Official PC thread.

I already have an egpu (UT3G) and tried it with my laptop that I used daily, and the drop wasn't that bad at all (3080). In my brain i'm just thinking one place for games, one install.

You can hook up a eGPU to the Go? What does it connect through?
Yea, but I should specify that I average about 1 hour on performance mode. You may be able to squeeze another half hour or hour on power saving mode with games at lower settings. Prior to buying it, I did a bunch of research on the legion go, ROG ally, and the Steamdeck and I know that all 3 devices average the same battery life. I was sold on the Go's larger screen and detachable controllers.
really? I thought those other devices can run 3 hours. 1 hour is a major bummer and I wouldn't even consider it even if I have a power brick. I mean, what's the point of portability lasting you only an hour of gameplay?
really? I thought those other devices can run 3 hours. 1 hour is a major bummer and I wouldn't even consider it even if I have a power brick. I mean, what's the point of portability lasting you only an hour of gameplay?

It really depends on what you are playing and how you are running it. Which that being said, the battery life on the Go isn’t great.

Works for me because I only play in 45 intervals or so, and when I play games like SF6 I have it plugged in.

If you want 2.5-3hours I believe the only that offer it are the Ally X and OLED SD. The Go has best build quality, and I cannot overstate how clutch the built in kick stand is.
I have a Go actually. I thought eGPUs needed that other port
The most common egpus are for thunderbolt 3/4 or usb4 ports. Others you might be thinking of is the Asus proprietary one that connects to the original ally and their gaming laptops, or oculink which currently has the higher bandwidth/least drop in performance (until thunderbolt 5 releases soon) but you need a device with an oculink port .
Went ahead and upgraded the RAM in my older custom build Corsair rig too... figured I might as well double the amount of RAM and replace it with higher speed (3600) ram for $76. It will probably be the last thing I do to this PC (currently running a 3070 and a 2TB Gen 4 SSD). Processor is an Intel® Core™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
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