Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Anyone else's kids love Lego?





*edit: C CP1708 👀

last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today.
last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today.

Same exact thing happened to my son once when he was a toddler. He hit his head so hard he just froze for a second then passed out. Legit thought he was dead for a moment until he came out of it screaming in pain. Sending prayers up for your baby girl that she's just going to bounce back like nothing happened.
last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today.
So scary. But so glad she came out of it. like you i wouldnt have went to sleep either. My toddler likes to fall out and we have hardwood floors. The smount of dives my husband and i have had to do to catch this dude is off the charts.
last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today.
Prayers on a speedy recovery bro. We've all been there before fam. The accidents definitely happen. Kids usually bounce back without issue.

It's hard living with your heart outside of your chest bro. Ain't really no defense for this kind of anxiety. Just go through and grow through it. Welcome to the ups and downs of fatherhood.
last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today
Definitely had a similar situation with my daughter when she was little as well. I know you how you feel, brother.

Very happy that she is resting at home.
Anyone watch Bluey with their kids? I actually think I enjoy that show more than my lil one. The Mom and Dad are parenting goals even if they are just cartoon characters...:lol:

That’s all my son watches. He’s 6 mo’s. I have the theme song on Apple Music and that and the Xbox avatar music is what soothes him when we’re on long car rides together.
last night i hear my daughter coming out of the tub and my son was in the bathroom too and they were messing around. i hear him laugh and run out and say 'you cannot get me". i didn't like the sound of it so i got up and started walking there to scold them when i see her round a corner and slip right by the doorway. her body hit the floor first but then her head hit and i was like oh no. i ran to pick her up and she took a big breath like she was about to scream/cry so i braced for the yell and when it didn't come after a few seconds i dropped her back a little to see her face and that's when she kinda pushed backwards. her eyes were still open but her arm went upwards and she started making weird sounds/talking gibberish. my heart dropped and i started yelling "call 911!". my wife couldn't hear because she was on the peloton but jumped off and called when she saw me. by then my daughter had snapped out of it and was crying but she stopped quickly and settled into my wife's arms while i spoke to the operator. fire dept came first and then the EMTs soon after. i initially thought she had a seizure but maybe she got knocked out. the EMTs checked her out and said they could transport but that they probably would only say to observe for 4 hours because she seemed ok. i slept in the bed with my girl and checked on her every 10 mins or so until the 4 hours passed. **** dudes...that scared the **** outta me. that's one of the things i was not emotionally prepared to deal with. i work in a drug rehab and see all kinda **** go down but man....when it's my baby girl, it's totally different. she woke up early when i was making breakfast and came out to hug me and say good morning. i put her back on the bed with her mama and she went back to sleep. she's gonna stay home today.
I’m Glad everything turned out ok fam. I dread the day my son gets himself into a similar situation.
I just started sleep training my 9 month old (I know, late to the game) via the Ferber method. We’re on night 3 and so far it’s been okay. I’m sure starting this late isn’t helping, but how has everyone dealt with sleep training? I need to get my son to nap in his crib as well as he’s always being rocked to sleep. I’m hoping to hear some of your experience about this topic.

We didn’t want to see our kids cry it out. We ended up just laying down with them and leaving when they go to sleep.

Eventually life happens and we get tired too and fall asleep with them. My son is now 8 and daughter 6 and they still like to sleep with us. I think it’s made us closer to our kids. The negative of it though is wife and I rarely share a bed. The kids and us trade every other night.

My wife tosses and turns like crazy all night. And the covers end up falling off the bed and untucked. I’m the complete opposite. I usually lay in one place and don’t move all night. When I wake the covers are in the same spot. In some ways I’ve enjoyed not having to sleep with that. I kind of dread doing that again honestly. Lol

My son has gone to sleep on his own as of late. If he’s tired enough of course and we are busy, “I’ll be right back.” kind of thing. In the middle of the night he will go to the restroom and find one of us so we can get in bed too.

The lack of laying in bed with the wife has taken a toll on our intimacy. It’s been hard to get that back with life in the way, stress, work for both of us and anxiety.

The trade off though has been being able to share a bit more moments with our kids. Feeling a bit more connected. When you come home, make dinner, help with homework, send them to bed you really don’t get to talk much to them or spend quality time with them. Sometimes laying at night before they go to bed they say some of the funniest things. Sometimes the cutest. I don’t care for when they fart in the middle of the night however. Lol

Every parent, family and kid is different. This has been my experience thus far using the sleep with them method.
ARK ARK Appreciate your insight. I understand your troubles with the lack of intimacy. I think we’re so focused on getting our son in a new routine, it’s just exhausted us out. Salute to you for bed sharing still. My wife was constantly being woken up every 1-2 hours for a comfort feed, so she was really going through it.

We’re about one week into sleep training and I’m glad to say he’s able to fall asleep pretty quickly after we put him into his crib. He still cries, but once we leave the room, he’s out. Our new problem is that he is waking 7-8 hours into his sleep around 3am and can’t soothe himself back to sleep and we’re stuck monitoring him. Not sure if he’s having separation anxiety at this age, or if he’s just awake by then.
I usually lay in one place and don’t move all night. When I wake the covers are in the same spot.
i'm chuckling because i'm the same way. i wasn't like that when i was younger but sleeping with a little baby on the bed has programmed me differently. i never used to sleep on my back but that's how i do now with my arms close to the side or folded on me like in a casket :lol:

my wife and i got to share the bed with only us when we bought my son his bed (took some time for him to fully embrace it) but not too long after, my daughter was born. the kids both have their own beds now but i sleep on my daughter's bed to get her used to sleeping on it. she goes back and forth from her bed with me to the big bed with her mom but usually settles on her bed with me. it's a small bed too so another reason why i sleep so straight and still (despite getting kicked in the face and the liver sometimes).

anyway, when we got my son his bed, we made it a big deal. went to this place called flexa and he chose the bed and the extras to look like a castle. we shopped for his sheets and blanket (paw patrol). my wife asked if we should pay the $100 or so to have them deliver and assemble the bed and i laughed and said hell naw. the day the bed came in, i had to load up all the boxes in the car and then haul them upstairs. then came the ordeal of assembling that **** with just hand tools (i don't own power tools). jeezus that **** was horrible. took me about 4 hours or so and i was busted up after i was finished PLUS the bed was kinda wobbly. fast forward to buying my daughter's bed and i told my wife to make sure she paid for delivery and assembly and she gave me that funny look lol. took the guy about 45 minutes plus he fixed my son's bed so i doesn't wobble anymore.
Ha loved the story stuntman mike stuntman mike

When my son was little I recall trying to get him to bed. Maybe it was my daughter. Anyway, I was laying down and said kid was sitting up and fell over right on my nose and I heard a crack. To this day my nose is uneven and the cartilage wobbles.

A few months ago I was laying down with my daughter and she turned over suddenly and her hand came out and smacked me in the left eye.

To this day I have those black floaters in my left eye when I look around. It’s very very annoying.
We didn’t want to see our kids cry it out. We ended up just laying down with them and leaving when they go to sleep.

Eventually life happens and we get tired too and fall asleep with them. My son is now 8 and daughter 6 and they still like to sleep with us. I think it’s made us closer to our kids. The negative of it though is wife and I rarely share a bed. The kids and us trade every other night.

My wife tosses and turns like crazy all night. And the covers end up falling off the bed and untucked. I’m the complete opposite. I usually lay in one place and don’t move all night. When I wake the covers are in the same spot. In some ways I’ve enjoyed not having to sleep with that. I kind of dread doing that again honestly. Lol

My son has gone to sleep on his own as of late. If he’s tired enough of course and we are busy, “I’ll be right back.” kind of thing. In the middle of the night he will go to the restroom and find one of us so we can get in bed too.

The lack of laying in bed with the wife has taken a toll on our intimacy. It’s been hard to get that back with life in the way, stress, work for both of us and anxiety.

The trade off though has been being able to share a bit more moments with our kids. Feeling a bit more connected. When you come home, make dinner, help with homework, send them to bed you really don’t get to talk much to them or spend quality time with them. Sometimes laying at night before they go to bed they say some of the funniest things. Sometimes the cutest. I don’t care for when they fart in the middle of the night however. Lol

Every parent, family and kid is different. This has been my experience thus far using the sleep with them method.
my wife wasn't able to do the cry it out method with our first so I spent a lot of time getting her to sleep

my wife was willing to try with our second and third and both did well with it

however, since October 31 of last year my son happened to get sick that day and ended up sleeping in our bed and hasn't fell asleep in another bed since

my wife tried getting a nice new bed, Paw Patrol blankets and sheets...he's not having it

and he wants to be her shadow almost all the time

it increased an already existing intimacy issue with him being there, on top of my wife's stress, depression, and anxiety

we have to sneak into his room in the morning before anyone wakes up and lay a blanket on the floor...or the shower which I don't like as much

unless it's too late, every night I lay with one of my two daughters and talk with them...they both would do it every night if they could which makes me wish I could clone myself 🤷‍♂️
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