be all about "balance" or all about facts. Not both.

The balance fallacy is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when two sides of an argument are assumed to have equal or comparable value regardless of their respective merits, which (in turn) can lead to the conclusion that the answer to a problem is always to be found between two extremes. The latter is effectively an inverse false dilemma, discarding the two extremes rather than the middle.

While the rational position on a topic is often between two extremes, this cannot be assumed without actually considering the evidence. Sometimes the extreme position is actually the correct one, and sometimes the entire spectrum of belief is wrong, and truth exists in an orthogonal direction that hasn't yet been considered.

Balance is often a problem in the media, where confrontational or adversarial journalism might present more of a controversy about some topic than actually exists, giving equal time to fringe minority viewpoints to draw in viewers. It is effectively the opposite of bias — whereas bias over-emphasises one view to the detriment of another legitimate, well-supported view to give the impression of one being favoured, false balance over-emphasises a minority or unsupported view to the detriment of a well-supported view to give the impression that neither is favoured.
**** all mainstream media. Don’t even care. I get my **** here on NT on some real ****.
Do we have any conservatives on Niketalk? Be good to hear their opinions. I feel as if we are in our echo chambers a lot.

Everything from inequality to certain issues. etc. I'm moderate myself. Which is maddening because I can see both sides not being honest with themselves.

I'm pretty moderate myself, and most of my friends would probably consider me conservative. I voted for GWB in 2004, but Obama in the next two. I didn't vote for either Hillary or Trump in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020.
If you claim to be true centrist in 2021, you are just a nonreactionary right-winger

The Overton window in American politics has shifted so far right that if you balance your opinions between a standard center-left coalition, and a reactionary right coalition, on the aggregate you are on the right.

So all the centrist demanding balancing, you are really asking people on the left to accept a right-wing position, not a centrist one.
Do we have any conservatives on Niketalk? Be good to hear their opinions. I feel as if we are in our echo chambers a lot.

Yes. I’m a pro-life, former Trump supporter and regular in this thread.

Any particular issue you want an opinion about?
You brahs should read this piece about Josh Hawley. The dude has been a racist scumbag his whole life. Mans defended militia members after the Oklahoma City bombers because those people had a legit grievance. Mans has also been peddling ******* about racial justice for decades.....


His early writing touches on themes that have defined his Senate tenure: a rejection of political correctness and a belief that mainstream politics has failed to deal with a growing disillusionment in American society.

That same year he wrote about Fuhrman, Hawley said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “must be rolling over in his grave” at the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s defense of affirmative action. He described a “perverted racial spoils system” and said affirmative action has “stirred up resentment amongst the races.”

Hawley’s animosity toward programs aimed at boosting racial equality continued during his college years as a contributor to The Stanford Review, a conservative student paper founded by Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and, later, a major political donor.

“In this season of cultural concern, when Americans worry more about values than anything else … self-righteous pronouncements on racial oppression and gay rights activism seem oddly out of place, like disco music at a swing dance,” Hawley wrote in a 1999 piece criticizing Democratic Sen. Bill Bradley’s presidential campaign.
If you claim to be centrist in 2021, you are just a nonreactionary right-winger

The Overton window in American politics has shifted so far right that if you balance your opinions between a standard center-left coalition, and a reactionary right coalition, on the aggregate you are on the right.

So all the centrist demanding balancing, you are really asking people on the left to accept a right-wing position, not a centrist one.
after working 16 years (field work, chronically homeless/at risk adolescents) in social services, I have a right to think how I think because I’m a front liner in making a change. Both left and right wing views have their fallacy.
lotta left wing pointing fingers are similar to right wing finger pointing. Y’all poked each other so hard y’all blind lol
I just noticed that in this thread, it’s VERY one sided.
You all so aggressive. Don’t take a step back and look at things. But I’m talking in generalities. I feel the same way about a lot of things.
I kinda feel we kill conservatives when they have a question or differing opinion.
You all so aggressive. Don’t take a step back and look at things. But I’m talking in generalities. I feel the same way about a lot of things.
I kinda feel we kill conservatives when they have a question or differing opinion.
Don't think anyone is being aggressive but they just were asking for examples of these "generalities" to further the discourse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
after working 16 years (field work, chronically homeless/at risk adolescents) in social services, I have a right to think how I think because I’m a front liner in making a change. Both left and right wing views have their fallacy.
lotta left wing pointing fingers are similar to right wing finger pointing. Y’all poked each other so hard y’all blind lol
I just noticed that in this thread, it’s VERY one sided.
No one told you that you don't have the right to think what you think. Not a single damn person

Everyone has that right

But not one has to coddle your opinions or anyone else's.

This thread is one-sided because conservatives, dozens of them, have gotten themselves banned for racist posts. That is no one'ss fault but their own. No one in here has to make up for the lack of conservatives views by being a contrarian.

Furthermore, some both side's analysis is not valid just because it places blame equally. Most of the time both sides takes are lazy and not well reasoned. If you have an opinion, present it and be ready to defend it, but again not one has to agree with any take for the sake of "balance"
Trump didn't have to tie their hands
The FBI has NEVER done anything about white terrorist groups
The FBI itself is a white terrorist group
They kill non-violent African American activist but allow violent white terrorist to bomb buildings with kids in them

Since Oklahoma you woul hear stories of them arresting white terrorist for plotting attacks here and there. Three things happened, mass shooters instead of bombers, they were told to not focus on white domestic terrorist, these stories usually dont get media attention because they were thwarted terrorist attempts.

the FBI and ATF have and will likely return to going after domestic terrorist under Biden.
Yes. I’m a pro-life, former Trump supporter and regular in this thread.

Any particular issue you want an opinion about?
Allegedly former Trump Supporter

We don’t believe you, you need more people.
No one told you that you don't have the right to think what you think. Not a single damn person

Everyone has that right

But not one has to coddle your opinions or anyone else's.

This thread is one-sided because conservatives, dozens of them, have gotten themselves banned for racist posts. That is no one'ss fault but their own. No one in here has to make up for the lack of conservatives views by being a contrarian.

Furthermore, some both side's analysis is not valid just because it places blame equally. Most of the time both sides takes are lazy and not well reasoned. If you have an opinion, present it and be ready to defend it, but again not one has to agree with any take for the sake of "balance"
I’d take balance over favoritism any day.
I’d take balance over favoritism any day.
This reads like you will take lazy both sides takes over serious analysis any day

Your argument implies that you the centrist are the only one that sees **** straight and other people are somehow confused.

Dude say what you have to say, but no one is required to coddle an opinion they don't agree with

Edit: Also again, this place is out of so-called "balance" because so many conservatives get banned for racism. So blame them for them for the lack of conservative views, no one else.
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