OFFICIAL Pittsburgh Steelers VS New England Patriots VOL PATS 1ST "L"

If only the Steelers could have finished their drives, the score would have been so much different. Inside the red zone 5 times and only 6 points. Oh well, Idrather beat the Pats in the playoffs than the regular season.
Pats continue to roll.

The saltiness level in this thread is approaching a new high.

If the shoe fits, wear it.
Originally Posted by aerdel24

they will go 16-0, i must admit.
but i dont think they will win in the playoffs, whether they play Pitt again WITH a healthy Polumalu, or Colts WITH Marvin Harrison

its not that imma hater, well actually, i am a hater.. ive always hated Bellichek, I think Tom Brady is a good quarterback, and Randy Moss is an amazing reciever
As a Raider Fan I hate the Pats with a passion
, but this istrue: If they get the record they WILL LOSE in the playoffs
. Rememberwhen they lost in the playoffs two years ago to Denver
I think that was a bigger upset than them losing last year
That Denver loss was tough...but last year was worse for me, personally. Especially since we had that game and then let it get away.
Yeah they going 16-0, But I do think they might lose to the colts in the playoffs. Because the colts gave them all the could handle without their top WR. Andif Marvin play it might be a problem.
Originally Posted by damianglass

If only the Steelers could have finished their drives, the score would have been so much different. Inside the red zone 5 times and only 6 points. Oh well, Id rather beat the Pats in the playoffs than the regular season.
and thats against a "SOFT" defense. We Dont give up touchdowns in the redzone, just ask Indy. and we are the only defense to not allow asingle point on the first drive of the game.... Craftsy, get over it, you ran your mouth the most about the soft defense, so how soft were they yesterday withthe leading rusher in the league, and one of the top Q.B.'s this year only gettin 13 points???
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

at ike making the incomplete hand motion and then moss just points out the flag.

Is it hard to type with Randy's %%%% in your mouth?

is it hard to type with your salty tears flooding your keyboard?

Nobody takes pats fans seriously dude.. we all know you guys didn't even watch football until about the 2nd championship.. keep talking though, it's funny hearing you guys act like you know football.

Im sure you were just a great big steelers fan for the 20 or 30 years its been before big ben won the Superbowl 2 years ago, so shut your hatin, salty,loser team+!$* up. Im as much of a fan of my team as you are of your's, it always gotta be a salty hater to try and test someones fanhood. You got beat bythe greatest team of ALL TIME, get over it your just 1 of 19 wins were gonna get. Brady has won with MUCH MUCH less than what he has now, and people are stillsaying thry will lose in the playoffs, how funny... NONE of you will be around when the playoffs start and there crushing people left and right.
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

at ike making the incomplete hand motion and then moss just points out the flag.

Is it hard to type with Randy's %%%% in your mouth?

is it hard to type with your salty tears flooding your keyboard?

Nobody takes pats fans seriously dude.. we all know you guys didn't even watch football until about the 2nd championship.. keep talking though, it's funny hearing you guys act like you know football.
Im sure you were just a great big steelers fan for the 20 or 30 years its been before big ben won the Superbowl 2 years ago, so shut your hatin, salty, loser team+!$* up. Im as much of a fan of my team as you are of your's, it always gotta be a salty hater to try and test someones fanhood. You got beat by the greatest team of ALL TIME, get over it your just 1 of 19 wins were gonna get. Brady has won with MUCH MUCH less than what he has now, and people are still saying thry will lose in the playoffs, how funny... NONE of you will be around when the playoffs start and there crushing people left and right.
Craftsy, get over it, you ran your mouth the most about the soft defense, so how soft were they yesterday with the leading rusher in the league, and one of the top Q.B.'s this year only gettin 13 points???
I'm sorry, have we met?
oh boy...the fan bashing continues...haha. cant wait for the pats v jets thread...should be a good one
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

at ike making the incomplete hand motion and then moss just points out the flag.

Is it hard to type with Randy's %%%% in your mouth?

is it hard to type with your salty tears flooding your keyboard?

Nobody takes pats fans seriously dude.. we all know you guys didn't even watch football until about the 2nd championship.. keep talking though, it's funny hearing you guys act like you know football.
Im sure you were just a great big steelers fan for the 20 or 30 years its been before big ben won the Superbowl 2 years ago, so shut your hatin, salty, loser team+!$* up. Im as much of a fan of my team as you are of your's, it always gotta be a salty hater to try and test someones fanhood. You got beat by the greatest team of ALL TIME, get over it your just 1 of 19 wins were gonna get. Brady has won with MUCH MUCH less than what he has now, and people are still saying thry will lose in the playoffs, how funny... NONE of you will be around when the playoffs start and there crushing people left and right.
Craftsy, get over it, you ran your mouth the most about the soft defense, so how soft were they yesterday with the leading rusher in the league, and one of the top Q.B.'s this year only gettin 13 points???
I'm sorry, have we met?

Hope not. You just talk alot about nonsence that can't be backed up. and that Pats fan comment does refer to me seeing as I AM a pats fan. You maynot take a pats fan seriously, but you sure as hell ALWAYS take the PATS TEAM seriously, because we WIN more then anyone when it matters. Superbowls, Playoffs,and against competition that matters. Until someone scores more than us and our "SOFT" defense, everyone just shut up and witness history in themaking. You will be able to tell people you witnessed The Greatest Single Season in Football history, tell your kids how you witnessed The greatest dominanceby one team in football history. For the record the 85 Bears would get Rolled by these Patriots...
because we WIN more then anyone when it matters.
OH really? I had forgotten how many championships you guys had... oh that's right, you sucked until 6 years ago.. shut up already.
@ Bradys response to the Guarantee

My dude talkin extra greasy now LMAOOOOO
Craftsy21 you need to stay out of these Patriots threads (I know you're in this one because of your squad), you seem to get so heated and I don't wantto see you get banned.
Im sick of hearing about the whole guarantee thing, the dude asked him if he guaranteed a win, he never stated it, and when he was asked if he was guaranteeinga win, he said "sure, why not" direct quote. He never said the words guarantee. By the way daiernchef, Fast Wille had 124 yardsrushing and the team had 181 total(the most team yards allowed by your D all year), so I really wouldnt say you did anything to Willie, the drives just stalledin the red zone because of horrible play calling. Like I said earlier in the thread, we finish those drives, different game.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Craftsy21 you need to stay out of these Patriots threads (I know you're in this one because of your squad), you seem to get so heated and I don't want to see you get banned.

Nah dude - if you really go back through, i'm MUCH cooler about everything going on than the Pats fans.. most of them absolutely cannot take havingtheir team or fan-hood called into question and they FLIP... rarely do i get that worked up about ANYTHING, let alone message board banter.. i enjoy most ofit, though i don't enjoy the personal attacks some of these guys throw out when they can't come up with anything intelligent to say... I appreciateyour concern though, i don't want to get banned either.

Im sick of hearing about the whole guarantee thing, the dude asked him if he guaranteed a win, he never stated it, and when he was asked if he was guaranteeing a win, he said "sure, why not" direct quote. He never said the words guarantee.

This is what i've been trying to say all week, but I gave up on it.. everybody hears what they want to. What Smith said wasn't bad at all, he'sbeing made to look like an idiot because he was tricked into answering a question that 99 percent of the league would've answered THE EXACT SAME WAY.

Seriously - he can't win with that question.. if he says he doesn't think they'll win, he's made to look stupid.. if he says what he did,it's twisted to sound like he's talking trash.. What's a kid supposed to do? I guess that's why Sean Taylor was smart in shutting out thepress, they're just looking to burn people and Anthony got burnt by the media on this one. I hope he never gives another interview.. and seriously,don't judge this kid on one game you actually got to see - check out his entire season, he's going to be a good player in years to come.
The only Pats fan I can tollerate is Ace; so far.

I still think the Colts are honestly the better overall team.

With Marvin and Freeney, I'm pretty sure we could beat them easily.

So with just Marvin in the playoffs, we should come out with a W and not hand the game away like we did earlier this year.

Congrats to the Pats on this W, I was extremely dissapointed with Pitt; and I really wish that when Moss was picking up that horrible throw by Brady that wewas going to get trucked.
but you sure as hell ALWAYS take the PATS TEAM seriously, because we WIN more then anyone when it matters. Superbowls, Playoffs, and against competition that matters.
The history of the Pats isn't remembered as constant greatness. Lately, they have been awesome, no doubt. But don't act like they ahistory of winning and playing great football like the Packers, Cowboys, 49ers or Steelers, the top franchises in the game.

And my comment about the Pats perhaps having trouble in the playoffs without a solid running game; I don't mean to say they definitely will lose, but withterrible weather even Tom Brady can have trouble throwing the ball. It may come down to relying on a running game and that is where I like Indy with JosephAddai. Obviously the Pats are the favorites going into the playoffs with Indy right behind. Pittsburgh doesn't have the firepower like 2005 to make arun. I just don't see it this year, a few players away.

Finally, some people need to learn the proper usage of their and there. It has been incorrect an awful lot in this thread.

One more thing, that 4th down call (and 3rd down call) on the goal line was annoying. Give it to Najeh!
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

because we WIN more then anyone when it matters.
OH really? I had forgotten how many championships you guys had... oh that's right, you sucked until 6 years ago.. shut up already.

well since ive been watching the patriots they have been in 5 superbowls and won 3, and unless youve been alive since the 70's how manychampionships of the steelers have you witnessed? 1, so you can say the steelers got 5, and there history is great but from my time period since ive been ableto watch, Ive actually witnessed greatness, what do have besides a legacy you didnt watch? and when Tom Brady retires with 5 rings and has as many as yourteam's whole existence, then holler at me... Losers....

and again, I'll say it to the guy that commented on it, explain how the 85 Bears are beating us? The D is great but our offensive line is great ourquarterback is great and receivers are great, so since that great 85 bears team were only great enough to win 1 Superbowl, how can they beat a team thats beatthe Greatest show on turf, Donovan Mcnabb and T.O., Manning and Harrison constantly, Big Ben and the steelers in there prime, the great Brett Favre having thegreatest season of his 3 MVP career? Who did the Bears beat, oh yeah the Patriots in the Superbowl when they had a bunch of nobodys make it to the superbowlthat year, yeah the league seemed real tough back then...
I wouldn't call the Steelers being "in their prime".

what do have besides a legacy you didnt watch? and when Tom Brady retires with 5 rings and has as many as your team's whole existence, then holler at me... Losers....
Sigh, don't make it tough for me to like the Pats. I seriously would cheer for them against most teams, but c'mon.
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

because we WIN more then anyone when it matters.
OH really? I had forgotten how many championships you guys had... oh that's right, you sucked until 6 years ago.. shut up already.
well since ive been watching the patriots they have been in 5 superbowls and won 3, and unless youve been alive since the 70's how many championships of the steelers have you witnessed? 1, so you can say the steelers got 5, and there history is great but from my time period since ive been able to watch, Ive actually witnessed greatness, what do have besides a legacy you didnt watch? and when Tom Brady retires with 5 rings and has as many as your team's whole existence, then holler at me... Losers....

and again, I'll say it to the guy that commented on it, explain how the 85 Bears are beating us? The D is great but our offensive line is great our quarterback is great and receivers are great, so since that great 85 bears team were only great enough to win 1 Superbowl, how can they beat a team thats beat the Greatest show on turf, Donovan Mcnabb and T.O., Manning and Harrison constantly, Big Ben and the steelers in there prime, the great Brett Favre having the greatest season of his 3 MVP career? Who did the Bears beat, oh yeah the Patriots in the Superbowl when they had a bunch of nobodys make it to the superbowl that year, yeah the league seemed real tough back then...

coming from another Pats fan....shutup....if you followed them as long as you have claimed....then you would remember in 1990 that they went 1-15 or in1992 when they went 2-14....dont act like the Patriots have been on top forever, its just been this decade that excellence has been shown through.Some of youmake it hard for me to be associated as a fan with the Patriots.
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