Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My daugther spoke sooner and much more clear in pronounication than my son (he still talks with slight baby voice).
A lot of ppl have told us our daughther speaks very mature (where her cousin (same age) still had a bit of that baby lisp), but I don't think we did anything for that to happen, all kids are just different.

For shoes, we just get whatever is on sale they find comfy. I am conscious of trying to choose something that fits my kids foot vs something that is too narrow and will cram their toes.
My kids need: a pair of outdoor runners, a pair of indoor runners for classroom, pair of indoor runners for after school care, pair of winter boots, pair of water shoes for swimming lessons, and sandals for summer. All that adds up quickly lol

When my first child was younger, I would get nice sneakers (my sis managed to get SW 97/1's, black cement 3's, infrared 90's). I couldn't even get those pairs for myself lol.
She only got to wear some pairs 2-3 times because of winter and also outgrew them quickly.

Hopefully my son will get to wear some of those shoes are they are basically new. The sneakers are super cute when they are toddler sized, so it does make for a cute memory. I keep them with my boxes of sneakers.

Kids don't care anyways; they just want their favourite cartoon character or colour, and bonus if it lights up. lol

Side note to add on to what others have said in here, I think its important to be there and just show up for your kid and support them in everyway you can. Older one had a family play day at school one afternoon during the last week and was estatic just hearing that I could make it. Luckily I could take the time off, but had to push my take home work to late at night.

Keep it up NT and crush it this summer with the kiddos
When my first kid was born I had her in infant Jordans. Like $70 per on release day. Then we moved on to pre-school sizes at $90 per. It was like this all the way up until she started school (5 y/o). She had the columbia low XI (all white) on the first day of kindergarten. After the first week they were almost unrecognizable lol. Dirty, scuffed up, scratches.

I switched to buying regular old play Nikes/Adidas/Reebok at like $30-$50 price point. Kids don't give a **** about shoes. They want to play and get dirty and have fun. Most of the kids at her school are like this.
NGL, Natives and Crocs make parent life easier
I don't know about posting this cause it should probably suspend my dad card for the next two weeks... lol, but...

We weren't in a rush (and maybe partly lazy) to teach our kid learn how to ride a bike (2 wheels only), and summer camp came up really quickly. We had enrolled her in a camp that includes biking and she ended up learning how to ride a bike after one day of bike camp.

She was super excited to tell us when we picked her up and tell us how well she did on her bike. This is a huge W for us because shes the type of kid that doesn't like to try new things and can get easily flustered/discouraged when things don't go well, so needs some encouragement to keep trying.

She also isn't outgoing, but will open up once she gets comfortable. She even told me yesterday how they played different sports at camp and how she scored a goal during soccer. These are all new experiences for her as she tends to gravitate towards more art/creative activities, so I am extremely happy that she is finding joy in new activities and just to see the excitement she has with her new accomplishment. I hope this shows her that she can try new things and with practice she can achieve her goals (which I constantly tell her that hard things take practice).
The only thing I really want my 5 year old and 3 year old to master is swimming. we have been diligent with the swim lessons this summer. We will keep going through fall and winter. Our neighborhood has a swim team for 5 and up and my oldest boy will be on the swim team next year.

I am not concerned about riding bikes or any other sport activity. We tried soccer and they both didn't like it so next is T-ball but I am not stressing.
my son took a hard fall on the concrete as soon as we took off the training wheels and didn’t want to learn to ride anymore. the kind of fall where even i was like oh **** 😳

next day i took him to a mellow slope on grass and he got it right away. cruise/pedal/balance downhill, then on the flat, and lastly on the street.

biggest thing now as a parent is the huge cost of two tuitions and coordinating schedules at two different schools. they go to arguably the two best schools here but this **** is gonna get rough. i’m thinking we’ll do it as long as we can afford it.
My daughter went to visit a couple colleges shes dead set on one 6 hours away and I couldn't be happier. Her friend is eyeing one about 45 minutes away. I don't mind either but I told her don't let her friend influence HER future. The school she's eyeing matches up perfect with her lifestyle and of course her aspirations the exact programs there will get her where she's been dreaming of since she could talk, her enrollment is guaranteed as long as she stays on track this year and with her grants scholarships and financial aid just about everything will be covered unlike the more expensive closer popular school. Taking a weekend trip up there with her in October.

Another reason I'm pulling for the for the farther school is not only is that her choice and her first gut feeling but she's been very spoiled and sheltered. I teach her the game but that only goes so far without getting out into the wild and struggling on your own. I know she's strong willed but if she's close to home it's too easy for her to not follow through and run home to mom or dad.

I understand having you ace boon with you but y'all can come back together breaks and after these 4 years when you're living out your dream. She's smart tho and ultimately will choose what's best for her I'm just giving her the info and letting her make her own decision because ultimately it will be her life I got her back no matter how it goes
^ Moving away from home for college was one of the best decisions of my life. A much more realistic transition into adulthood and the real world. My sister stayed home for college and she definitely leaned into my parents more and IMO took longer to develop more resilience in life.

Either way, congrats on your daughter having options! Proud of you for guiding her bro.
My daughter went to visit a couple colleges shes dead set on one 6 hours away and I couldn't be happier. Her friend is eyeing one about 45 minutes away. I don't mind either but I told her don't let her friend influence HER future. The school she's eyeing matches up perfect with her lifestyle and of course her aspirations the exact programs there will get her where she's been dreaming of since she could talk, her enrollment is guaranteed as long as she stays on track this year and with her grants scholarships and financial aid just about everything will be covered unlike the more expensive closer popular school. Taking a weekend trip up there with her in October.

Another reason I'm pulling for the for the farther school is not only is that her choice and her first gut feeling but she's been very spoiled and sheltered. I teach her the game but that only goes so far without getting out into the wild and struggling on your own. I know she's strong willed but if she's close to home it's too easy for her to not follow through and run home to mom or dad.

I understand having you ace boon with you but y'all can come back together breaks and after these 4 years when you're living out your dream. She's smart tho and ultimately will choose what's best for her I'm just giving her the info and letting her make her own decision because ultimately it will be her life I got her back no matter how it goes
Oh we're different on this one, you & I.
I've told my son that I picked him up when he was learning to walk and he learned to walk just fine. I've told him that he will never know what it's like to go through something on his own.
I know that we use the example of birds being kicked out of their nest all the time to describe parenting, but I tend to think of us the same way I think of pack animals.
She'll never go through anything alone, she's in the same state I can be there in the same day. She's making the decision I'm just supporting it. It's still early too she plans on looking at 5 more places plus separate trips out to her first choice one with me and then one with her mom before finally deciding. There's a few other girls in her group that have it high on their list too, and her best friend is going to visit with her parents before her final choice. So she has all the support and encouragement in the world, and I'm not going to take the choice away from her.

She has a solid well thought out achievable path to success. This baby bird ain't getting kicked out the nest her dad is gently placing her on her own little branch so she can start flying.
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