Official Pittsburgh Steelers Season Thread (6-5) Vol. Return of the 6x Champs

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

is this thread like my red sox thread? 3 or 4 of you running it even tho the team def has one of the largest fan bases ever?
Pretty much... i think there's about 6 or 7 of us that frequent this thread, but the problem is none of the guys really post all that often inhere about the Steelers. Maybe that means things are going too well for us or something, or we're all just super chill after winning a couple of titlesrecently? I dunno... it is strange there aren't more steeler and red sox fans though on NT. it's a very different demo than that of the wholecountry.

I have question for you steeler fans, Does anybody in Steeler conuntry view The Browns as rivals anymore?????????
Not so much. Like you said, rivalries are tough to keep heated when it becomes so one-sided. I think the entire division is pretty much rivalswith itself though, so if they brownies get it together it would definitely heat things back up.

Some people don't understand how important Smith is to that D. He's the definition of underrated.
It's true. Although I can't say our rush this season has been anywhere near good enough.. whether it will improve or decline without himis yet to be seen, but I can't imagine a world where somebody is going to play that 3-4 end any better than he does.

We'll see - huge blow to the already mediocre looking defense though.
Now if Kirschke or Hoke went out I'd be a bit more optimistic about the opportunity for Ziggy. But Smith is just so good
Such is life as a rookie with Steelers. Rarely to rookies get quality PT. Look at Mike Wallace was supposed to be our 5th WR, but Sweed is so bad and McDonaldhas disappeared.
Bumpin' this up once again.

The defense gotta get its act together. Ben and the offense, particularly the o-line, looking good still.

Next up? The Minnesota Vikings at home.

Judging by number the Vikes fans here my post count will likely double.
This Vikes game will be a very good test of where this team is. Can't judge on division games, just know each other too well. Ben is having an MVP typeseason if this team keeps winning, just need the D to continue to improve
I think we're good enough to beat the Vikes - BUT... we've got to play better than we have all season so far. Still leaving too many plays out on thefield. Hopefully the guys see this as a chance to make a stand this season in beating an undefeated team who is the darling of the league.

But i'm not too hopeful as of yet.. hopefully this game will make me a believer of this team, because i just don't buy us yet at all in attitude orform.

I dont think R. Clark will play vs. Denver. He has some sort of spine/back problem which first occured in Denver about 3years ago. Not sure.
Big game against the Bengals up next. According to the NFL map I wont be seeing it
. Not too worried about this coming game. I think we'll be good.

And how about that Harrison put on Moreno?
Next week is ours. Analysts hyping the Bengals getting people on their bandwagon

Their always the same old Bengals in my book...
Eh, the Steeler fan in me won't allow me to take the Bengals seriously. But when you look at it objectively, they're defiantly with us in the division.They're a good football team...

People are sayin' it feels like '05, that's fine, we know how that year ended so let it continue
One note from last night, got out healthy, which was needed after the past 2 games. Hopefully the guys missing last night will be healthy
I think regardless of what happens this next game, Steelers should be getting in the playoffs, which is all that matters. But winning this next one wouldreally boost that
Just re-watched the Vikings-Steelers game from 2-3 weeks ago or so...

You guys don't think the Steelers are better than the Vikings do you?

Be objective.
I think they are very close actually, I would be all for another meeting in the Super Bowl, haha. But that game came down to a play or two at the most, but itseems that is how the Steelers always get wins, rarely blow people out. Just make that play when absolutely necessary
Originally Posted by JPZx

Just re-watched the Vikings-Steelers game from 2-3 weeks ago or so...

You guys don't think the Steelers are better than the Vikings do you?

Be objective.
Eh ill be completely rational instead of letting my fanhood get in the way of this question. As a whole, i think the Steelers are more of thecomplete package but its very very close. Vikes run game > Steelers anyday of the also say the Vikes have more of an explosive/big play offensebut if it comes down to the D winning games there's no way any team can beat a completely healthy Steelers D. Im not taking anything away from the Vikesthey're an excellent club, but Steelers have the W edged out a bit if it comes down to it again.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Just re-watched the Vikings-Steelers game from 2-3 weeks ago or so...

You guys don't think the Steelers are better than the Vikings do you?

Be objective.

Please dont come in here with that
. Our Defense wins our games for themost part and that was the case in the vikes game. TWO turnovers for TDs in the 4th qtr. And if it was a playoff atmosphere, the Steelers would have sealed itin the 3rd qtr
The hell is up with our ST. That KO return turned out to be a KO. We couldnt get up after that. Im not a believer in the Bengals offense, we simply couldntproduce points. On to the next one though. KC Chiefs next week.
Ben's style of play was not needed today. All we needed was ONE TD from either our offense or defense and we couldnt get it. Hopefully Polamalu's goodto go soon, didnt get a good look at what happened to him.

I have a REALLY good feeling we will meet these guys in the playoffs.....
I'm concerned with Troy, having another MRI. Don't go Bob Sanders on me.....if he is 'ok' like last time and needs just some weeks off, holdhim till the playoffs (or a game before to knock some rust off)
yall were on a 5 game winstreak did u think it would keep goin? u gotta lose sometime... yall just lost when it mattered
dunkhead05 wrote:
yall were on a 5 game winstreak did u think it would keep goin? u gotta lose sometime... yall just lost when it mattered

You beat us twice and your all big headed and +%%%
give me a $+#$%+%break. Your team is still finally are leading the AFC North...first time in how long? Enjoy your short few weeks at the top, must feel nice foronce in your life not to be considered trash by the media for a few short weeks...hold onto that memory.

And FYI, it matters in the playoffs hotshot
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