***Official Political Discussion Thread***


There's like a dozen lewd jokes/memes that can be made :lol:
Man, y'all know Jill didn't bake those cookies :lol: I was thinking about it when I fiest saw that tweet, though....them cookies have to hit different, right I would imagine White House chefs are some of the best in the world.

She could’ve. Prior to Melania the first lady’s used to have cookie recipes/contests. But a lot died with the trump presidency.
To be clear, I’m not against raising the minimum wage but I find this whole line of reasoning to be silly because private company performance-based executive compensation != Federal government compensation mandates. Just like if revenues drastically declined, if wages go up then executives will make less.

They won’t recoup everything through these methods they’ll find other ways to cut costs through workforce reductions, product substitutions and automation where possible. I would actually lean into the minimum wage increase if I was a fast food CEO because if anything, COVID has taught you that you don’t need as much staff as you did in the past due to online ordering and kiosks so **** it. Raise wages and carry a leaner workforce.
To be clear, I’m not against raising the minimum wage but I find this whole line of reasoning to be silly because private company performance-based executive compensation != Federal government compensation mandates. Just like if revenues drastically declined, if wages go up then executives will make less.

They won’t recoup everything through these methods they’ll find other ways to cut costs through workforce reductions, product substitutions and automation where possible. I would actually lean into the minimum wage increase if I was a fast food CEO because if anything, COVID has taught you that you don’t need as much staff as you did in the past due to online ordering and kiosks so **** it. Raise wages and carry a leaner workforce.
Agree and disagree at the same time. Human worth is completely overlooked as is the value of time. The market flipped to people competing for jobs instead of jobs competing for quality employees. It’s an American ideal that will won’t leave any time soon. What Americans value dictates what’s worth the pay. For whatever reason Americans believe some of the most important jobs are beneath them while some of the most useless are coveted.

just my opinion of course
Agree and disagree at the same time. Human worth is completely overlooked as is the value of time. The market flipped to people competing for jobs instead of jobs competing for quality employees. It’s an American ideal that will won’t leave any time soon. What Americans value dictates what’s worth the pay. For whatever reason Americans believe some of the most important jobs are beneath them while some of the most useless are coveted.

just my opinion of course
Yeah, I wasn’t saying my statement as a matter of fact btw, it was just my POV and how I would handle it as a fast food executive. I think the minimum wage debate is interesting because of how much it will shift mindsets which ties back to your statement - it might change what Americans value. Maybe certain jobs won’t look as bad anymore? Perhaps things that are beneath folks in the past are all of a sudden on their level?

I don’t know if it was discussed in here before and maybe our Chief Economist, RustyShackleford RustyShackleford ,can comment on it but I do wonder if there will be ripple effects knowing that a certain % of the country now will significantly increased wages. It would absolutely defeat the purpose but this is America so I would not be surprised.
The immediate issue I see with raising minimum wage is the cost of food will be one of the first things to be affected and that’s also one of the things people making minimum wage absolutely need to be affordable. In Baltimore we’ve already had groceries stores going out of business and not being replaced in lower income areas. If grocery stores already can’t afford to operate in these communities, raising minimum wage will exasperate the issue and it won’t be just minimum wage workers losing access to food. Raising the minimum wage is necessary but we also have to do something to address the cost of and access to QUALITY food.
McDonald's labor costs are well over $1B and a $15 minimum wage would probably increase those costs by hundreds of millions. Corporate executives make far too much money but the excess is taken from stockholders, not the workers

I think we all agree there's a wage level that optimizes the earnings of those subject to the minimum wage. I just don't think we know what that is, or that we should be looking at the minimum wage as an anti-poverty policy

there are better ways at attempting to increase the well-being of those at the bottom end of the income distribution. direct cash assistance is better, the earned income tax credit (basically the same thing as direct cash assistance) is better, wage supports are better

with that said i haven't seen anything to suggest that $15 is the wrong number; it's certainly closer to the right number than $7
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