When did ALL Kobes become must have snatch all inventory in 2 minutes shoes?  What is with this new found craze for all shoes Kobe?

On a bright note for myself, finally scored.  Eastbay, free shipping, no tax, and 5% cash back from ebates.  FINALLY it feels good to win.

Oh and it was BOT Free.
You know what, on 2nd thought.  Since it seems the world has decided to literally buy ANY shoe that comes out with the name Kobe anywhere in the name, it may be a good idea to preorder the SS from Kicks-crew sooner than later.  If you think there is even a chance you won't be able to pick up on release day that is.  Because it seems from here on out, people are confusing Kobes for Jordans and going bananas over them all.  =(.
They can have those venomenoms. Personally I would rather spend the extra $20 and get the 8 rather than a takedown version
They can have those venomenoms. Personally I would rather spend the extra $20 and get the 8 rather than a takedown version
HEY!, some of us can't even successfully order 8s or anything else online for that matter.  So don't rain on my parade, I like purple shoes, and I actually got an order to go through.  I'm WINNING
somebody said they think people just buy shoes now just in case they're flip worthy... i think he's kind of right   
I have a question for someone who knows, and really really would appreciate advice/help.  For some reason, I can refresh my twitter non stop but sometimes tweets from Nike and others come in at 8:01 at times, a whole minute late.  And at minimum, they always come in at say 10-20 seconds AFTER 8.  This is a huge problem, as I believe once that occurs, I have no chance just from that fact alone.  What can I do to correct this or do they really tweet it late like that?  Or is just me?  I'd really appreciate if someone can help me with this as I don't know what to do.
They don't send the tweet exactly at 8. There's usually a few seconds or even a minute delay. If you have Chrome, download the Tweetdeck app and there's no refreshing needed. Tweets appear immediately as they're posted.
This sneaker thing has become so ridiculous.

Reseller conventions, er... I mean "sneaker shows" are a joke.
Everyone has a "kicks," or "sole" "store."
These blogs are all recycling the same info.
Every release appreciates 100%, on release day.
People have turned social media sites, including YT, into ego meters.

Sad man...
To be honest, it was a quick snap a few pics get out the back situation. I didnt examine them much. The scales feel solid and are like all molded together as opposed to individual so they seem strong. Id have to say they should be able to kick a ball without breaking. They are kind of rounded as opposed to pointy. If they were pointy, I'd expect them to snap off easily. Can't comment on the shozuku comparison to the elites, sorry.
Yea I hear you.  You just got a quick preview of the shoes.  Thanks for the comment about the scales though.
Don't believe it is limited. I think if you make sure you try to grab as soon as it drops, you will get. Also Kicks Crew is $40-$50 over + $20? or so for shipping. But I'm not so sure Kicks Crew pricing dictates availability all that well since they are known for changing prices drastically on a moments notice. It would be within their normal business practices to raise that price by $100 or more any moment.
SMH, Kick-SCREW raised the price by $20 overnight.  Was thinking of pre-ordering for $210 next week, but I woke up this morning to find the price increased to $230.  
This is ridiculous that I can't even quote on mobile because the ads block the "quote and reply" action

Weezy, I mean I didn't mean to put you down if you wanted these. I just said I don't want them personally. If you want them, that's awesome because you're not following what's "hot". Cheers

Grizzly, you are 100% correct. Because worst comes to worst you can just return the shoes if there is no value to them. It's pretty much impossible to lose money on reselling nowadays if you know what you're doing
They don't send the tweet exactly at 8. There's usually a few seconds or even a minute delay. If you have Chrome, download the Tweetdeck app and there's no refreshing needed. Tweets appear immediately as they're posted.

Gotcha. I just needed to know that it wasnt just me that was receiving the tweets late, makes me feel better now. And thanks for tip about that app. Much appreciated.

Yea I hear you.  You just got a quick preview of the shoes.  Thanks for the comment about the scales though.

SMH, Kick-SCREW raised the price by $20 overnight.  Was thinking of pre-ordering for $210 next week, but I woke up this morning to find the price increased to $230.  :smh:

Yea, very quick, like only as long as those pics took to take quick.

And yep, I would not be surprised if they steadily raise the price the closer release date gets.
Doesn't work when I swipe. It literally takes me back to the previous page due to safaris new swipe features
Yeah I got my ss for 244 total. I know the price will raise and I spoke 2 my friend a HoH manager and he told me the ss will be FCFS
This is ridiculous that I can't even quote on mobile because the ads block the "quote and reply" action

Weezy, I mean I didn't mean to put you down if you wanted these. I just said I don't want them personally. If you want them, that's awesome because you're not following what's "hot". Cheers

Grizzly, you are 100% correct. Because worst comes to worst you can just return the shoes if there is no value to them. It's pretty much impossible to lose money on reselling nowadays if you know what you're doing

Haha, that ad blocking the button was getting on my nerves too. It took me awhile but touch it and slide it off screen in one motion. It goes away easily.

And I know, I was just playing around celebrating when in reality I missed the WTK and the Preludes, getting these don't feel like much of a win. But nowadays, I'm so desperate to even place an online order its like I gotta take what I can get. Its sad when the day comes that I have to celebrate getting a Venom release, but that is what the "shoe game" has come to for me, =(.

And you're right, there is no downside to grabbing any and all releases, no risk at all. Worst case if they don't sell, return for 100% of your money back. I hate to say it but it is an absolute dream from a business standpoint. Any product you can get basically on consignment and either make money or break even guaranteed is unheard of in business. And that fact alone makes me afraid this entire thing is only going to get much much worse.
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