Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Whoever wants to participate, cool, those who don't, that's cool too. No rules, no prizes, just to get everyone shooting again. (I've been slacking

I'm gonna use a word generator ( to pick a word. Which ever word pops up we can try to come up with an image that best illustrates it.

Sooo... First word...


Link doesnt work for me.....
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Whoever wants to participate, cool, those who don't, that's cool too. No rules, no prizes, just to get everyone shooting again. (I've been slacking

I'm gonna use a word generator ( to pick a word. Which ever word pops up we can try to come up with an image that best illustrates it.

Sooo... First word...


Link doesnt work for me.....
take the ) away from the end
Originally Posted by JPioneer

What's your opinion on CANON EF-S 55-250/4-5.6 IS for my Rebel XSi as my second lense? I only have the 18-55 kit lense at the moment. Don't really have that much money for a lense right now.

My advice is run with the kit lense and save your money for a 70-200 if you can't afford the 2.8 at least get the 4.0 which is a fixed aperture all throughout, with the 55-250 you will struggle with light, specially when you start going into your deep end since your aperture is not fixed.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

What's your opinion on CANON EF-S 55-250/4-5.6 IS for my Rebel XSi as my second lense? I only have the 18-55 kit lense at the moment. Don't really have that much money for a lense right now.

My advice is run with the kit lense and save your money for a 70-200 if you can't afford the 2.8 at least get the 4.0 which is a fixed aperture all through out, with the 55-250 you will struggle with light, specially when you start going into your deep end since your aperture is not fixed.
I keep hearing it's almost too good for the price and the pics look really good though?
Originally Posted by digitalartclub

I'm sure if we made an "OFFICIAL HASSELBLAD THREAD" and discussed how badly everyone wanted one, some kid from NT would find a way to save 20 G's and cop one just to post in the "Pickup Thread" .... just sayin'

SaNTi0321, good idea... I'm down.

Even old hasselblads are super expensive. But they definitely have that old film look that is really nice.

And I also found that forum I was talking about: I am atwork right now so for whatever reason, my firewall is blocking the site but there should be some sort of equipment thread and it shows what kind of people areshooting with.
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

What's your opinion on CANON EF-S 55-250/4-5.6 IS for my Rebel XSi as my second lense? I only have the 18-55 kit lense at the moment. Don't really have that much money for a lense right now.

My advice is run with the kit lense and save your money for a 70-200 if you can't afford the 2.8 at least get the 4.0 which is a fixed aperture all through out, with the 55-250 you will struggle with light, specially when you start going into your deep end since your aperture is not fixed.
I keep hearing it's almost too good for the price and the pics look really good though?

it is a good lense for the money, however as you get more involved with photography, you gonna realize its all about LIGHT and in a lowlight situation i doubtthis lense will perform as good. Notice alot of the sample images were shot outside in broad daylight, if this is the kind of photography you are into(landscape) then it should be a good investment.
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Whoever wants to participate, cool, those who don't, that's cool too. No rules, no prizes, just to get everyone shooting again. (I've been slacking

I'm gonna use a word generator ( to pick a word. Which ever word pops up we can try to come up with an image that best illustrates it.

Sooo... First word...



ill give it a try, here is me and my copy playing around

my random word is MEANING
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

What's your opinion on CANON EF-S 55-250/4-5.6 IS for my Rebel XSi as my second lense? I only have the 18-55 kit lense at the moment. Don't really have that much money for a lense right now.

My advice is run with the kit lense and save your money for a 70-200 if you can't afford the 2.8 at least get the 4.0 which is a fixed aperture all through out, with the 55-250 you will struggle with light, specially when you start going into your deep end since your aperture is not fixed.
I keep hearing it's almost too good for the price and the pics look really good though?

it is a good lense for the money, however as you get more involved with photography, you gonna realize its all about LIGHT and in a lowlight situation i doubt this lense will perform as good. Notice alot of the sample images were shot outside in broad daylight, if this is the kind of photography you are into (landscape) then it should be a good investment.
OK, Thank you. I think I'll cop the lense for christmas.
If you are super tight on budget but still want a lens, then just get the nifty fifty. Best bang for your buck lens and it will teach you how to shoot adifferent way that you can't really do with the kit lens. I learned a lot with that lens and probably still don't know how to use it as good as otherpeople can. Here is something I shot with it. Kind of a wack photos cause the focus should be on her face and not the guitar:


Here are some sample shots from other people:
Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by JPioneer

What's your opinion on CANON EF-S 55-250/4-5.6 IS for my Rebel XSi as my second lense? I only have the 18-55 kit lense at the moment. Don't really have that much money for a lense right now.

My advice is run with the kit lense and save your money for a 70-200 if you can't afford the 2.8 at least get the 4.0 which is a fixed aperture all through out, with the 55-250 you will struggle with light, specially when you start going into your deep end since your aperture is not fixed.
I keep hearing it's almost too good for the price and the pics look really good though?

it is a good lense for the money, however as you get more involved with photography, you gonna realize its all about LIGHT and in a lowlight situation i doubt this lense will perform as good. Notice alot of the sample images were shot outside in broad daylight, if this is the kind of photography you are into (landscape) then it should be a good investment.
OK, Thank you. I think I'll cop the lense for christmas.

hope you enjoy it bro.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

If you are super tight on budget but still want a lens, then just get the nifty fifty. Best bang for your buck lens and it will teach you how to shoot a different way that you can't really do with the kit lens. I learned a lot with that lens and probably still don't know how to use it as good as other people can. Here is something I shot with it. Kind of a wack photos cause the focus should be on her face and not the guitar:


Here are some sample shots from other people:

the nifty fifty is hard to top when it comes to quality/price.
I know this isn't a graphic design post but can I get some feedback for one of my business card mock ups?


The intent is for the back text to be either embossed or letterpressed on a matte finish.
^^^^^^I sort of miss graphic design critiques from college. I can chime in and give my 2 cents.

Well, if clean is your route, you have succeeded. I guess the main thing I see that could be changed is maybe a use of a logo or a font that separates yourname from the wording on the back. With all the typing on the front, that font just kind of looks over used to me. Also that blue just doesn't do it forme. It's either too loud or it doesn't feel like a color you would use for a photographer/designer. That blue seems very corporate colored looking asif it was for an insurance company or a bank. Other then that, it looks straight forward. I agree that an embossing will look really good or even a gloss forthat all over print look. I saw this online for an example:


Also should just google cards for inspiration. I always loved those books that were like "100 Best business cards" for references likethat. And this is kind of kooky but I thought this was sort of a neat business card for a photographer:

Thanks for the feedback. I have no idea why the file outputs in that shade of blue. That particular shade of blue is actually Out of Gamut anyway. I designedit in a much darker shade of blue. Here's a screen cap from Illustrator:


I definitely am trying to hash out some sort of graphic logo but I haven't come up with anything that fits within the minimalist/clean look I'm goingfor so I've just been using that typeface as the primary logo itself. I definitely agree with you about the front. I'm currently in the process ofediting the font because being that it's the same as the logo does seem like overkill at that point. That example you posted is exactly alongthe lines of what I want.

That lens themed business card is
. I wonder how much he paid for abundle of those. Jesus.
ha!...i love the idea of the lenses!

Im Not You i really like the clean look, but you definately should think of a logo, although its clean it sorta reminds me of an attorney's BC, add a logoand you are good to go bro.

may i suggest although their prices are steep these cards are sure to make an impression, here is a sample of mines.

I thought about plastic too. It definitely stands out and entices people to hold on to it moreso than the avg business card.

How much you pay for those?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I thought about plastic too. It definitely stands out and entices people to hold on to it moreso than the avg business card.

How much you pay for those?

they ran me 320$ for 250 cards, this including a small design fee, although i had already designed the logo myself. like i said expensive but definately worthit, if you wanna make an impression.
WOW?! 320 FOR 250? you got jipped.. my girl has the same material cards and got 1000 for 220

here are my business cards:



Originally Posted by DJ bana

WOW?! 320 FOR 250? you got jipped.. my girl has the same material cards and got 1000 for 220

here are my business cards:




1000 plastic cards for 220? to share a link or something?
I always thought there was no price on good design things. I know people that have paid uber money for things or have even charged a arm and a leg for qualitygoods.

As far as the plastic, I think instead of just getting certain materials just cause for the heck of it, you should really have more of a idea behind it. I amnot sure if this was associated to it but when I think of film, I can loosely relate it to somewhat of a plastic in that sense, it makes sense forKsteezy's business cards (even though I think it is funny that people aren't really dealing with film anymore. Maybe a SD card would be more sufficenow...haha!). But it shouldn't be implemented on everything....same goes with die-cuts or whatever you are doing.

And also I always have to have a disclaimer when talking about design. I am in no way shape or form a graphic designer myself...even though I have a BA in it.None of the stuff I say is actually correct but is more just advice from a fresh set of eyes.
she had hers done in LA, i wouldn't know the name. i also wouldnt do it offline, i'd go to a local spot to work out a deal (what i did for my die- cutbananas, i paid 220 for 5K cards plus a die cut).

320 is more than a dollar per card.. sure design can be expensive but damn, you can find better deals.
^^^that is another thing too that Bana touched on. Try to deal with local printer companies so you can actually see your process before things actually getfinalized. You want to make sure you get all the colors, paper and/or other materials the way toy want it. When you do these internet print services, youdefinitely miss that whether you are getting a deal or not (unless their policies are really flexible where you can pretty much get them redone as many timesas you can). I know some designers that just pick on a color without knowing how it prints on they end up with something that they didn't wantbut just kind of accept it without trying to fix it.
yea, and printing quality is crucial when you're spending big bucks. you dont want to have your %%* delivered, open a box of 1000 cards and they are allwrong, that would suck.

plus, meeting in person helps you build better relationships with the people doing the work for you. if you get along, they'll usually give you a deal if1. you come back for more and 2. you send customers to them.
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