Official Pittsburgh Steelers Season Thread (6-5) Vol. Return of the 6x Champs

good pics! me n a couple buddies are discussing driving down to the states to catch a steelers game in oct. it would be my first if it happens ill get a heartattack. either versus chargers or vikes would be good. screw that oct18 game vs browns im not driving hundreds of miles, paying for hotel, booze, food andtickets to see what i flush down twice a day on the regular.

word on stapleton is he should make his comeback before the end of preseason, which is good news. isaac "redzone" redman though has been an eyeopener. apparently in camp tomlin gave him chance to take goal line reps with the first team and get this, he scored on 5 out of the 7 tried. one of the missedtried is a disputed call so he was basically only stopped once conclusively. if signed on to play with the steelers for regular season he'd be the firstplayer from bowie st, and an undrafted dude that too. good pick up by the steelers. nobody has been a convincing 3rd down back since bettis called it quits.gary was disappointing, rashard has been a let down so lets hope between frank summers and redman we have a winner.

missing his rookie year was real bad for rashard. perhaps mentally more than physically he needs help. from reports so far it sounds like hes being verytentative and doubtful of himself. hopefully tomlin can help get some confidence into him and see what that does for his play. seeing how hes missed such a bigtime frame during a crucial learning curve for most rookies ill give him the benefit of the doubt and more time to prove himself. by mid-season if hes stillpathetic its a wrap.

i am PUMPED to see what lawrence timmons can do this year. with so much attention going to harrison and woodley, timmons can be that x-factor. hes got thespeed and the strength, lebeau will no doubt use him very well.
brrraptors wrote:
good pics! me n a couple buddies are discussing driving down to the states to catch a steelers game in oct. it would be my first if it happens ill get a heart attack. either versus chargers or vikes would be good. screw that oct18 game vs browns im not driving hundreds of miles, paying for hotel, booze, food and tickets to see what i flush down twice a day on the regular.

on point.

I agree with everything you said though. I have really high hopes for Redman....even though this is just in scrimmage scoring on one of the consecutively bestteams in the NFL year after year and doing so as an undrafted back is 5/6 outta 7 times is

I'm hoping this year to get to at least 4 games.
As down as I felt about last years draft class, I feel that good fir this gets draft and FA pickups. Redman could turn out to be a great surprise. Definitelygoing to game in Cincy as always, hopefully at least one in Pitt
I never heard of Redman and I follow the Steelers draft every year. I'm gonna watch him closely.
Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Mewelde did an ok job IMO last season. He's a good 3rd down back and great for screens.

Mendenhall, I always thought they shoulda went in a different direction with that pick. I read he's been lookin' "ordinary" in camp so far. Who knows, though, maybe he'll get it together.

Any idea what the problem with Mendenhall is? He was supposed to be the most "NFL-ready" back out of that draft class.

Does he run soft? I didn't see much of him before he got hurt last year.
just a Skins fan coming in giving respect..I've lived with Ravens fans for 4 years and can honestly say they are more delusional when it comes to theSteelers than NFC East fans and their own battles...seriously if you get beat by the Steelers 3x you need to shut the hell up..son they got threats for Hinesand his smile

no, not salty over some pre-season vic...carry on

Speaking of the purple people eaters i went to that AFC Championship game last year...BANANAS. #*$% was ridiculous and until you go to a Steelers Vs. Ravensgame you dont know the true hate. But the funniest part was this big %@@ white dude wearing no shirt in 20 degree weather holding up a huge %@@ poster with RayLewis' mug shot

Appreciate the love though. I keep having high hopes for Campbell and i hope dude finally pulls through this year and has a great year.
lost in all the talk of ziggy, wallace, sweed, rashard etc is the return of Daniel Sepulveda! I was sooooo sick of watching berger kick weak balls landing15yards from point of contact. first pre-season game back and Sep averaged 49.5yds/punt
such an underrated aspect of the game. his return will have a much bigger impactthan most people probably realize. im super glad hes back and stronger than ever, just praying that he stays healthy all season.

I was reading an article about the camp and heres a funny part:

" K Jeff Reed's offseason confrontation with a convenience store towel-dispensing machine was parodied during the team's annual rookie show. Reedwas charged with criminal mischief in mid-February for damaging the machine, which was empty when he attempted to use it. ... WR Limas Sweed jumped in frightduring practice Monday when he began to put on his helmet and found a frog in it. Reed, aware of Sweed's intense dislike of frogs, was the culprit."

I didn't know this but apparently Santonio's motivation to win the bowl was not so much the ring but Hines Ward. heres some parts of the article:

Surprisingly, Holmes said he had a mission when it came to winning the Super Bowl and it wasn't the ring.

"My goal was to win that Super Bowl for Hines Ward, to solidify his place in the Hall of Fame," said Holmes.

Holmes was a standout receiver at Ohio State, where he finished fifth on the all time reception list with 140, and third with his 25 receiving TDs over histhree seasons.

But after being drafted by the Steelers with the first pick of the 2006 draft, he struggled to find his niche. He attributes his early success to both Ward andoffensive coordinator Bruce Arians.

"They've both been a part of my life since I came into the NFL and they put me in the right direction from the start," Holmes said. "Idefinetly give a lot of credit to coach Arians for allowing me to grow and Hines being there. Not rushing me to be a top player when I stepped into the NFL butto take my time and grow into a great player."

I forgot all about the Berger/Sepulveda thing. I hope Berger never comes back. Sometimes we were better off trying to convert all 4th downs.
im not a fan but between the system they run, that wack %@% division, and their schedule if they can stay relatively healthy as much as i hate to say it theresno reason why they wont have a high seed in the playoffs again
They're saying Harrison bull-rushed Starks and landed on Bens foot/ankle. Hoke did an after practice interview and he said he dont think its too serious.
Good to hear. I think he should sit out this game against the Skins. Let Dixon play 1st half and Batch and 2nd. Dixon was on fire during his limited time lastgame. And he has a strong arm.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

They're saying Harrison bull-rushed Starks and landed on Bens foot/ankle. Hoke did an after practice interview and he said he dont think its too serious.

please let it be true!
Ben was reported as saying it hurt pretty badly, and it's being called an Achilles injury, which scares me... a lot.
Gon be an interesting season in Picksburgh again. Make sure if yinz come to town for a game not to stay my job. I don't feel like dealin w/ yall
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Ben was reported as saying it hurt pretty badly, and it's being called an Achilles injury, which scares me... a lot.

Yeah thats what they're saying it was...reports this morning though are saying he's ok and he should be good to play for the usual pre-season quarteror so.
I doubt he'll play today. Let Batch or Dixon get clobbered by Haynesworth. At least until I see more out of the O-line.
Giving up 100+ yards rushing last night is not cool. But it was the second and third stringers mostly.
I think the first team D looked pretty good, a bit sloppy tackling, but good overall. Campbell did only complete 1 pass. Offense, eh the line still needs lotsof work (though it wasn't the true 'starting' line) but that is to be expected. Batch had some nice moves though, haha, and the WR's lookedsolid
Steelers' LeBeau gets Hall of Fame bid

Defensive coordinator isnominated for seniors' spot in Class of 2010

Wednesday, August 26,2009

By Chuck Finder, PittsburghPost-Gazette Peter Diana/Post-Gazette

#%#* LeBeau celebrates with LawrenceTimmons after beating the Ravens for the AFC championship in January at Heinz Field.

The last time #%#* LeBeau was in Canton, Ohio, a handful of his defensive players put onhis No. 44 Detroit Lions throwback jerseys and posed with him on the Fawcett Stadium field before the 2007 Pro Football Hall of Fame game.

Nothing is definite yet, but the next time LeBeau is in Canton, a roster full of presentand past Steelers -- let alone the usual horde of fans -- might line that same field next summer to watch him, after a 37-year wait, humbly enter that Hall asa member of the Class of 2010.

"It's my favorite picture of all time," LeBeau said yesterday about the2-year-old freeze frame of James Farrior, James Harrison, Deshea Townsend, Ike Taylor, Casey Hampton and others gathering around their defensive coordinator,father figure and group conscience. "I got them hanging on a couple of walls."

The LeBeaufile

50 years in the NFL, 36 as a coach and 14 as a player.

171 consecutive games played for a cornerback, still an NFL record.

62 career interceptions is currently tied for seventh all time in the NFL.

3 Pro Bowl appearances as a player.

10 coaching jobs with four NFL teams, including three seasons (2000-02) as the Cincinnati Bengals headcoach.

6 times the Steelers' defense has finished the season ranked in the top five in the NFL in LeBeau'sseven years as coordinator.

2 Super Bowl championships as Steelers defensive coordinator.

LeBeau's bust being erected inside the Hall's walls seems a strong possibility,what with him and longtime Denver halfback Floyd Little being nominated yesterday as the two senior candidates for consideration -- along with 15 undeterminedmodern-day finalists -- for voting at Super Bowl XLIV near Miami. Each finalist must receive an 80-percent minimum of the selection committee's votes forenshrinement. Often, one senior nominee makes it, and, by late yesterday afternoon several national-correspondent voters already were offering rousing supportfor LeBeau.

His reaction when coach Mike Tomlin huddled the team on the South Side fields beforepractice yesterday and broke the news? The usual modesty. And emotion.

"Old Faithful #%#* LeBeau," Farrior teased of the 71-year-old defensivecoordinator, who counsels players about life and family, recites "The Night Before Christmas" regularly every holiday and holds deep feelings forwhat he calls his men. "I didn't even see his face, but I'm sure he was pretty moved. I think [a nomination] has been a long timeoverdue."

"Deep down, it'll be even more moving when he makes it," Townsendsaid. "He's deserving."

"Well, 'senior' is certainly the category I belong in," said LeBeau,honored by the Steelers last season for his half-century of NFL service as a player and a coach -- each areas where his resume merited Hall considerationpreviously.

"It's very humbling. I'm not sure it's hit me completely. Coach Mikejust announced it on the field. I must confess, it was the last thing I expected to hear. It's a great honor to get this far, no matter what the outcomewill be. It's a great day. It really is. I'm not going to turn it back in."

LeBeau's senior candidacy has been an open secret around the NFL for a couple ofyears, and one of his former pupils brought it to the forefront last month: Rod Woodson stumped for LeBeau in his induction speech 17 days ago."Seriously, I hope the voters get it right," Woodson said from the Fawcett Stadium stage. "First of all, he belongs in as a player. Secondly, ifyou don't want to put him as a player, you put him in as a contributor, because he did so much for the National Football League...."

For one, LeBeau's boss agrees.

And Tomlin does not routinely sit in on meetings where the defensive coordinatorhalf-kiddingly drops into conversations his 171 consecutive starts at cornerback, believed to be an NFL record for that island of a position, and his 62interceptions, the seventh-most all time. LeBeau's reputation precedes him.

"In my humble opinion, #%#* LeBeau is a Hall of Famer," Tomlin told mediaafter practice yesterday. "This guy has had really two distinguished careers. It's well documented what he's done as a player. Few people realizethe number of consecutive games this guy played at corner in the NFL and how far out that record itself is. The interceptions ... He has legitimate numbersthat speak to a Hall of Fame career as a player. He's quite a defensive innovator as a coach[, too]. You couple all of that into one human being -- notonly the fact that he's an awesome person -- and he's a Hall of Fame guy, in my opinion."

Humble perhaps does not aptly describe an Ohio farmboy raised 150 miles southwest ofCanton. He was a standout at Ohio State and, for 14 seasons, with Detroit. He was a stand-in for actor Michael Caine in a movie. Then, in coaching, he inventedthe most popular defense of modern football.

When an out-of-town reporter inquired before the Steelers' playoff game in Januaryagainst San Diego about LeBeau inventing the zone blitz, this 36-year coaching veteran became noticeably uncomfortable, almost embarrassed upon taking suchcredit. "Call Jerry Glanville," he advised the reporter. "Or..."

Asked to cite his accomplishments yesterday, LeBeau talked proudly of never missing aworkday with the Lions as a player or with the Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers, Cincinnati Bengals, Buffalo Bills or Steelers as a coach. The same ashis father, an auditor who retired at 73. "Gotten in a harness and tried to pull my share of the load," the old farmboy said.

LeBeau will turn 72 the day before the Steelers' Sept. 10 opener. Though he hasconsidered retirement, he enjoys the work, revels in his men. And vice versa.

Mike Logan, a defensive back who retired after the 2006 season, echoed many fellowalumni, when he said: "I still confide in him."

"We have an usual group of guys here. Both sides of the ball. They just play,"LeBeau said. "Proud of them. There's no question [this Steelers defense] kept my name current, with what they've done. They've gotten all ofus, myself included, two championship rings. This is just one more honor.

"It makes you think you did something right somewhere along theline."

at the same time.Should've been nominated.

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