Whelp the worst Kobe VIII debate just got put to rest.  Mine Greys by a landslide. 

Pretty sure I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.  Nope...I'm sure of it.
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Hard to tell from those pictures but those mine greys look like a huge disappointment in my books. None of the upcoming releases interest me at all. Still holding out slight hope for a Lakers colorway.
So, pythons looked like constipated poop, and now the mine greys are constipated poop plus purple? What the **** is Nike thinking? It's so stupid that it's hilarious!!! LMFAO These make the Pythons look like the purple fades in terms of likability and attractiveness. Nike, give us a damn gold and purple Lakers color way already and not purple/mine grey or yellow/blue garbage.
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Whelp the worst Kobe VIII debate just got put to rest.  Mine Greys by a landslide. 

Pretty sure I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.  Nope...I'm sure of it.
I'm going to hold judgement til I see better pics. The lighting seems really bad. Not really sure how I feel about that red though.
well guys, if you remember, me and some others on here were pretty mad after Kicks-Crew cancelled our orders of the BHMs.  here is an update

 after K-C messaged me saying "We are sorry for the system error that the size US12 is running out of stock.
Would you mind to take the US11 to instead?
Sorry for any inconvenience."
i told them no, i cant wear 11, that i need a 12 and that i was upset because there was plenty in stock for a long time after i made my order that day.

they sent me this:
We are trying hard to get another pair for you.
Would you mind to give us 5 more days for finding?
Sorry for any inconvenience.

i then responded with:
thank you very much, that would be great if you could find them!

And then this morning i got this:
We have just received the news from our suppliers that the size US12 of Kobe 8 BHM will be arrived on Monday and your order would be shipped out on Tuesday.
Would you mind to wait for?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

i won't celebrate till that order ships, but kicks-crew may have came through for me!
They read here :lol: weren't you the one with that idea about not returning their shoes and then having the credit card company give you the money and you keep the shoes?
I'm interested...but I need to see actual production shots of the shoe. I can tell you right now if I did cop the mine greys, there would be an immediate lace swap.
They read here
weren't you the one with that idea about not returning their shoes and then having the credit card company give you the money and you keep the shoes?
haha no, that wasn't me.  i was just on here complaining about how my order got cancelled even though i made the order early that morning and size 12s were still in stock for hours after i ordered
Well im glad I pulled the trigger on the id. I got the needed pairs sulfers, fades, blk elites. Throw in the volts to mix it up a bit and I made my laker id. Imjust gonna try and get the Christmas 9s. I dont habe a kobe christmas shoe at all
^Don't think it's the pythons.  I think it's these below, peep the red heel cup:

Pic from Dion Waiters' twitter btw

Actually the mine greys are the shoes on the far right..with the red heel cup....aka "mine grey/purple/red/black"....those are them folks!...NOW THATS A BEAUTIFUL LAKER COLORWAY HUH?..LOL..SMH
^Don't think it's the pythons.  I think it's these below, peep the red heel cup:

Pic from Dion Waiters' twitter btw

Actually the mine greys are the shoes on the far right..with the red heel cup....aka "mine grey/purple/red/black"....those are them folks!...NOW THATS A BEAUTIFUL LAKER COLORWAY HUH?..LOL..SMH

I actually don't mind these but I still want the inlines!!
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