I think value will rise on some of the colorways a significant amount. It just one of those things where it is hard to tell. I actually think that some of the id's will actually increase in price if people keep em DS. I could be completely wrong here but the id's would be pretty rare. To play devils advocate though some of the patterns this year were whack.
I completely disagree about IDs holding their value because there's little demand behind them. They're so individualized to whoever makes them that it pretty much just holds value for whoever made them in the first place and the few people here and there who might think they're nice. There's never going to be the same kind of demand for an ID as there would be for one of the limited colorways like the Fireworks, MCs, BHMs, etc. There have been IDs for the previous Kobe models too, but you never see anyone saying "I'm so excited about copping this other person's IDs!". IDs are definitely very limited, but the demand also has to be there. Only exception to this might be the winners of the different ID contests that they've done in the past, like the Kid Hollywood Vs, because more people know about them.

Because of how the "sneaker culture" is these days, it's pretty much just the hyped, limited colorways that hold their value or increase in value over time. Just about all of the GRs are going to hover around retail unless you're looking for something that's several years old, and even then you might still luck into a good price cuz not as many people are looking for them years later.
I completely disagree about IDs holding their value because there's little demand behind them. They're so individualized to whoever makes them that it pretty much just holds value for whoever made them in the first place and the few people here and there who might think they're nice. There's never going to be the same kind of demand for an ID as there would be for one of the limited colorways like the Fireworks, MCs, BHMs, etc. There have been IDs for the previous Kobe models too, but you never see anyone saying "I'm so excited about copping this other person's IDs!". IDs are definitely very limited, but the demand also has to be there. Only exception to this might be the winners of the different ID contests that they've done in the past, like the Kid Hollywood Vs, because more people know about them.

Because of how the "sneaker culture" is these days, it's pretty much just the hyped, limited colorways that hold their value or increase in value over time. Just about all of the GRs are going to hover around retail unless you're looking for something that's several years old, and even then you might still luck into a good price cuz not as many people are looking for them years later.
if the shoe gets hyped itll increase in value... if for example you were to take pics of a DS Kobe 5 ID now and say KOF or SC featured you on there IG or whatever youd have a good chance of selling them for more then you originally got em for just because of them posting it & hyping it up also not having something stupid on the ID would help too hahahaha but yea thats the only scenario where i c you possibly getting to sell an ID for more then what you paid other then the 1 stated by Wayne ^
not sure about ID value, only one I've ever seen actually listed for a crazy amount was the KD VI galaxy ID, dude had it listed on Ebay for like 300-400, but maybe I'm wrong, I could of sworn I saw that ID listed for a lot
thats just stupid though he wouldnt be able to sell it due to the KD VI currently being available to be IDed... if he sold it then he burned the buyer it would have to be an ID no longer available i think
thats just stupid though he wouldnt be able to sell it due to the KD VI currently being available to be IDed... if he sold it then he burned the buyer it would have to be an ID no longer available i think

yeah I know, it was crazy, idk if they sold, I just remember seeing the listing on ebay

but some people crazy as it is, they dont know about Nike ID, and some are just lazy, for instance on your plats pic on IG I saw a question asking you to make them the ID and send it to them lol
Took the fades to the beach yesterday


as i was starting to forget about the fades you just had to post this :smh:
I completely disagree about IDs holding their value because there's little demand behind them. They're so individualized to whoever makes them that it pretty much just holds value for whoever made them in the first place and the few people here and there who might think they're nice. There's never going to be the same kind of demand for an ID as there would be for one of the limited colorways like the Fireworks, MCs, BHMs, etc. There have been IDs for the previous Kobe models too, but you never see anyone saying "I'm so excited about copping this other person's IDs!". IDs are definitely very limited, but the demand also has to be there. Only exception to this might be the winners of the different ID contests that they've done in the past, like the Kid Hollywood Vs, because more people know about them.

Because of how the "sneaker culture" is these days, it's pretty much just the hyped, limited colorways that hold their value or increase in value over time. Just about all of the GRs are going to hover around retail unless you're looking for something that's several years old, and even then you might still luck into a good price cuz not as many people are lo oking for them years later.
You have valid points all around. I just feel that id's down the line will be unique and that there is a market out there for unique shoes. Now im not saying that the id's will pull in money like a rare shoe would. I do feel that there is money to be made off of id's. Some people may not like the rare shoe colorways. I wouldn't buy the sparks if they were gr but I may like a pair of id's. An example for me would be the kobe 7's. Ive seen plenty of id's that I would buy over most of the released cw. You are right about the state of the sneaker culture. This is just my thought process, not saying your wrong by any means.
Mr. Bryant says hello. Every pair of the 8's so far plus 2 iD's. Didn't go for the Lifestyles. I wasn't feeling them at all. These 8's need to stop already. Haha.
sir...what sick shoelaces are those for the easters? <3
You have valid points all around. I just feel that id's down the line will be unique and that there is a market out there for unique shoes. Now im not saying that the id's will pull in money like a rare shoe would. I do feel that there is money to be made off of id's. Some people may not like the rare shoe colorways. I wouldn't buy the sparks if they were gr but I may like a pair of id's. An example for me would be the kobe 7's. Ive seen plenty of id's that I would buy over most of the released cw. You are right about the state of the sneaker culture. This is just my thought process, not saying your wrong by any means.
I get you, but IDs to me are just valued in a different way compared to the usual limited/hyped shoes. Yes, the appeal of IDs is to design something that nobody else has, and you do get a one of a kind shoe for yourself. But they don't have the same "status" or hype behind them that the official QS releases have, which is honestly what appeals to a lot of people, especially the collector types that like having the rarest of the rare, people completing their collection, whatever it may be. Yes people like having something unique, but some of them also clearly value having something that others want too.

If it was truly all about the most unique shoes being the most valued, you'd probably see more people trying to buy and resell IDs online, which just hasn't been a thing so far. I rarely ever see people try to resell their IDs online because a lot of them are personalized designs, and most of the IDs get returned if the original buyer didn't like how they turned out. To try and resell an ID in the first place, you already have to pay $40-60 above the retail for the released colorways, which already limits a reseller's bottom line, and you also don't know for sure if whatever design you came up with will be popular enough to sell at a high price. It just gets to be more complicated than it's worth. We've already had NikeID as an option for a good number of years so far, and IDs haven't really been a factor so far in having their own secondary market. For someone to regularly buy other people's IDs, they'd have to be particularly hardcore about a sig model, and I just don't see enough people being fanatical enough to do that.

IDs are just a completely separate category of unique shoes to me from your usual QS, TZ, NRG, SP, HTM, PE, etc etc releases.
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I get you, but IDs to me are just valued in a different way compared to the usual limited/hyped shoes. Yes, the appeal of IDs is to design something that nobody else has, and you do get a one of a kind shoe for yourself. But they don't have the same "status" or hype behind them that the official QS releases have, which is honestly what appeals to a lot of people, especially the collector types that like having the rarest of the rare, people completing their collection, whatever it may be. Yes people like having something unique, but some of them also clearly value having something that others want too.

If it was truly all about the most unique shoes being the most valued, you'd probably see more people trying to buy and resell IDs online, which just hasn't been a thing so far. I rarely ever see people try to resell their IDs online because a lot of them are personalized designs, and most of the IDs get returned if the original buyer didn't like how they turned out. To try and resell an ID in the first place, you already have to pay $40-60 above the retail for the released colorways, which already limits a reseller's bottom line, and you also don't know for sure if whatever design you came up with will be popular enough to sell at a high price. It just gets to be more complicated than it's worth. We've already had NikeID as an option for a good number of years so far, and IDs haven't really been a factor so far in having their own secondary market. For someone to regularly buy other people's IDs, they'd have to be particularly hardcore about a sig model, and I just don't see enough people being fanatical enough to do that.
well the flaw to this is if i saw someone with an ID pair...i would go on to the website and try to ID it myself. Now it will depend on how much i really want it. For those who did the "chaos" colorway for the kobe 8, they may have some sort of "popularity/rarity" to it because that upper option is no longer available. However, your market is only for those specifically with the same shoe size as yours as well as the same taste as yours. Now it's a matter of how much is that buyer willing to pay to take those shoes off your hands. To me..i think it will always be slightly less than retail. It's just like the concept of buying a car...once it leaves the showroom...the value has already dropped. You may give it certain bells and whistles...but a buyer may not share the same perspective as the seller.

if i had a chance..i would definitely do a chaos ID and pay $40+ over retail for it. I just didnt appreciate it as much when the option was available. 
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