OFFICIAL NOVEMBER 2011 WDYWT Vol. Its almost time for turkey dinner

I see everyone's bringin' out that [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HEAT [/color]for the start of this month!



great lace swap verse001.  those unforbes are really crisp. china lebrons are pretty wild too. 
damn too many nice fits..

Fred I see you..

Air fresh them joints looking good..

and Tru how you sleep on those bro?

nice low top air forces back there also..

ALDY sick fit also
Nice 12s Wicked...I had a pair back in high school/college that I beat into the ground...really regretting that decision right about now..
Slim... I'm jealous man. I slept on those black/volt 2011s at finishline for 99 and now I can't find em anywhere for less than retail.
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